Return to Article Details Preserving properties of some Szasz-Mirakyan type operators

Preserving properties
of some Szász-Mirakyan type operators

Jorge Bustamante1
(Date: March 16, 2024; accepted: April 18, 2024; published online: July 11, 2024.)

For a family of Szász-Mirakyan type operators we prove that they preserve convex-type functions and that a monotonicity property verified by Cheney and Sharma in the case Szász-Mirakyan operators holds for the variation study here. We also verify that several modulus of continuity are preserved.

Key words and phrases:
Szász-Mirakyan type operators, positive linear operators, shape preserving properties
2005 Mathematics Subject Classification:
41A36, 41A99
1Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Facultad de Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas, Avenida San Claudio y 18 Sur, Colonia San Manuel, Edificio FM1-101B, Ciudad Universitaria, C.P. 72570, Puebla, México. e-mail:

1. Introduction

Throughout the work is the set of all positive integers, 0={0}, and n is the family of all algebraic polynomials of degree non greater than n. Moreover, for each j0, we use the notations


and I=[0,). Let C(I) the family of all continuous functions f:I.

The Szász-Mirakyan operators are defined by (see [6] and the references therein)


It is known that Sn(e0,x)=1 and Sn(e1,x)=x (see [6]).

For a fixed real p0 and n, Schurer defined ([27] and [28])

(1) Sn,p(f,x)=e(n+p)xk=0(n+p)kk!f(kn)xk,xI.

Some studies concerning these operators were given by Sikkema in [29] and [30] (see also [26]).

It is known that (see [26, p. 82]), for each x0 and n, Sn,p(e0,x)=1 and


Hence one has Sn,p(e1,x)=x only when p=0.

In this work we study properties of a modification Mn,p of Schurer operators satisfying Mn,p(e0,x)=1 and Mn,p(e1,x)=x.

Let {β(n)} be an strictly increasing sequence of positive real numbers such that limnβ(n)=. For p0, n, x0, and a function fC(I) consider the operator

(2) Mn,p(f,x)=e(β(n)+p)xk=0(β(n)+p)kk!f(kβ(n)+p)xk,

whenever the series converges absolutely. Let (I) be the family of all functions fC(I) such that, for each n, the series Mn,p(f) converges absolutely.

Notice that Mn,p can be considered a more natural extension of Szász-Mirakyan operators. This modification appeared in [8] and [9]. In [8] they were studied in spaces defined by the weight ϱm(x)=1/(1+x)m, with m and in [9] some weighted space of bounded functions were considered.

There is a long list of papers devoted to study properties of Szász-Mirakyan operators. Here we recall some of them: [2], [4], [5], [6], [11], [18], [21], [22], [23], [33], [34], [35], [36], and [37]. It is worth asking when the results presented in the cited articles can be extended to the case Mn,p operators.

For a fixed p0, n, and x0 we use the notations

(3) gn,p(x)=e(β(n)+p)xandan,p=β(n)+p.

For r0, Cr(I) is the family of all fC(I) such that

(4) fr=supxIf(x)(1+x)r<.

For r0, let Cr,(I) be the class of all functions fCr(I) such that f(x)/(1+x)r has a finite limit as x.

In Section 2 we present some general properties of operators Mn,p. In Section 3 we show that some known properties related with monotone and convex functions and Szász-Mirakyan operators also holds for the operators Mn,p. In Section 4 we prove that several modulus of continuity are preserved (up to a constant) by the operators Mn,p.

2. Some basic properties

Since the series

(5) k=0an,pkk!xk=e(β(n)+p)x=gn,p(x),

converges uniformly on each interval [0,a], a>0, it can be differentiated term by term. For i, we will use several times the equations

(6) gn,p(i)(x)=k=ian,pk(ki)!xki=k=0an,pk+ik!xk=an,pign,p(x).
Theorem 1.

If i0 and

(7) Pi+1(x)=x(x1an,p)(xian,p),x0,


(8) Mn,p(Pi+1,x)=xi+1.

In particular, for each n and i0, ei[0,) and Mn,p(ei,x)i.

Proof. Notice that Pi+1(x)i+1 and, for k0,


In particular Pi+1(k/an,p))=0 for 0ki. Therefore, for each fixed x>0,

an,pi+1gn,p(x)Mn,p(Pi+1,x) =k=i+1an,pkxk(ki1)!=xi+1k=i+1an,pkxki1(ki1)!

where we use (6). Therefore Mn,p(Pi+1,x)=xi+1i+1, for each i0.

