Weighted quadrature formulae of Gauss-Christoffel-Stancu type


  • Dimitrie D. Stancu “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Ioana Taşcu North University, Baia Mare, Romania
  • Alina Beian-Putura Computer Science Highschool, Bistrita, Romania




weighted quadrature formulae, multiple fixed nodes and simple Gaussian nodes, Stancu method of parameters, Christoffel--Szegő formula
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In the present paper we consider weighted integrals and develop explicit quadrature formulae of Gauss-Christoffel-Stancu type using simple Gaussian nodes and multiple fixed nodes. Given the multiple fixed nodes and their multiplicities, we present some algorithms for finding the Gaussian nodes, the coefficients and the remainders of the corresponding quadrature formulae. Several illustrative examples are presented in the case of some classical weight functions.


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How to Cite

Stancu, D. D., Taşcu, I., & Beian-Putura, A. (2003). Weighted quadrature formulae of Gauss-Christoffel-Stancu type. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 32(2), 223–234. https://doi.org/10.33993/jnaat322-751


