On Fatou type convergence of higher derivatives of certain nonlinear singular integral operators
nonlinear singular integral operator, pointwise convergence, Fatou type convergenceAbstract
The present paper concerns with the Fatou type convergence properties of the \(r-th\) and \((r+1)-th\) derivatives of the nonlinear singular integral operators defined as \[ \left( I_{\lambda}f\right) (x)=\int\limits_{a}^{b}K_{\lambda}(t-x,f(t))\,{\rm d}t,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,x\in\left( a,b\right) , \] acting on functions defined on an arbitrary interval \(\left( a,b\right) ,\) where the kernel \(K_{\lambda}\) satisfies some suitable assumptions. The present study is a continuation and extension of the results established in the paper [7].Downloads
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