Since, for i0, xi can be written as a linear combination of the polynomials P1,,Pi, we know that ei[0,) and Mn,p(ei,x)i. For i=0 it is a simple assertion because Mn,p(e0,x)=1.

For the case of Szász-Mirakyan operators the last assertion in Theorem 1 was verified by Becker in [6, Lemma 3].

Proposition 2.

If r, there exists a constant C(r)1 such that, for every real a>0,


Proof. From Theorem 1 we know that, for each i, there is an algebraic polynomial Pin, say Pi(x)=k=0ibi,kxk, such that


If 0x1, then


If 1x, then


Therefore 0Mn,p(ei,x)Ci(1+x)i, where the constant Ci depends only on i.

If a>0,

Mn,p((a+e1)r,s) =j=0r(rj)arjMn,p(ej,s)

Theorem 3 was proved in [9] when β(n)=n, but it can be easily extended to the case of a general β(n).

Theorem 3.

The operators Mn,p has the following properties:

(i) Mn,p:(I)C1(I).

(ii) Mn,p(e0,x)=1

(iii) For every n,m, f(I) and x>0,

(9) 1an,pmMn,p(m)(f,x)=Mn,p(Δ1/an,pmf(t),x),

where Δhkg(u) stands the usual k-th forward difference of the function g at u with step h.

The following result can be proved as Theorem 1 in [31] (it is a consequence of the Korovkin theorem).

Theorem 4.

If f(I) and a>0 then Mn,p(f,x) converges uniformly to f(x) on [0,a].

3. Monotonicity and convex functions

For k, a function g:I is said to be k-convex, if Δhkg(u)0 for each h>0. In particular, 2-convexity agrees with the usual notion of convex functions.

For each k, Szász-Mirakyan operators preserve k-convexity [25]. That is, if Δhkg(u)0 and Sn(g,x) is well defined, then ΔhkSn(g,u)0. If follows from (9) that the operators Mn,p share this property Szász-Mirakyan operators. But the assertion must be presented in a more convenient form. Let us explain why we need that. In [39, Th. 1], Zhen proved that, if f(x)>0, then Sn(f,x)>0, and if f′′(x)>0, then Sn′′(f,x)>0. Theorem 5 shows that these types of results are trivial.

Theorem 5.

(i) If f(I) increases, then Mn,p(f,x)0.

(ii) If f(I) is convex, then Mn,p′′(f,x)0.

Proof. It follows directly from (9).

Cheney and Sharma proved in [10] that, if f is convex, for each x and every n, Sn+1(f,x)Sn(f,x). Horová [15] obtained a converse theorem. In Theorem 6 we verify that a similar result holds for the operators Mn,p. A converse result can also be proved (see [15] and [19]). But we do not want to consider that problem here.

Theorem 6.

(i) If f(I) is convex then, for each x0 and n,


(ii) If f(I) is concave then, for each x0 and n,


Proof. Assume f is convex. If we set




That is



cn,kan+1,pkk!r=0kran,p1r!bn,pr(kr)! =kan+1,pkcn,k(β(n+1)β(n))r=1k(k1r)bn,pr1

This proves that k/an+1,p is a convex combination of the points {r/an,p: 0rk}.

If f is convex, then


By the Cauchy multiplication rule for product of series,

e(β(n+1)β(n))xk=0an,pkk!f(kan,p)xk =k=0{m+r=k((β(n+1)β(n))x)mm!an,prr!f(ran,p)xr}



This proves that Mn,p(f,x)Mn+1,p(f,x). From Theorem 4 we know that Mn,p(f,x)f(x) as n (pointwise convergence). Thus Mn+1,p(f,x)f(x).

The concave functions follows by changing f by f.

Fix n and let fCr(I) be a non-negative function (see (4)).

For a non-negative function fCr(I), in [38], Zhao proved that if f(x)/x is non-increasing on (0,), then for each n1, Sn(f,x)/x is non-increasing. A similar result can be proved for the operators Mn,p by modifying the arguments of Zhao. Since the work [38] is not well known, we include the complete proof. Notice that the condition fCr(I) (assumed by Zhao) will be replaced by the more general f(I).

Theorem 7.

Let f(I) be a non-negative function. If f(x)/x is non-increasing on (0,), then for each n, Mn,p(f,x)/x is non-increasing.

Proof. We will prove that (d/dx)(Mn,p(f,x)/x)0. We use the notations in (3).





we should consider the derivative of the previous series. Note that


The result is proved.

4. Preservation of modulus of continuity

Definition 8.

A function ω:I+ is called a modulus of continuity if ω(0)=0, limt0ω(t)=0, ω is non-negative and non-decreasing in I and ω(t) is continuous in +.

Definition 9.

A function ω:I+ is called subadditive if for any s,t0


If a subadditive function ω:I+ is continuous at zero and ω(0)=0, then it is continuous. If ω is subadditive, then ω(2t)2ω(t) and it follows from standard arguments that, if t,λ>0, then

(10) ω(λt)(1+λ)ω(f,t).

It is known that (see [12, p. 43]), for any modulus of continuity ω on I, there exists a concave modulus of continuity (the least concave majorant) ω~ such that

(11) ω(t)ω~(t)2ω(t).

For Szász-Mirakyan operators preservation of the usual modulus of continuity has been considered in [32], [16] and [4]. For instance, if ω(t) is a concave modulus of continuity and


it is asserted in [16] that fΛ(ω,A) if and only if Sn(f)Λ(ω,A), for each each n. On the other hand, in [4] the authors considered functions f such that 0<ω(f,1)<, where ω(f,t) is the usual modulus of continuity. Of course the condition 0<ω(f,1) holds whenever f is not a constant function.

Of course, since the usual modulus of continuity is not well defined for all fC(I), such a result must be handled with care. In fact in [14] Hermann presented a negative result. Let


Notice that for any fC0 the usual modulus of continuity is well defined, but the conditions fC0 and δ0 does not necessarily imply ω(f,δ)0.

Set C0={fC0:ω(f,t)>0}. In [14] Hermann proved that


In this section we prove some results related with preservation of some modulus of continuity by the operators Mn,p.

Although Theorem 3 is sufficient to prove the preservation of convexity of different order by the operators Mn,p, we need other kind of representations for studying modulus of continuity.

The ideas for the proof of Proposition 10 have been used for different authors in the case of Szász-Mirakyan operators (see [32] and [16]).

Proposition 10.

If f(I), n, xI and s>0, then


Proof. Notice that


On the other hand,


It follows from the equation given above the announced result.

Let UCb(I) the class of all bounded uniformly continuous functions f:I. For fUCb(I) and t0, define

(12) ω(f,t)=sup0htsupx0f(x+h)f(x).

It can be proved that ω(f,t) is subadditive modulus of continuity in the sense of Definition 8.

Theorem 11.

If fUCb(I), n, and s>0, then Mn,p(f,x) is uniformly continuous and


Proof. Let ω~(f,t) be the least concave majorant of ω(f,t).

If fUCb(I), then f(I). From Proposition 10 one has


Since ω~(f,t) is a concave function, it follows from Theorem 6 that


In particular if ε>0, ω(f,s)ε/2, 0y<x, xys and we set x=y+t


This proves that Mn,p(f) is uniformly continuous.

For fUCb(I), 0<α1, and t>0 define

θα(f,t)=sup0<stsupxI, 0<hsf(x+h)f(x)hα,

θα(f,0)=0, and


For 0<α1, let us set Lipα(I) for the family of all fUCb(I) such that


For 0<α<1, we also we consider the subspace

(13) lipα(I)={fLipα(I):limt0θα(f,t)=0}.

This type of spaces appears when we study the approximation in Hölder type norms (see [7]).

We will analyze the problem of the preservation of the constants Kα(f) and the class lipα(I) by the operators Mn,p.

For an analogous of Theorem 12 for Szász-Mirakyan operators see [16] and [13].

Theorem 12.

(i) If 0<α1 and fLipα(I), then Mn,p(f)Lipα(I), and

(14) Kα(Mn,p(f))Kα(f),

for each n.

(ii) If 0<α1, f(I), Mn,p(f)Lipα(I), for each n, and


then fLipα(I).

Proof. (i) Set g(x)=xα. Since the function g(x) is concave function and Mn,p(g,x)g(x) (Theorem 4) and it follows Theorem 6 that Mn,p(g,x)g(x).

For any k0 and i,


From Proposition 10 we know that, for xI and h>0,


(ii) From Theorem 4 we know that, for each fixed xI, Mn,p(f,x)f(x), as n.

For x0, h>0 fixed, and each n, one has

f(x+h)f(x) f(x+h)Mn,p(f,x+h)

The result follows by taking n.

For the preservation of the class lipα(I) we need some previous results.

Proposition 13.

For 0<α<1 and each flipα(I),


where ω(f,t) is defined by (12).

Proof. By definition, if fUCb(I), then ω(f,s) is well defined. It is clear that

supxI, 0<hsf(x+h)f(x)hαsup0<hsω(f,h)hα.

