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Adaptation of the composite finite element framework for semilinear parabolic problems

Anjaly Anand1 and Tamal Pramanick1
(Date: January 25, 2024; accepted: April 03, 2024; published online: April 16, 2024.)

In this article, we discuss one type of finite element method (FEM), known as the composite finite element method (CFE). Dimensionality reduction is the primary benefit of CFE as it helps to reduce the complexity of the domain space. The number of degrees of freedom is greater in standard FEM compared to CFE. We consider the semilinear parabolic problem in a 2D convex polygonal domain. The analysis of the semidiscrete method for the problem is carried out initially in the CFE framework. Here, the discretization is carried out only in space. Then, the fully discrete problem is taken into account, where both the spatial and time components get discretized. In the fully discrete case, the backward Euler method and the Crank-Nicolson method in the CFE framework are adapted for the semilinear problem. The properties of convergence are derived and the error estimates are examined. It is verified that the order of convergence is preserved. The results obtained from the numerical computations are also provided.

Key words and phrases:
composite finite element method, semilinear parabolic problem, convex polygonal domain, discretization, error estimates, convergence.
2005 Mathematics Subject Classification:
65M60, 65N30, 35K58, 65M22, 65M50, 65M55
1National Institute of Technology Calicut, Department of Mathematics, Kerala, India; emails:,

1. Introduction

In the present article, we are concerned about the approximate solution of the model semilinear initial-boundary value problem, for u=u(x,t) and I=(0,t¯]:

(1) ut(x,t)Δu(x,t)=f(u(x,t))inΩ,tI,u(x,t)=0onΩ,tI,u(x,0)=vinΩ,

where Ω is a bounded domain in 2 with sufficiently smooth boundary Ω, and f is a smooth function on , ut represents ut and Δ represents j=1d2xj2. We assume the boundedness condition of f as follows: for u,

(2) |f(u)|B.

Following the above condition (2), which is also referred to as the Lipschitz constant of f, we assume that the problem possesses a sufficiently smooth unique solution.

Our aim is to study the error analysis in the L(L2) and L(H1)-norms for semidiscrete case and error analysis in the L(L2)-norm for fully discrete case and also to check for optimal results. In our error analysis, the main components consist of the estimation for the corresponding elliptic projection within the context of the CFE method (see Lemma 4). Here, we take H and h as the mesh-size of the coarser mesh and finer mesh, respectively. The time step is taken as k. The main advantage is that only the coarser grid contains degrees of freedom. So for the analysis purpose, we need to consider only coarser mesh. This helps in reducing the amount of variables and thereby reducing the dimension of the domain, hence known as dimensionality reduction. The standard FEM depends on the number of elements, which is more complex as it involves each and every node of the domain. In CFE method, since we take only the coarser mesh points, the number of elements is lesser. The method helps in reducing the complexity and thereby the computational effort. We aim to establish an optimal order convergence for both the above-mentioned norms. The numerical experiments will be presented corresponding to theoretical error estimates. A comparison with the standard FEM is shown numerically in order to establish that the composite FEM gives a less dimensional approach than the standard FEM. We discuss the basic notations and required preliminaries in Section 3. The succeeding Section 4 discusses the problem and the semidiscrete error estimates in detail. The fully discrete error estimates for both the backward Euler and the Crank-Nicolson scheme are given in Section 5. Section 6 discusses the numerical results. Thereafter, Section 7 discusses the concluding remarks. The last section gives the references for this research work.

2. Literature Review

Parabolic equations are formulated during the simulation of real-world problems involving time dependent variables, especially in physical problems such as thermal diffusion, climate science, propagation of flames etc., cf. [4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10]. Examples of these equations can be considered as heat equations. The authors of [4] have analyzed a new variational method for approximating the heat equation of a linear model using continuous finite elements in space and time. In the case of linear elements in time, they used the Crank-Nicolson Galerkin method with time average data. In our paper, we examine the semilinear parabolic problem, where the complexity is greater than the linear problem, cf. [3, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]. The authors of [3] have addressed diffusion-reaction equations and proved the global existence and uniqueness of the solution without any restriction for the Lewis number and the Biot numbers. In [11], the authors have modeled the chemical reactions and diffusion and hence termed as reaction-diffusion equations, or convection-diffusion equations. The error estimates for the semidiserete Galerkin method for abstract semilinear evolution equations with non-smooth initial data are studied in [16]. The authors have shown an optimal order of convergence for linear finite elements. Henry-Labordere et al. [17] looked into the representation result of parabolic semilinear partial differential equations (PDEs) with polynomial nonlinearity, where they used branching diffusion processes. The main ingredient is the automatic differentiation technique based on the Malliavin integration by parts, which allows for the accounting of nonlinearities in the gradient. A novel set of numerical algorithms designed by Hutzenthaler et al. [19] to approximate solutions of general high-dimensional semilinear parabolic PDEs at single space-time points. For semilinear heat equations with gradient-independent nonlinearities, the authors have proved that the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is bounded. To the best of our knowledge, the dimensionality reduction approach by using the CFE method for semilinear heat equation is introduced for the first time in this literature.

