Return to Article Details A Stancu type extension of the Cheney-Sharma Chlodovsky operators

A Stancu type extension of the Cheney-Sharma Chlodovsky operators

Eduard Ştefan Grigoriciuc1,2
(Date: February 29, 2024; accepted: June 17, 2024; published online: July 3, 2024.)

In this paper we introduce a Stancu type extension of the Cheney-Sharma Chlodovsky operators based on the ideas presented by Cătinaş and Buda, Bostanci and Başcanbaz-Tunca, respectively Söylemez and Taşdelen. For this new operators we study some approximation and convexity properties and the preservation of the Lipschitz constant and order. Finally, we study approximation properties of the new operators with the help of Korovkin type theorems.

Key words and phrases:
Cheney-Sharma operator, Stancu operator, Bernstein-Chlodovsky polynomials, Korovkin theorem
2005 Mathematics Subject Classification:
41A35, 41A36, 47A58
1Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, 1 M. Kogălniceanu Street, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail:
2Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, P.O. Box 68-1, 400110 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail:

1. Introduction

In 1932, I. Chlodovsky (see [10] and [13]) introduced the classical Bernstein-Chlodovsky polynomials as a generalization of Bernstein polynomials on unbounded set. For every n, fC[0,) continuous and x[0,) the polynomials Cn are defined by

(1) Cn(f;x)={k=0nf(knλn)(nk)(xλn)k(1xλn)nk,0xλnf(x),x>λn,

where (λn)n is a sequence of positive real numbers such that limnλn= and limn(λn/n)=0. This type of polynomials was recently used by Söylemez and Taşdelen in [14] and [15] in the study of Cheney-Sharma Chlodovsky operators.

Remark 1.

Let u,v,β. Then the Abel-Jensen equalities (see [1], [6] or [14]) are given by the following formulae:

(2) (u+v+mβ)m=k=0m(mk)u(u+kβ)k1[v+(mk)β]mk


(3) (u+v)(u+v+mβ)m1=k=0m(mk)u(u+kβ)k1v[v+(mk)β]mk1

for m,n.

Based on the equalities presented above, Cheney and Sharma (see [9] and [15]) introduced the following Bernstein type operators for every n, fC[0,1] continuous and x[0,1]:

Definition 2.

Let fC[0,1], x[0,1], n and β0. Then

  • the operator Pnβ is defined by

    (4) (Pnβf)(x)=k=0npn,kβ(x)f(kn),




  • the operator Qnβ is defined by

    (5) (Qnβf)(x)=k=0nqn,kβ(x)f(kn),



These two operators generalized the well-known Bernstein operator, given by


where pn,k(x)=(nk)xk(1x)nk.

Remark 3.

It is important to mention that, more recent, the operators Pnβ and Qnβ were also studied on different domains in higher dimensions. In [4] and [5] the authors present some extension of the Cheney-Sharma type operators on a triangle with straight sides, respectively with one curved side. Other properties on such domains are studied in [7] and [8] in terms of iterates of multivariate Cheney-Sharma type operators.

Taking into account the operators defined by Cheney and Sharma and also the idea introduced by Stancu in [16], Cătinaş and Buda defined in [6] the Stancu type extension of the Cheney-Sharma operator of the first kind Pn,r by

(6) (LPn,rβf)(x)=k=0nrpnr,kβ(x)[(1x)f(kn)+xf(k+rn)],

where pnr,kβ is taken as in formula (4). On the other hand, Bostanci and Başcanbaz-Tunca considered in [3] a Stancu type extension of the Cheney-Sharma operator (of the second kind) Qn,r, given by

(7) (LQn,rβf)(x)=k=0nrqnr,kβ(x)[(1x)f(kn)+xf(k+rn)],

where qnr,kβ is defined by (5). Hence, we have a extension of both operators defined by Cheney and Sharma. It is important to mention that these two operators are generalizations of the Stancu operator (see [16]) given by


where bnr,k(x)=(nrk)xk(1x)nrk. Indeed, if β=0, then LPn,r0=LQn,r0=Sn,r, since pnr,k0=qnr,k0=bnr,k. On the other hand, if r=0, then the operators LPn,rβ and LPn,rβ reduces to the classical Cheney-Sharma operators Pnβ, respectively Qnβ defined above. For more details, one may consult also [3], [6], [9], [15], [16] and [17].

2. The Stancu type extension of the Cheney-Sharma Chlodovsky operators

In the second section of our paper we combine the ideas presented by Bostanci and Başcanbaz-Tunca in [3], respectively by Cătinaş and Buda in [6], with the results presented by Söylemez and Taşdelen in [15]. Hence, we construct a Stancu type extension of the Cheney-Sharma Chlodovsky operators and study its properties.

Definition 4.

