Book Reviews
Book reviews for:
J.L. Aurentz, T. Mach, L. Robol, R. Vandebril, D.S. Watkins, Core-Chasing Algorithms for the Eigenvalue Problem, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2018, IX + 149 pp., ISBN 978-1-611975-33-8. Reviewed by C. I. Gheorghiu.
W. Gautschi, Orthogonal Polynomials in MATLAB. Exercises and Solutions, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2016, X + 337 pp., ISBN 978-1-611974-29-4. Reviewed by C. I. Gheorghiu.
W. Gautschi, A Software Repository for Orthogonal Polynomials, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2018, VIII + 60 pp., eISBN 978-1-611975-22-2. (available only in electronic form). Reviewed by C. I. Gheorghiu.
V. Dolean, P. Jolivet, F. Nataf, An Introduction to Domain Decomposition Methods: Algorithms, Theory, and Parallel Implementation, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2015, X + 238 pp., ISBN 978-1-611974-05-8. Reviewed by F. Patrulescu.
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