To analyze the problem, two scale CFE method is considered. The idea of the CFE method was initially introduced by Hackbusch and Sauter (see [12, 13, 14]) for the coarse level discretizations. In [12], the authors consider a particular case of PDEs with rough boundaries or the case where there is a jump in the coefficients. For the analysis, the authors have used the discrete homogenization technique which gives lesser degrees of freedom and thereby gets an asymptotic approximation property. In [13], the physical domains having small geometric details and the non-periodic situations are considered. The results show that the new class of elements with lesser dimension is independent of the small details of the domain. The paper [14] discusses the method of coarsening the domain space of finite elements. This method helps in resolving the complex domain to lesser degrees of freedom. The approximation property of the generalised finite element spaces is also proved in this paper.

In the CFE method, we discretize the domain using two types of meshes - one mesh with a large distance between the nodes (coarse mesh) and the other mesh with a small distance between the nodes (fine mesh), e.g. [21, 26, 28, 25]. The paper [21] discusses image based computing, modeling and simulation using PDEs with the composite finite elements. The image data that has been segmented already is used to define the computational geometry. In [25], a non-conforming CFE method is introduced. Here, the elliptic problems are considered with boundary conditions of the Dirichlet type. The approximation space will have minimal dimension and this becomes the advantage for more complex domains. The author has shown an optimal order convergence. In [26], Rech et al. interpret the composite finite elements (CFEs) as the generalisation of the standard finite elements. This is done by approximating the given boundary conditions that are Dirichlet type. An adaptive approach is taken for this approximation. Later the convergence properties of CFEs in the framework of a priori analysis are done. Over the past few years there has been significant research on the CFE method for parabolic problems, as evidenced by the studies conducted, see [22, 23, 24]. The authors have conducted a study on the error analysis of the CFE method for linear parabolic type problems and presented numerical examples in support of the theoretical error analysis. In [27], Sarraf. et al. have introduced the algebraic composite mesh technique. The discretization of the PDEs is carried out and the obtained linear operator is redefined over the given mesh.

3. Preliminaries

Some basic notations are introduced in this section. The domain of consideration Ω is an open subset of 2. The standard Sobolev space functions in L2(Ω) are denoted by Hm(Ω), where m denotes the maximum order of the weak derivatives. These functions are in the Hilbert space L2(Ω) (cf. [1, 2]) which has the norm =L2(Ω). The norm in the considered space Hm(Ω) is given by Hm(Ω)=m,Ω=m (cf. [30]). For a given Banach space 𝐁 and for 1p<+, we define

={v:(0,T)𝐁:v(t)𝐁for almost allt(0,T)and0Tv(t)𝐁p𝑑t<}

with the norm


with the standard modification for p=. For easiness, we denote vLp(0,T;𝐁)=vLp(𝐁).

3.1. Composite Finite Element Discretization

In the CFE method, the domain Ω is discretized using coarse-scale and fine-scale grids as shown, see [26].

3.1.1. Refinement of the two-scaled grid:

Let 𝒯H={T1,T2,,Tn} denote the larger grid consisting of regular triangles of conforming shape, known as coarse-scale grid. The idea for this discretization is given by Ciarlet [8]. For every triangle T𝒯H, int(T) indicates the interior of T. Since 𝒯H is a grid with overlapping elements, we have T𝒯H,ΩT𝒯HTwithint(T)Ω.

Next, we denote the smaller grid, known as fine-scale grid using the notation 𝒯h. The boundary Γ of the domain is discretized by the fine-scale grid and it exclusively consists of the slave nodes, which are employed to conform the shape functions to satisfy the Dirichlet boundary conditions. The coarse-scale grid 𝒯H contains the degrees of freedom and the fine-scale grid 𝒯h contains the slave nodes only.

3.1.2. Boundary adaptation:

The diameter of any given triangle T within 𝒯H is represented by the notation hT. The size of the coarse-scale mesh given by H is defined as H:=max{hT:T𝒯H}. i.e., it indicates the largest diameter of the triangle. Let 𝒯H,h be the two-scale triangulation. In the neighborhood of Γ, the triangles near the boundary will be refined. The refinement by the finer-scale is carried out for several iterations and the stopping criteria is given as

(3) dist(T,Γ)σdisthTT𝒯H,h𝒯Hin,

where the positive parameter σdist governs the width of this particular neighborhood. For any T𝒯H, sons(T) which indicates the set of sons, is specified by sons(T):={τ𝒯H,h:τT}. To obtain τ (sons of T), we divide each T into four triangles by connecting the mid points of the edges of T and define nT:=sons(T). This process yields a new grid that exhibits a higher level of refinement than 𝒯H, conforming and shape regular. Also, in the interior of Ω, it does not differ from 𝒯H. The fine-scale grid size h is defined as h:=min{hτ:τ𝒯H,h},hH. In the neighborhood of Γ, the fine-scale parameter h serves as a defining characteristic of the two-scale mesh 𝒯H,h.

