The generalization of Voronovskaja's theorem for a class of linear and positive operators


  • Ovidiu T. Pop National College “Mihai Eminescu”, Satu Mare, Romania



Bernstein operators, Bernstein-Schurer operators, Bernstein-Stancu operators, Kantorovich operators, Durrmeyer operators, Voronovskaja's theorem
Abstract views: 283


In this paper we generalize Voronovskaja's theorem for a class of linear and positive operators, and then, through particular cases, we obtain statements verified by the Bernstein, Schurer, Stancu, Kantorovich and Durrmeyer operators.


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How to Cite

Pop, O. T. (2005). The generalization of Voronovskaja’s theorem for a class of linear and positive operators. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 34(1), 79-91.