\(L^p\)-approximation and generalized growth of generalized biaxially symmetric potentials on hyper sphere
Generalized order and type, hyper sphere, generalized biaxisymmetric polynomial approximation errors, fast and slow growth, Jacobi polynomial and Lp-normAbstract
The generalized order of growth and generalized type of an entire function \(F^{\alpha,\beta}\) (generalized biaxisymmetric potentials) have been obtained in terms of the sequence \(E_n^p(F^{\alpha,\beta},\Sigma_r^{\alpha,\beta})\) of best real biaxially symmetric harmonic polynomial approximation on open hyper sphere \(\Sigma_r^{\alpha,\beta}\). Moreover, the results of McCoy [8] have been extended for the cases of fast growth as well as slow growth.
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