3.1.3. Degrees of freedom

Next, we establish the submesh 𝒯Hin within the interior part of the domain, at a certain distance from Γ, using the following definition


by considering the coarse-scale parameter H and the fine-scale parameter h, where 𝒯Γ is a subset of 𝒯H which consists of all the triangles near the boundary. In order to locate the degrees of freedom, we check on the free nodes. It is calculated based on the corresponding vertices in the coarse mesh 𝒯Hin, which means that it relies on the inner mesh 𝒯Hin. Suppose ϑH be the set of all vertices in 𝒯H. Then we define the degrees of freedom as follows


The values at the nodes xϑd gives the values of the CFE functions. Thus, the minimal number of unknowns in the CFE method remains unaffected by the count of the geometric details or their size. In short, the dimension of the CFE space is not affected by the finer-scale grid.

3.1.4. Indicating slave nodes

We now know that the function values are constrained at the slave nodes. For the given Dirichlet boundary conditions, we use the grid points and form the triangles for adapting the shape of the CFE functions. All the nodes in 𝒯H,h, apart from the free nodes are termed as slave nodes (Refer to Fig. 2). As mentioned above, let the set of all vertices of the two scale mesh be denoted by the notation ϑH,h. Then we define the slave nodes as follows


Since the degrees of freedom are located at the inner mesh 𝒯Hin, we use extrapolation method to determine the values at the slave nodes of the two-scale mesh.

Refer to caption
Figure 1. Discretization using the CFE method for the two-scale grid 𝒯H,h.The inner triangulation 𝒯Hin comprises the degrees of freedom. It is denoted by the dark shaded triangles. The triangles near the boundary are represented with the dotted lines which consists of the slave nodes.
Refer to caption
Figure 2. The black line indicate the boundary Γ. The selection of the closest inner simplex Δx and Δy, and the closest boundary point xΓ and yΓ, respectively for the slave nodes x and y is shown.

3.1.5. Extrapolation operator

As mentioned above, in order to calculate slave node values, we define an extrapolation operator. On the boundary, each slave node xϑs depends on the closer coarse grid triangle Δx𝒯Hin and the closest point xΓ on the boundary Γ (see Fig. 2).

As the inner nodes ϑd contain the degrees of freedom, we first assume a grid function 𝚽:ϑd to define the extrapolation operator. For any triangulation T𝒯H, there exists a linear function ϕT1(2) which is uniquely determined and interpolates 𝚽 in the vertices of T, where 1(2) denotes the space of bivariate polynomials on 2 of maximal degree 1. The extension value of 𝚽 at a slave node xϑs is defined by (𝚽)x:=ϕΔx(x)ϕΔx(xΓ). The extrapolation operator :ϑdϑH,h for the grid functions is defined as

(4) (𝚽)x:={𝚽x,xϑd,ϕΔx(x)ϕΔx(xΓ),xϑsdist(x,Δx)σdshΔx,0,otherwise,

where σds>0 is some parameter. We now summarize the notations and their precise definitions below:

𝒯H,h The two-scale grid triangulation, with grid size H and h
ϑH,h The set of mesh points corresponding to the two-scale grid
𝒯H The coarse grid triangulations that initially overlap
ϑH The set of vertices corresponding to the coarse grid triangulations
σdist Positive width control parameter
sons(T) Refined triangles of T
𝒯Hin The inner portion of the grid of the two-scaled triangulation 𝒯H,h
ϑd The set of vertices which corresponds to 𝒯Hin (degrees of freedom)
𝒯Γ The set of all triangles near to the boundary, 𝒯Γ 𝒯H
ϑs The set of all slave nodes acquired as ϑd removed from ϑH,h
Extrapolation operator
T Triangle (closed)
τ sons(T)
Δx For xϑs, Δx𝒯Hin has minimum distance to x
xΓ For xϑs, xΓΓ has minimum distance to x
𝐆(T) The set of vertices of a triangle T
nT Number of sub-triangles in T𝒯Γ
σds Distance control parameter

Due to the domain discretization, some geometric constants will be involved in our context, such as σuni,𝒯ol(τ),𝒞ol,1,𝒞ol,2 and σext. For details about these constants, please refer to [23].

Remark 1.

One-scale CFE method: In this method T is not subdivided, i.e., nT=1 and then the two-scale grid 𝒯H,h corresponds to the coarse mesh 𝒯H (h=𝒪(H)). In the case where hH, this is called two-scale CFE method.

3.2. The domain and the solution space

We define the space S which is continuous. The piecewise linear finite element space S is defined on the mesh 𝒯H,h as S:={vC0(ΩH,h):v|T1T𝒯H,h}, where ΩH,h:=int(T𝒯H,hT). Now, considering the two-scale approximation of the Dirichlet boundary condition on the triangulations 𝒯H,h, the CFE space denoted by SCFE (which is a subspace of S) can be defined as follows


3.3. CFE Basis Function

Considering the solution space SCFE, we need to define the basis function. For that, let Sin be the piecewise linear finite element space which is continuous. Let Sin be defined on the inner grid 𝒯Hin.


where the interior Ωin:=int(T𝒯HinT). According to (4), the extrapolation operator is a mapping :SinS. Corresponding to this extrapolation operator, the CFE space can be written as


For the finite element space Sin, we define the standard nodal basis function {ϱi}i=1NCFE along with the property

ϱi(xj)=δij 1i,jNCFE, with δij={1,ifi=j,0,ifij.

where the dimension of solution space SCFE is given by NCFE and the degrees of freedom (free nodes in 𝒯Hin) is given by ϑd={xj: 1jNCFE}. Now, we consider the CFE Solution space SCFE.
For this space we define the nodal basis functions as

ϕiCFE:=[ϱi]SCFE 1iNCFE.

