Pointwise best coapproximation in the space of Bochner integrable functions





best coapproximation , Coproximinal, Banach space.
Abstract views: 229


Let \(X\) be a Banach space, \(G$\) be a closed subset of \(X\), and \((\Omega,\Sigma,\mu )\) be a \(\sigma\)-finite measure space. In this paper we present some results on coproximinality (pointwise coproximinality) of \(L^{p}(\mu,G)\), \(1\leq p\leq \infty\), in \(L^{p}(\mu,X\).


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How to Cite

Abu-Sirhan, E. (2020). Pointwise best coapproximation in the space of Bochner integrable functions. J. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory, 49(2), 95–99. https://doi.org/10.33993/jnaat492-1206


