Vasile Peteanu

Vasile Peteanu, expunere la Fabrica de Pielarie si Incaltaminte, 1966

Version of April 20, 2017.

Outstanding former member of the Institute, employed here between 1962-1969.

As Head of the Territorial Center for Electronic Computing Cluj (Centrul Teritorial de Calcul Electronic Cluj) for almost three decades (28 years) he had an important role in the developing of the computer science and practice, and forming computer specialists in this region. As declared by acad. M. Drăgănescu, “Vasile Peteanu should be regarded as one of the great computer pioneers of Romania”.

With acad. Tiberiu Popoviciu as main promoter, dr. Peteanu had an important contribution in the foundation of the first highscholl specialized in Computer Science (Liceul de Informatică din Cluj).

In 2010 he was awarded the Trophy and Medal “Senior of the City” (“Senior al Cetății”).

He is a member of the Cluj Team on Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory.

(to be completed)

Date and place of birth: March, 1937, Aiud, Alba county, Romania.

Nationality: Romanian

Civil status: married

Foreign languages: French, English

Scientific title: PhD in Mathematics

Studies and specializations

  • “Avram Iancu” Highschool from Aiud, graduated in 1954.
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Section of Mathematics, Victor Babeș University, graduated in 1959.
  • In 1961 he followed a specialization course of three months organized by the “Direcția Centrală de Statistică București” (Central Direction of Statistics Bucharest) in the field of processing the data provided by the mechanographic equipments.
  • In 1966 he followed a summer course organized by the Academy of Sciences of USSR at Kiev, together wit the Cybernetics Institute, lead by acad. Glușkov.
  • In 1970 he followed some courses for computer programming organized by the Government Comission, in collaboration with the firm Companie Internationale pour Informatique (CII).
  • In 1970 he earned the PhD title in Mathematics, scientific advisor acad. Tiberiu Popoviciu.
  • In the period October 1970 – October 1971 he obtained a scholarship ONUDI which allowed him to attend a specialization stage at the firm SEMA (METRA INTERNATIONAL) from Paris in the field of informatics, oriented toward the scientific foundations of decisions using modeling and optimization.

Positions held

– 1960 – May 1962: mathematician-economist at “Direcția regională de  statistică Hunedoara” (Regional direction for statistics Hunedoara”);

– May 1962 – May 1969: scientific researcher at Institutul de Calcul al Academiei R.S. România ICTP (Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy);

– May 1969 – September 1971: chief of division analysis-programming, then Principal Analyst 1 at Centrul Teritorial de Calcul Electronic Cluj (Territorial Center for Electronic Computing Cluj).

– September 1971-1999: head of Centrul Teritorial de Calcul Electronic Cluj.

– from 1999 – retired

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