

Organized conferences


Attended conferences

  • C.I. Gheorghiu and ·D. Trif, The Numerical Approximation to Positive Solutions for Some Reaction-Diffusion Problems, GAMM 99, Univ. Metz, France.
  • C.I. Gheorghiu and D. Trif, On the Bifurcation and Variational Approximation of the Positive Solution of a Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Problem, 1999, Cluj-Napoca, Seminar on Fixed Point Theory and Applications.
  • C.I. Gheorghiu and D. Trif, The Numerical Approximation to Positive Solution for Some Reaction-Diffeesion Problems, The Third Joint Conference on Applied Mathematics, Visegrad June 1999, Ungaria.
  • C.I. Gheorghiu, Dynamical Systems and Numerical Analysis, Conferinta la Univ. Chulalongkom, Bangkok, .Thailanda, Sept. 1999 (conferinta).
  • A. Muresan, A Wavelet – Galerkin Method for a Singularly Perturbed Bilocal Problem. Conferinta prezentata la Scoala de Vara ·Marsilia (Franta) 31 mai – 12 iunie 1999.
  • C. Vamos, N. Suciu, H. Vereecken and H. Schwarze, Random Walkers Cellular Automata for Diffusion Processes, comunicare la conferinta GAMM, Metz, 12-16 Aprilie 1999.
  • M-C Anisiu, Bozis G., C. Blaga, Families of Orbits with Slope γ=γ(x) Produced by Conservative Systems, Third Romanian Workshop on Celestial Mechanics and Space Dynamics, 6-9 Mai 1999, Cluj-Napoca.
  • M-C Anisiu, Bozis G., Programmed Motion for a Class of .Families of Planar Orbits.
  • M-C Anisiu, Global Complexity for Infinite Sequences, Conference held in Honour of Prof. Elena Popoviciu, Cluj-Napoca, 15-16, Oct. 1999.


  • GAR 97/1999 cu Academia Romana, Legatura dintre caracterizarile ordinelor de convergenta ale modelelor folosite in practica pentru metodele Newton. Responsabil: E. Catinas Colaborator: I. Pavaloiu
  • GAR nr.4122/30.11.1998, cu ANSTI, Aproximarea solutiilor problemelor la limita pentru ecuatii diferentiale si cu derivate partiale prin functii spline si ondelete, Responsabil: C. Mustata, Colaborator: A. Muresan R. Mustata A. Miranville,
  • GAR 96/1999 cu Academia Romana. Problema inversa a dinamicii – miscare programata a dinamicii, Responsabil: M.C. Anisiu, Colaborator: Alina Curseu (Stefanut)
  • GAR 4122/1998; .. nr.1/08.09.1999 cu ANSTI, Tema: Metode numerice pentru studiul calitativ al unor sisteme dinamice neliniare. Responsabil: C.I. Gheorghiu, Colaborator: C. Vamos, N. Suciu

Other activities (editorial duties, etc.)

(to be completed)