Here also, we assume CFE basis function ϕiCFE corresponding to each free node xiϑd as

ϕiCFE(xj)=δij 1i,jNCFE.
Remark 2.

NCFE is determined by the degrees of freedom, i.e., the number of nodes in ϑdof. It is independent of the slave nodes ϑs. Hence, dimension of SCFE dimension of S.

4. Semilinear problem

The weak or variational formulation of the problem described in (1) is written as: For each tI, find u(t)H01(Ω) such that

(5) (ut,ϕ)+(u,ϕ) =(f(u),ϕ)ϕH01(Ω),tI,
u(0) =v(x).

Let uCFE:I¯SCFE be the solution of the given problem, defined as

(6) (utCFE,χ)+(uCFE,χ) =(f(uCFE),χ)χSCFE,tI,
uCFE(0) =vCFE,

where vCFE is a suitable approximation of v in SCFE.

4.1. CFE solution: Existence and uniqueness

We have already introduced the CFE basis functions {ϕjCFE; 1jNCFE}. Since the solution uCFE(,t) belongs to the space SCFE, it can be represented in terms of the basis functions as

uCFE(x,t) =j=1NCFEαj(t)ϕjCFE(x).

The semidiscrete CFE approximation is to find the coefficients αj’s such that (6) become

(7) j=1NCFEαj(t)(ϕjCFE,ϕkCFE)+j=1NCFEαj(t)(ϕjCFE,ϕkCFE)=(f(j=1NCFEαj(t)ϕjCFE),ϕkCFE),αj(0)=γj

for χ=ϕkCFE,k=1,2,3,,NCFE and γj,j=1,2,,NCFE are the components of the given initial approximation vCFE. Setting α as the vector of unknowns


and considering the mass matrix B=(bjk) and the stiffness matrix A=(ajk) with the elements bjk=(ϕjCFE,ϕkCFE) and ajk=(ϕjCFE,ϕkCFE). The vector f~(α)=(f~k(α)) with entries f~k(α)=(f(j=1NCFEαj(t)ϕjCFE),ϕkCFE) and let γ=(γk).

Then Equation (7) becomes

Bα(t)+Aα(t)=f~(α), for tI, with α(0)=γ.

A and B are positive definite matrices and f~(α) is Lipschitz continuous on NCFE. We determine αn=αn(t),n=1,2, from the given iterative scheme as

Bαn+1(t)+Aαn+1(t) =f~(αn) for tI, with αn+1(0)=γ, for n0,
α0(t) γ on I¯.

This follows that for any tI, the system posseses a unique and bounded solution αn.

4.2. Error Estimation

In this section, we examine the semidiscrete error analysis in CFE framework for smooth initial data. The discretization is carried out only for the space coordinates. For the analysis of the error, we define the Elliptic projection also known as Ritz projection RCFE onto the solution space SCFE. The orthogonal projection RCFE with respect to the inner product (v,w) defined as

(8) (RCFEv,χ)=(v,χ)χSCFE, forvH01.

For χ=RCFEv in (8), we obtain RCFEvvvH01. Therefore, the elliptic projection is stable in H1 norm.

Before starting the error analysis, we need the estimation of the elliptic projection (see Lemma 4). For the detailed proof which has been estimated in the CFE framework, please refer to [23]. The estimation of the elliptic projection involves the term log~(H/h), which is defined in the following remark.

Remark 3.

We define




For the proof of the above inequality and the details about log^(hT/hTmin), see [26]. The above inequality will be used in the proof of Lemma 4.

We are now prepared to state Lemma 4, which is given as follows.

Lemma 4.

Let vH01(Ω)H2(Ω) and RCFE be defined by (8). Suppose that the condition (3) holds true. Then there exists a positive constant C depending on the σdslave,σdist,σuni,𝒯ol(τ),𝒞ol,1,𝒞ol,2 and σext and the minimal angle in the triangulation 𝒯H,h, such that




4.3. Semidiscrete error estimates

In the present section, we focus on the semidiscrete error estimates and hence we concentrate on bounding the error term (uCFE(t)u(t)) for each tI¯ in both the L2 and H1 norm. The CFE error estimate for spatially discrete case in the L2 norm (for each time level) is given as follows.

Theorem 5.

Let u(t) and uCFE(t) be the solutions of Equations (1) and (6), respectively and u(t),ut(t)H01(Ω)H2(Ω) for each t. Assume that the condition (2) holds true. Then there exists a positive constant C=C(u,t¯) independent of h and H such that for appropriately chosen vCFE, we have


For estimating the error, we use the Energy Argument. We split the error term (uCFE(t)u(t)) as follows

(9) uCFE(t)u(t)=(uCFE(t)RCFEu(t))+(RCFEu(t)u(t)).

We put the first part as θ and the second part as ρ, i.e., θ=uCFE(t)RCFEu(t) and ρ=RCFEu(t)u(t). Then Equation (9) becomes


From Lemma 4, we get ρ(t) and ρt(t) bounded as follows:




where C is depending on u.

Next we need to bound θ(t). Using Equation (6), we obtain

(θt,χ)+(θ,χ) =(utCFERCFEut,χ)+((uCFERCFEu),χ)

adding and subtracting the term (ut,χ) together with (5) and the definition of Ritz projection (8), we have

(10) (θt,χ)+(θ,χ)=(f(uCFE)f(u),χ)(ρt,χ).

Substituting χ=θ and using (2), together with the usage of Friedrichs’ inequality θθ (cf. [29]), we obtain

12ddtθ2+θ2 =(f(uCFE)f(u),θ)(ρt,θ)

where in the last step we have used the Hölder’s inequality. This gives

12ddtθ2 C(θ2+ρ2+ρt2),

integrating we have


using Gronwall’s lemma, the above equation shows

(11) θ(t)2θ(0)2+C0t(ρ2+ρt2)𝑑s,

where C now depends on t¯ [29]. It is easy to observe that


Substituting the values of θ(0), (11) gives


which shows


Therefore, using the bound of θ(t) together with the bound of ρ(t) one can obtain the required estimate, which completes the proof. ∎

Next, our aim is to find the error estimate in the gradient norm. For finding the estimate in gradient norm, we will use some inequality for the estimation of (f(uCFE)f(u)), given as the following remark.

Remark 6.

Following the argument of [29], choose q with 2<q<. We have θLqCθ and the Hölder’s inequality q1+(q)1=1,


With using the assumption |f(u)|C(1+|u|p), for u (as done in Thomée [29, Ch. 14, eq. (14.5)] and applying the Hölder’s inequality once again with exponents 2/q and 2/(2q), we obtain

f(uCFE)f(u)Lqq CΩ|uCFEu|q(1+|uCFE|+|u|)pq𝑑x

with s=2pq/(q2). Since u is smooth and s<, we have uCFELsCuCFE, we can conclude that


Note that, the inequality |f(u)|C(1+|u|p) is more restrictive than the first inequality (1.2), as it implies an upper bound on |f(u)| that depends on u. Therefore, the value of B should be chosen to accommodate the maximum possible value of |f(u)| for all values of u, considering the more restrictive inequality. Henceforth, it is enough to choose (1+|u|p)B/C, which easily follows the inequality (1.2)???.

Theorem 7.

Let u(t) be the solution of (1) and uCFE(t) be the solution of Equation (6). Assume u(t) and ut(t) belongs to H01(Ω)H2(Ω) for each t. Let the boundedness condition (2) holds. If vCFE=RCFEv, there exists a positive constant C=C(u,t¯) independent of the mesh parameters (h,H), such that the inequality holds


Computing in the similar manner as in the proof of Theorem 5 and substituting χ=2θt in Equation (10), we get


apply kickback on the term of 2θt2,

ddtθ2 f(uCFE)f(u)2+ρt2
(12) 2f(uCFE)f(RCFEu)2+2f(RCFEu)f(u)2+CH2log~(Hh).

Now following the similar estimates of (f(uCFE)f(u)) as in Remark 6,

f(RCFEu)f(u)2 CΩ(RCFEuu)2(1+|RCFEu|)2p𝑑x
(13) Cρ2CH2log~(H/h),

here we have used RCFEuLsCRCFEuCuC. In the similar way, we have

f(uCFE)f(RCFEu)2 Cθ2(1+uCFE)2p
(14) Cθ2(1+θ)2p.

Using Equations (13) and (14), we obtain from (12)

(15) ddtθ2Cθ2(1+θ)2p+CH2log~(H/h).

Assume tHI¯ is as large as possible with θ1 on [0,t¯H]. Then for tt¯H, from Equation (15) we have,

(16) ddtθ2 Cθ2+CH2log~(H/h),

with C independent of t¯H, this gives

θCHlog~1/2(H/h)eCt¯12, for HH0.

It follows that t¯H=t¯ for HH0 (since hH and using Remark 3), so that θ1 on I¯ for these H and therefore,

uCFEu+1 on I¯.

Therefore, our claim θ1 is fulfilled in order to obtain Equation (16). Now, (16) gives after integration


using Gronwall’s lemma, the above equation gives


where C now depends on t¯. Then for vCFE=RCFEv, we obtain θ(t)CHlog~1/2(H/h). Altogether the bound of ρ(t) concludes the proof of the theorem. ∎

Remark 8.

Note that when h=𝒪(H), the two-scale grid 𝒯H,h coincides with the coarse grid 𝒯H, and the results of Theorems 5 and 7 coincides with the standard FEM [29].

5. Fully discrete error estimates

Next, we examine the variation/discretization in both the space and time constraints. Let UCFE, n=Un be an approximation of u(tn)=un. Here also, we bound the error term Unun in the L(L2)-norm. We use two approaches for finding the error estimates- The backward Euler and the Crank-Nicolson method.

5.1. Backward Euler method

The variational form is similar to Equation (6), but in both time-space discretization, it is given by

(17) (¯Un,χ)+(Un,χ)=(f(Un),χ),χSCFE,n1,U0=vCFE.

Using the backward difference quotient for the term ¯Un as (UnUn1)/k, Equation (17) gives


after simplifying,

(18) (Un,χ)+k(Un,χ)=(Un1,χ)+k(f(Un),χ).

Representing Un=j=1NCFEαnϕjCFE and choosing χ=ϕkCFEfork=1,2,3,
,NCFE, the Equation (18) becomes

(19) =j=1NCFEαn1(ϕjCFE,ϕkCFE)+k(f(j=1NCFEαnϕjCFE),ϕkCFE),

with α0=γ given by vCFE. With matrix notation similar to the usage in the semidiscrete situation, Equation (19) can be written as

(20) (B+kA)αn=Bαn1+kf~(αn),withα0=γ,

where A,B and f~(α) as given before. The argument which explains the existence and uniqueness of the solution for (20) is detailed in [25, ch. 13]. Now we move on to finding the error estimates in the L(L2)-norm.

Theorem 9.

Let Un and u be the solutions of Equations (17) and (1), respectively and the condition (2) holds true. Assume u being sufficiently smooth. Then there exists a positive constant C=C(u,t¯) independent of the grid parameters h,H such that for appropriately chosen vCFE, we have


for kH and tnI.


Proceeding in a similar manner as given in the proof of Theorem 5, we use Energy Argument and split the error in two terms θn=(UnRCFEun) and ρn=(RCFEunun). Since ρn is bounded by Lemma 4, we proceed with checking the boundedness of θn.

Using Equation (17) and Ritz projection (8), we write as follows

(¯θn,χ)+(θn,χ) =(f(Un),χ)(¯RCFEun,χ)(RCFEun,χ)

adding and subtracting the terms (utn,χ) and (¯un,χ), and calculating we get

(¯θn,χ)+(θn,χ) =(f(Un)f(un),χ)(¯ρn,χ)(unutn,χ).

Put χ=θn and using (2),

12¯θn2+θn2 =(f(Un)f(un),θn)(¯ρn,θn)(¯unutn,θn)

where Mn=ρn2+¯ρn2+¯unutn2. Since 12¯θn212¯θn2+θn2, therefore we have

¯θn2 C(θn2+Mn),

using ¯θn2=(θn2θn12)/k,


and for small k,

θn2 (1+Ck)θn12+CkMn,
(21) Cθ02+Ckj=1NMj.

For θn to be bounded, we have to show Mj is bounded. By Lemma 4, ρj is bounded. Now,




Altogether we have MjC(u)(H2log~(H/h)+k)2. Using the estimation of θ0, we have from (21),

θn CvCFEv+C(u)(H2log~(H/h)+k),

together with the estimation of ρn completes the proof. ∎

Remark 10.

It can be noted that the estimate in the L(L2)-norm is second order convergence in space and first order convergence in time.

In order to avoid the disadvantage of producing system of equations of nonlinear behaviour at each time step, we consider the linearized form of (17)

(22) (¯Un,χ)+(Un,χ)=(f(Un1),χ).χSCFE,n1,U0=vCFE.

Applying the backward difference method to the term ¯Un, we get

(UnUn1k,χ)+(Un,χ) =(f(Un1),χ)
(Un,χ)+k(Un,χ) =(Un1,χ)+k(f(Un1),χ).

Taking Un=j=1NCFEαnϕjCFE and using the positive definiteness property of the matrices A,B we get the unique solution

Theorem 11.

Let Un be the solution of Equation (22) and u be the solution of Equation (1). Let the condition (2) holds true. Assume u being sufficiently smooth. Then there exists a positive constant C=C(u,t¯) independent of the grid parameters h,H such that for appropriately chosen vCFE, we have


for small k, where kH and tnI.


We first concentrate on the boundedness of θn. This time we obtain the following equation

(¯θn,χ)+(θn,χ) =(f(Un1)f(un),χ)(¯ρn,χ)(¯unutn,χ),

and substituting χ=θn we obtain

(23) 12¯θn2+θn2 C(Un1un+¯ρn+¯unutn)θn.

Now we focus on estimating the term Un1un. In order to estimate, we add and subtract RCFEun1 and un1 to get   Un1unθn1+ρn1+k¯un. Using the Friedrich’s inequality, Equation (23) becomes


this gives

¯θn2 Cθn12+C(ρn12+k2¯un2+¯ρn2+¯unutn2)

using ¯θn2=(θn2θn12)/k,


after repeated applications and for small k,

θn2 (1+Ck)nθ02+C(u)kj=1N(1+Ck)nj(H2log~(H/h)+k)2,

Using the estimation of θ0 together with the estimation of ρn, the proof is completed. ∎

Now, we move on to Crank-Nicolson method to check for obtaining higher accuracy in time.

