Journal History

Journal title, ISSN, abbreviations:

  • 2015-present
    Full title: Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory
    AMS abbreviated titleJ. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory
    ISSN 2457-6794, ISSN-L 2457-6794, ISSN-E 2501-059X
  • 1992-2014
    Full title: Revue d'analyse numérique et de théorie de l'approximation
    AMS abbreviated titleRev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx.
    ISSN 1222-9024, ISSN-L 1222-9024, ISSN-E 2457-8126
  • 1975-1991
    Full title: Mathematica - Revue d'analyse numérique et de théorie de l'approximation. L’analyse numérique et la théorie de l'approximation
    AMS abbreviated title: Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx.
    ISSN 1010-3376, ISSN-L 1010-3376, ISSN-E 2457-8118
  • 1972-1974
    Full title: Revue d'analyse numérique et de la théorie de l'approximation
    AMS abbreviated title: Rev. Anal. Numér. Théorie Approximation
    ISSN 0301-9241, ISSN-L 0301-9241, ISSN-E 2457-810X


The journal has been founded by acad. Tiberiu Popoviciu in 1972, under the name Revue d'analyse numérique et de la théorie de l'approximation. Notice the sequence “et de la théorie”, which will change later into “et de théorie”. The journal was born at the Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, also founded by T. Popoviciu, in 1951 (today the Institute bears his name; in Romanian: Institutul de Calcul “Tiberiu Popoviciu” al Academiei Române – ICTP).

In 1972 T. Popoviciu founded another journal,  Revista de Analiză Numerică şi Teoria Aproximaţiei, with name and (different) papers published in Romanian, which had appeared for only three years (1972-1974; see below). The journal  can be identified by the AMS abbreviation Rev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei. Though the two journals had the same names but in two different languages (French, resp. Romanian), their content was not related one to another, as it can be easily seen from the journal website (the scanned papers are freely available). It is interesting to note that T. Popoviciu had published one paper only in the later journal (Asupra unor formule de medie, in Romanian; see also T. Popoviciu's website for notes on this paper).

Premises. The foundation of two journals was a natural step, since, after the coming of T. Popoviciu to Cluj, in 1946, he developed strong teams working in Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory, both at the Institute and at the “Babeş-Bolyai” University, where he taught. T. Popoviciu also developed a hardware section at the Institute; three original computers were built here from scratch between 1957-1968 (the first, MARICA in 1959, was a prototype, the second, DACICC-1, 1959-1963, was the first computer in our country containing transistors and having RAM memory based on ferrites, and the third, DACICC-200, 1966-1968, the first Romanian computer with OS and compiler, had the best characteristics in our country in the sixties). Romania was then among the eight countries making computers. By the beginning of seventies, the Institute attained its full development; each year it increased by joining the most talented of the graduates of the University, until it reached nearly 50 people. During 1957-1975, the Institute hosted six international conferences, with numerous and important participants from abroad (e.g., P. Erdős, I. Schoenberg, J. Dieudonne, etc.). See here more aspects and pictures from the history of ICTP.

In 1975, in “a momentary lapse of reason”, the communist president N. Ceaușescu dissolved all the three mathematical institutes of the Romanian Academy (at Bucharest, Iaşi and Cluj-Napoca). The reasons were obviously subjective, and were not connected to the outstanding activity and results obtained by the institutes.

Moreover, out of three mathematical journals edited at Cluj-Napoca under the auspices of the Romanian Academy (the two journals mentioned above, plus Mathematica) the communist regime allowed only one. Curiously enough, the request of the mathematicians that the journals Rev. Anal. Numér. Théorie Approximation and Mathematica to merge into a single one, with merged titles (but different subtitles, and with unchanged number of issues per year), was approved (sic!). In this way, the results in Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory continued to be published in the journal Mathematica - Revue d'analyse numérique et de théorie de l'approximation. L’analyse numérique et la théorie de l'approximation. The Editorial Board remained unchanged.

These tragic events caused the death of T. Popoviciu (as well as of acad. Miron Nicolescu, in Bucharest; acad. Mendel Haimovici from Iaşi had passed away two years before).

Starting from 1992, both “merged” journals took back their names. Our journal continued to appear with the name Revue d'analyse numérique et de théorie de l'approximation. Notice the sequence “et de théorie”, which was changed from “et de la théorie”  that appeared between 1972-1974.

A final change of title of this journal was made in 2015, when the title was translated in English: Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory. The whole content of the journal was digitized, and set up under the OJS system (thanks to M. Nechita, I. Boros and R. Iusan).

 The Editors-in-Chief have been, sequentially,

Since 2015, the Editors-in-Chief are prof. Octavian Agratini and dr. Emil Cătinaş.

The deputy Editors-in-Chief have been, sequentially,

We also present, alphabetically, the list of the former and present members of the Editorial Board:

 The secretaries of the Editorial Board: