The error estimation in terms of the first derivative in a numerical method for the solution of a delay integral equation from biomathematics


  • Alexandru Bica University of Oradea, Romania



delay integral equation, successive approximations, trapezoidal quadrature rule
Abstract views: 237


The positive, bounded and smooth solution of a delay integral equation, which arise in epidemics spread, can be found in an approximative manner using numerical methods achieved by the sequence of successive approximations and quadrature rules classified after the properties of the function \(f\), such as Lipschitzian or in the \(C^{1}\) smoothness case.


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How to Cite

Bica, A. (2005). The error estimation in terms of the first derivative in a numerical method for the solution of a delay integral equation from biomathematics. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 34(1), 23-36.