About the Journal
The journal, abbreviated by Stud. Cerc. Mat. (Cluj) was edited by “Tiberiu Popoviciu” Institute of Numerical Analysis (Institutul de Calcul).
Its Editor-in-Chief was acad. T. Popoviciu.
It was published between 1957-1963. It is the successor of Studii și Cercetări de Matematică și Fizică, published in 1956 by the Cluj Branch of the Romanian Academy, in its turn, this is the successor of Studii și Cercetări Stiintifice (1950-1956) – to be completed soon.
The papers were written in Romanian, not only by some famous Romanian mathematicians (such as C. Foiaș –see here the paper) but even by some international personalities (such as S.M. Nikolski – see here the paper).
All the papers published in this journal are freely available on the journal website, in scanned pdf format, at the section archives.
The journal website is http://ictp.acad.ro/scm