5.2. Crank-Nicolson method

Here we take U~n=(Un+Un1)/2. The variational form is similar to Equation (6), but in both time-space discretization, it is given by

(24) (¯Un,χ)+(U~n,χ)=(f(U~n),χ),χSCFE,n1,tnI,U0=vCFE.

Using the definition of both the terms ¯Un and U~n, Equation (24) gives


It is to be noted that the equation is symmetric around the point t=tn1/2, which indicates the accuracy of second order in time. Multiplying by 2k and re-arranging,


therefore similar to the backward Euler method, the nonlinear equation (24) is solvable for Un in terms of Un1 for small k. To avoid the disadvantage of producing nonlinear system of equations at each time step, we consider the linearized modification on the term U~n as U¯n=32Un112Un2, for n2. Then Equation (24) becomes

(25) (¯Un,χ)+(U¯n,χ)=(f(U¯n),χ),χSCFE,tnI,

with U0=vCFE. The linearized form (25) is always solvable for Un for the given values of Un1 and Un2.

Now before moving on to the error estimate we define the lemma below. The proof easily follows from [25, ch. 13].

Lemma 12.

Let RCFE be defined in (8). Assuming the regularity for u, we have

RCFEutt C(u),for tI¯.

Using this, we find the error estimate.

Theorem 13.

Let Un be the solution of Equation (24) and u be the solution of Equation (1). Assume that the condition (2) holds true. Then under the regularity assumptions of u, there exists a positive constant C=C(u,t¯) independent of the grid parameters h,H such that for appropriately chosen vCFE, we have


for small k, where kH and tnI¯.


The error term is partitioned into two as in the previous cases and ρn is bounded. It remains to check for θn. While checking the boundedness, this time we use (θ~n,χ) instead of (θn,χ). Using the Ritz projection, we write

(¯θn,χ)+(θ~n,χ) =(f(U~n),χ)(¯RCFEun,χ)(RCFEu~n,χ),

by adding and subtracting the term (utn12,χ) to the RHS and rearranging by taking the common terms together, we get as follows.


adding and subtracting (RCFEun12,χ),


Substituting χ=θ¯n, this gives


using (2) and the Friedrich’s inequality, we obtain


and hence,

(26) ¯θn2 C(U~nun122+¯RCFEunutn122+RCFE(u~nun12)2).

We have the first term

U~nun12 θ~n+ρ~n+u~nun12

The second term


and by Lemma 12, the last term

RCFE(u~nun12)2 Cktn1tnRCFEutt𝑑sC(u)k2.

Finally (26) becomes


using θ~n=(θn+θn1)/2,


for small k, and by repeating iterations, we get

θn vCFEv+C(u)(H2log~(H/h)+k2),

where we have used the value of θ0. Along with the estimation of ρn the proof is now completed. ∎

Now we consider the linearized modification of the Crank-Nicolson method, where U1 need to be calculated separately. For this purpose we use the predictor-corrector method. Consider the first approximation U1,0 which is determined for the case n=1 in Equation (25), by replacing U¯1 with U0. Then in the final approximation U¯1 is replaced by (U1,0+U02) in the result of the same equation with

(27) U0=vCFE
(28) (U1,0U0k,χ)+((U1,0+U02),χ) =(f(U0),χ),χSCFE.

Since U1,0 and U0 are known values from the previous equations, the objective is to find U1. Hence we have the following equation

(29) (U1U0k,χ)+(U¯1,χ) =(f(U1,0+U02),χ),χSCFE.

Next we proceed to finding the error estimate.

Theorem 14.

Let Un be the solution of (25), with U0 and U1 defined by (27)–(29). Let u be the solution of (1). Then under the assumptions of regularity of the solution u, there exists a positive constant C=C(u,t¯) independent of the grid parameters h,H such that for appropriately chosen vCFE, we have


for small k, where kH and for tnI.


On estimation of θn, this time we obtain


substituting χ=θ¯n and after calculations, this gives

¯θn2 C(U¯nun122+¯RCFEunutn122+RCFE(u¯nun12)2)
Now, U¯nun12 θ¯n+ρ¯n+u¯nun12

hence finally we obtain


after iterations,

(30) θn2Cθ12+Ckθ02+C(u)(H2log~(H/h)+k2)2,forn2.