Let n,k,r be such that n>2r and let β>0 be a real number. Also, let (λn) be a positive sequence such that limnλn= and limn(λn/n)=0. For every x[0,λn] we define

  • the Stancu type extension of the first Cheney-Sharma Chlodovsky operator, given by the formula

    (8) 𝒫n,r(f;x)=k=0nrpnr,k(x)[(1xλn)f(knλn)+xλnf(k+rnλn)],




  • the Stancu type extension of the second Cheney-Sharma Chlodovsky operator, given by the formula

    (9) 𝒬n,r(f;x)=k=0nrqnr,k(x)[(1xλn)f(knλn)+xλnf(k+rnλn)],


Remark 5.

It is not difficult to observe that

  1. (1)

    if r=0, then the operator 𝒬n,r given by formula (9) reduces to the Cheney-Sharma Chlodovsky operator Gn defined by Söylemez and Taşdelen in [15], as follows

    (10) Gn(f;x)=k=0nqn,k(x)f(knλn),

    for 0xλn and f(x) for x>λn (see formula (1.5) in [15]), where (λn) is a positive sequence such that limnλn= and limn(λn/n)=0;

  2. (2)

    on the other hand, for the particular case λn=1, we obtain the operators LPn,rβ, respectively LQn,rβ, considered by Cătinaş and Buda in [6], respectively by Bostanci and Başcanbaz-Tunca in [3];

  3. (3)

    finally, if r=0 and λn=1, then the operators 𝒫n,r and 𝒬n,r reduce to the Cheney-Sharma operators Pnβ and Qnβ defined by Cheney and Sharma in [9] (see also formulas (4) and (5) in the first section).

Notice that all the operators presented above are generalizations of the Bernstein operator Bn from Definition 2. Moreover, some of them are Stancu type extensions of the operator Bn (see [17]).

Related to the operator Gn presented in formula (10) we have the following expressions of the moments of Gn (cf. [15, Lemma 2.3]):

Lemma 6 ([15, Lemma 2.3]).

For every x[0,λn] and for the operator given by relation (10), we have that



Gn(e2;x) x(x+2λnβ)(1+nβ)+xλnn(nβ)2(1+nβ)

It is important to observe that following the ideas presented in the proof of [15, Lemma 2.3], we can prove a similar result for the operator 𝒬n,r.

2.1. Properties of the operator 𝒬n,r

Taking into account the previous result (proved by Söylemez and Taşdelen in [15]) we can obtain similar properties for the Stancu type extension of the Cheney-Sharma Chlodovsky operator 𝒬n,r as can be seen in the following two results. Notice that in the proofs of our results we follow arguments similar to those for Lemma 2.3. in [15].

Proposition 7.

For every x[0,λn] and n,r with n>2r we have

  1. (1)


  2. (2)



Let x[0,λn] and n,r be such that n>2r. Next, we give a complete proof of this result (for an arbitrary r) following the ideas presented by Söylemez and Taşdelen in [15].

  1. (1)

    Taking into account that e0(x)=1 for all x0, we have that

    𝒬n,r(e0;x) =k=0nrqnr,k(x)(1xλn+xλn)

    If we denote by u=xλn, v=1xλn and m=nr, then

    𝒬n,r(e0;x) =[1+mβ]1mk=0m(mk)u(u+kβ)k1v[v+(mk)β]mk1

    in view of equality (3). Hence,

    (11) 𝒬n,r(e0;x)=1.
  2. (2)

    Next, let us consider e1(x)=x for all x0. Then

    𝒬n,r(e1;x) =k=0nrqnr,k(x)[(1xλn)knλn+xλnk+rnλn]

    in view of relation (11). Let us denote by





    A(x) =nrnk=0nrknrλnqnr,k(x)

    If we replace k by k+1, then we can write

    A(x) =[1+(nr)β]1n+r(nr)λnnk=0nr1(nr1k)xλn

    and then

    A(x) =[1+(nr)β]1n+rλnk=0nr1xλn(nr1k)(xλn+β+kβ)k1

    If, in relations (2) and (3), we consider u=xλn+β, v=1xλn and m=nr1, then

    (1+β)[1+(nr)β]nr2 =x+βλnλnk=0nr1(nr1k)(xλn+β+kβ)k1


    [1+(nr)β]nr1 =x+βλnλnk=0nr1(nr1k)(xλn+β+kβ)k1

    Finally, A(x) reduces to


    and we obtain that

    𝒬n,r(e1;x) =A(x)+rnx
    (12) =x,

    as desired.

Remark 8.

It is clear that if we consider r=0 in the previous result, then Proposition 7 reduces to Lemma 2.3. from [15].

Lemma 9.

For every x[0,λn] and n,r with n>2r we have

(13) 𝒬n,r(e2;x)

From Definition 4 and Lemma 6 we know that


Simple computations lead to


and this completes the proof. ∎

Proposition 10.

For every fC[0,λn], we have that

(14) 𝒬n,rff,

where is the uniform norm on the space C[0,λn].


Taking into account the expression of the operator 𝒬n,r given by formula (9) and Proposition 7, we obtain that

|𝒬n,r(f;x)| =|k=0nrqnr,k(x)[(1xλn)f(knλn)+xλnf(k+rnλn)]|

and this completes the proof. ∎

Based on the proofs of the results presented in [3, Theorem 3.2] and [14, Theorem 2], we can prove the following result that provides the property of the preservation of Lipschitz constant and order of a Lipschitz continuous function by each operator 𝒬n,r. Hence, let us denote by


where A[0,), M>0 is a positive constant and 0<α1.

