Approximation by boolean sums of positive linear operators VI: monotone approximation and global smoothness preservation


  • H. H. Gonska Oestrich-Winkel, Germany
  • Jia -Ding Cao Shanghai, China


Boolean sum, positive linear operator, monotone approximation, global smoothness preservation, Telyakovskii-type inequality, Timan-type inequality, DeVore-Gopengauz-type inequality, Dzjadyk-type inequality
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This is a continuation of a series of articles concerning the properties of the Boolean sum of a (positive) linear operator and Lagrange interpolation of first order. Pointwise estimates play a central role.


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How to Cite

Gonska, H. H., & Cao, J. .-D. (1999). Approximation by boolean sums of positive linear operators VI: monotone approximation and global smoothness preservation. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 28(1), 37–61. Retrieved from


