A note on the unique solvability condition for generalized absolute value matrix equation


  • Shubham Kumar Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing- PDPM, Jabalpur, India
  • Deepmala Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing- PDPM, Jabalpur, India




Generalized absolute value matrix equation, unique solution, singular value, spectral radius
Abstract views: 453


The spectral radius condition
\[\rho (\vert A^{-1} \vert\cdot \vert B \vert)<1\]
for the unique solvability of generalized absolute value matrix equation (GAVME)
\[AX + B \vert X \vert = D\]
is provided. For some instances, our condition is superior to the earlier published singular values conditions \(\sigma_{\max}(\vert B \vert)<\sigma_{\min}(A)\) [M. Dehghan, 2020] and \(\sigma_{\max}(B)<\sigma_{\min}(A)\) [Kai Xie, 2021]. For the validity of our condition, we also provided an example.


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How to Cite

Kumar, S., & Deepmala. (2022). A note on the unique solvability condition for generalized absolute value matrix equation. J. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory, 51(1), 83-87. https://doi.org/10.33993/jnaat511-1263

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