On the other hand, given ε>0, for any 0<hs, there exists xhI such that



ω(f,h)hαε+f(xh+h)f(xh)hαε+supxI, 0<hsf(x+h)f(x)hα.
Proposition 14.

If 0<α<1, for each flipα(I), the functional θα(f,t) is a subadditive modulus of continuity.

Proof. (a) By definition θα(f,0)=0 and θα(f,t)0 as t0. Moreover it is clear that θα(f,t) is non-negative and non-decreasing in I

(b) Let us verify that θα(f,t) is subadditive. Assume 0<vt and fix any s and h such that 0<sv+t and 0<hs.

If xI and ht it is clear that

f(x+h)f(x)hαsup0<utsupyI, 0<wuf(y+w)f(y)wα=θα(f,t).

We still have to consider the case vt<h. Since t<h and 0<ht<h, one has

f(x+h)f(x)hα f(x+ht+t)f(x+ht)tα+f(x+ht)f(x)(ht)α

because θα(f,t) increases and htstv. Therefore


(c) Taking into account that θα(f,0)=0 and θ(f,t) is subadditive, it is a continuous function.

Theorem 15.

If 0<α<1, flipα(I), n, and t>0, then


Proof. If 0<st, taking into account Theorem 11, one has


This is sufficient to prove the result.

For each r0, fCr(I) (see (4)), and t0, define


We will use this modulus only in the case fCr,(I).

Before proving some properties of this modulus, let us compare them with others that have been used previously.

The following functional was considered by Kratz and Stadtmüller in [20]. For r and a function fCr(I) set


Taking into account that 1+x+s1+2x+s2(1+x+s), we know that


Kratz and Stadtmüller proved that, for Szász-Mirakyan operators, there exists a constant C such that, for all fCr(I), every t0 and each n,


They did not proved that limt0+Ω~r(f,t)=0. We will verify that, if fCr,(I), then limt0+Ωr(f,t)=0.

For fC2,(I), another modulus was considered in [3] by setting


For 0t1, Ω(f,t) and Ω2(f,t) are equivalent. In fact, suppose that s1. First one has


On the other hand, if x1,


and, if x>1,



Proposition 16.

If r is a non negative real and fCr,(I), then Ωr(f,t) is a subadditive modulus of continuity in the sense of Definition 8.

Proof. It is clear that Ωr(f,0)=0 and Ωr(f,t) is non-negative and non-decreasing in I

(a) We consider first the case r=0. As in the case of the classical modulus of continuity, it is easy to prove that the functional Ωr(f,t) is a subadditive. In order to prove continuity, it is sufficient to verify continuity a zero, but if follows from the condition limxf(x)=0.

(b) Assume r>0. Denote A=limxf(x)/(1+x)r. Given ε>0, there exists x0 such that


If t>0 and 0<st1, then

supx0f(x+s)f(x)(1+x+s)r sup0xx0f(x+s)f(x)(1+x+s)r+supxx0f(x+s)f(x)(1+x+s)r

where ω1(f,t)[0,x0+1] is the usual modulus of continuity in the interval [0,x0+1].

This is sufficient to prove that limt0Ωr(f,t)0=0.

(c) Let us verify that Ωr(f,t) is subadditive: Ωr(f,v+t)Ωr(f,v)+Ωr(f,t). Without losing generality we assume that 0<vt.

Fijemos x0 and 0<st+v.

If st, it is clear that


Let us consider the case vt<s. Since 0<st, one has (1+x+st)r<(1+x+s)r. Therefore

f(x+s)f(x)(1+x+s)r f(x+st+t)f(x+st)(1+(x+st)+t)r+f(x+st)f(x)(1+x+st)r

It is sufficient to prove that Ωr(f,t) is a modulus of continuity.

Theorem 17.

If r is a non negative real, there exists a constant C such that, for fCr,(I), n, and t>0,


Proof. Notice that, for s>0, taking into account (10), with t=s and λ=i/(san,p),

|f(k+ian,p)f(kan,p)| Ωr(ian,p)(1+kan,p+ian,p)r

because Ωr(f,s) is a subadditive modulus.

Therefore (see Proposition 10)


Taking into account Proposition 2 (with a=1+k/an,p), we obtain


On the other hand


From the estimates given above one has

Mn,p(f,x+s)Mn,p(f,x) 3rC(r)Ωr(f,s)ean,pxk=0an,pkxkk!(1+kan,p+s)r

where we use again Proposition 2.
