Characterization of mixed modulus of smoothness in weighted \(L^p\) spaces


  • Ramazan Akgün Balikesir University, Turkey



modulus of smoothness, Lebesgue spaces, Muckenhoupt weights, Fourier series, partial de la Vallee Poussin means, Lp spaces
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Characterization class for mixed modulus of smoothness in Lebesgue spaces with Muckenhoupt weights are investigated.


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Author Biography

  • Ramazan Akgün, Balikesir University, Turkey

    Faculty ofn Arts and Sciences, Department of Mathematics


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How to Cite

Akgün, R. (2016). Characterization of mixed modulus of smoothness in weighted \(L^p\) spaces. J. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory, 45(2), 99-108.

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