\(A\)-statistical convergence for a class of positive linear operators


  • M. A. Özarslan Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Gazimagusa, Turkey
  • O. Duman TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
  • O. Doğru Gazi University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Ankara, Turkey




\(A\)-statistical convergence, positive linear operators, modulus of continuity, the Lipschitz class
Abstract views: 225


In this paper we introduce a sequence of positive linear operators defined on the space \(C[0,a]\) \((0<a<1)\) and provide an approximation theorem for these operators via the concept of \(A\)-statistical convergence. We also compute the rates of convergence of these approximation operators by means of the first and second order modulus of continuity and the elements of the Lipschitz class. Furthermore, by defining the generalization of \(r\)-th order of these operators we show that the similar approximation properties are preserved on \(C[0,a].\)


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How to Cite

Özarslan, M. A., Duman, O., & Doğru, O. (2006). \(A\)-statistical convergence for a class of positive linear operators. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 35(2), 161-172. https://doi.org/10.33993/jnaat352-842