Theorem 11.

If fLipM(α,[0,λn]), then 𝒬n,r(f;x)LipM(α,[0,λn]).


Without loss of generality, let us consider x,y[0,λn] be such that yx. Following similar ideas to those presented in the proofs of [3, Theorem 3.2] and [14, Theorem 2], we deduce that

𝒬n,r(f;y) =k=0nrqnr,k(y)[(1yλn)f(knλn)+yλnf(k+rnλn)]

according to relations (3) and (9). Next, let us change the order of the summation and letting mk=j in the previous relation. Then

𝒬n,r(f;y) =1[1+(nr)β]nr1k=0nrj=0nrk(nr)!(nrkj)!k!j!xλn

If we consider u=yx, v=1y and m=nrk in formula (3), then we can obtain the expression of 𝒬n,r(f;x) as follows


Finally, we deduce that


Taking into account the hypothesis that fLipM(α) and the assumption that yx, we obtain the inequality


that leads to


Using relation (3) after a suitable changing of the order of the summation and considering the Hölder inequality with p=1α and q=11α, we obtain the estimates


according also to Proposition 7. Hence,


and this completes the proof. ∎

Another important property that can be studied for the operator 𝒬n,r is related to convexity. Based on the ideas presented in [2, Theorem 3] and [14, Theorem 3], we obtain the following result:

Proposition 12.

If f is convex on [0,λn], then 𝒬n,r(f;x)f(x), for all x[0,λn].


Based on relation (9) we have that


where the coefficients qnr,k have the property that


by Proposition 7. If we denote by t=xλn and uk=knλn, then

𝒬n,r(f;x) =k=0nrqnr,k(x)[(1t)f(uk)+tf(uk+r)]

According to Proposition 7 we know that


and then


and this completes the proof. ∎

Remark 13.

In particular, if r=0, then Proposition 12 reduces to [14, Theorem 3] proved by Söylemez and Taşdelen.

2.2. Korovkin type theorems for the operator 𝒬n,r

Following the ideas presented by Söylemez and Taşdelen in [15], we consider the following families of functions:


where M(f)>0 is a constant that depends on f and ρ(x)=1+x2,

Cρ[0,)={fBρ[0,):f is continuous on [0,)}



where k(f) is a constant that depends on f. Also from [15] we know that Bρ[0,) is a normed linear space with the norm fρ=sup{|f(x)|ρ(x):x0}.

In order to prove an approximation result for the operator 𝒬n,r, we recall two important results related to the weighted Korovkin type theorem (see [15, Lemma 2.1] and [15, Theorem 2.2]; cf. [11] and [12]).

Lemma 14 ([15, Lemma 2.1]).

Let n1. Then a family of positive linear operators (Fn) act from Cρ[0,) to Bρ[0,) if and only if


holds for x[0,) and Kn>0 a positive constant.

Theorem 15 ([15, Theorem 2.2]).

Let (Fn)n1 be a family of linear operators acting from Cρ[0,) to Bρ[0,) such that


for every j=0,1,2. Then for any function fCρk[0,) we have that


where ρ(x)=1+x2, for all x[0,).

Hence, according to the Korovkin type theorems presented above, we can prove the following approximation results for the operator 𝒬n,r:

Theorem 16.

Let n,r be such that n>2r and (λn), (βn) be two sequences of positive numbers with the property that limnλn=, limn(λn/n)=0 and limn(nβn)=0. Then for each fCρk[0,) we have that

(15) limn𝒬n,rffρ=0,

where ρ(x)=1+x2 for all x[0,).


In view of relations (9), (11) and (13) we obtain that


and then

|𝒬n,r(ρ;x)| (1+x2)Kn,r,



is a positive constant. Then, according to Lemma 14 we deduce that (𝒬n,r) is a family of linear operators between the spaces Cρ[0,) and Bρ[0,). Moreover, following the arguments presented in Proposition 7 and Lemma 9 we have that


Hence, based on Theorem 15 we obtain that


for all fCρk[0,) and this completes the proof. ∎

Theorem 17.

For any function fC[0,)E, we have that


uniformly on each compact subset of [0,), where

E={f:[0,):f(x)1+x2 is convergent as x}

and 𝒬n,r is given by (9).


Using Korovkin-type theorem (see, for example [1], [11] and [12]), it is sufficient to prove that the operators 𝒬n,r verify the conditions


for j=0,1,2 uniformly on each compact subset of [0,). According to Proposition 7 and Lemma 9 we deduce that the above conditions are satisfied and this completes the proof. ∎

Remark 18.

Finally, it is important to mention that similar results can be obtained also for the operator 𝒫n,r defined by (8). Such extensions will generalize the results proved by Cătinaş and Buda in [6].


The author would like to express his gratitude to Teodora Cătinaş for her advice and very useful suggestions during the preparation of this paper. The author thanks the referee(s) for carefully reading the manuscript and providing helpful suggestions.