Now our aim is to estimate the value of θ1 with the help of Equations (28) and (29). Substituting θ1,0=U1,0RCFEu1 and θ0,0=θ0 in (28), we obtain




which obviously shows that ¯θ1,02Cθ02+C(u)(H4log~2(H/h)+k2), and hence

θ1,02 (1+Ck)θ02+C(u)k(H4log~2(H/h)+k2)

Applying (29) to get

¯θ12 C12(U1,0+U0)u122+C(u)(H2log~(H/h)+k2)2,

here, by previous technique,

12(U1,0+U0)u122 12(θ1,0+θ0)+C(u)(H2log~(H/h)+k2)

hence, we obtain

θ12 (1+Ck)θ02+C(u)k(H4log~2(H/h)+k3)

Altogether this estimate, (30) gives

θn Cθ0+C(u)(H2log~(H/h)+k2)

The estimate θn, together with the estimate of ρn completes the proof. ∎

6. Numerical Results

In this section we consider two examples. In the first example we consider a two dimensional test problem in smooth domain for homogeneous boundary condition and second example considers a two dimensional test problem with non-homogeneous boundary condition for a highly complicated zig-zag domain. We use the numerical experiments after choosing two mesh sizes- one for coarse-scale and the other for fine-scale. We consider the backward Euler scheme and then the Crank-Nicolson scheme to evaluate the error estimates and the corresponding rate of convergence (ROC). The numerical results are computed using the software FreeFEM++, which are in unison with the theoretical results.

Example 15.

Let the domain of the solution space be Ω×(0,1], where Ω denotes the square (0,1)×(0,1). Consider the initial-boundary value problem:

(31) utΔu=1+u2inΩ×(0,1],u=0onΓ×(0,1],u(x,y,0)=xyinΩ.

We validate the characteristics of the error estimates for the linearized backward Euler and Crank-Nicolson schemes presented in Theorem 11 and Theorem 14 for the problem (31). The degrees of freedom ϑH lies in Ωin. So, the nodal values of the inner triangulation 𝒯Hin corresponding to the domain Ωin is computed. We have discretized the domain space using the two-scale grid, H being the coarse mesh size and h being the fine mesh size and hH. Also, k is chosen as the time step for time discretization. In order to check the optimal order accuracy in space we take different time steps in both schemes, k=H2 in Backward Euler scheme and k=H in Crank-Nicolson scheme.

Let i denote the number of iterations. For each iteration i, let Ei denote the error which corresponds to L(L2)-norm and Hi denote the coarse grid size. We calculate the ROC as follows


We have computed the ROC for both the spatial grid size and time step size. Here, we have fixed the time discretizations as N=2187 to check the convergence w.r.t. space. Also, we fix space discretizations with 7728 degrees of freedom for checking the convergence with respect to the time. For convenience, we use the notation CFEerror and FEerror to denote the composite finite element errors and the finite element errors in the L(L2)-norm, respectively.

Tables 1 and 3 give the results for the Backward difference scheme and Crank-Nicolson scheme, respectively. It is shown that optimal order convergence is achieved. Tables 2 and 4 give the respective results from the calculations for the standard FEM.

ϑd CFEerror ROC N CFEerror ROC
27 5.232520e-01 3 6.565751e-01
92 1.382621e-01 1.9201 9 1.697086e-01 1.9519
360 3.611840e-02 1.9366 27 4.480898e-02 1.9212
1280 9.291181e-03 1.9588 81 1.163433e-02 1.9454
2942 2.330536e-03 1.9952 243 2.981867e-03 1.9641
7728 5.840493e-04 1.9965 729 7.618697e-04 1.9686
Table 1. CFE error in L(L2)-norm for backward Euler method.
ϑd FEerror ROC N FEerror ROC
39 7.792012e-01 3 5.938930e-01
141 2.054512e-01 1.9232 9 1.523725e-01 1.9626
520 5.314463e-02 1.9508 27 3.774357e-02 2.0133
1986 1.354841e-02 1.9718 81 9.341532e-03 2.0145
5225 3.360677e-03 2.0113 243 2.305467e-03 2.0186
18641 8.155538e-04 2.0429 729 5.691414e-04 2.0182
Table 2. FE error in L(L2)-norm for backward Euler method.
ϑd CFEerror ROC N CFEerror ROC
27 3.722538e-01 3 6.831887e-01
92 9.928079e-02 1.9067 9 1.821319e-01 1.9073
360 2.620631e-02 1.9216 27 4.713870e-02 1.9500
1280 5.705062e-03 2.1996 81 1.227660e-02 1.9410
2942 1.464129e-03 1.9622 243 3.101874e-03 1.9847
7728 3.696528e-04 1.9858 729 7.648985e-04 2.0198
Table 3. CFE error in L(L2)-norm for Crank-Nicolson method.
ϑd FEerror ROC N FEerror ROC
39 6.804915e-01 3 6.603572e-01
141 1.722587e-01 1.9820 9 1.730689e-01 1.9319
520 4.279390e-02 2.0091 27 4.363164e-02 1.9879
1986 1.082153e-02 1.9835 81 1.093364e-02 1.9966
5225 2.643653e-03 2.0333 243 2.699145e-03 2.0182
18641 6.526734e-04 2.0181 729 6.555613e-04 2.0417
Table 4. FE error in L(L2)-norm for Crank-Nicolson method.

From Tables 1 and 3 it is obvious that ROC is attained at lesser degrees of freedom as compared to that of Tables 2 and 4 respectively, which is very beneficial as the computational time and cost is very less for the CFE method. We establish that this is the advantage of the CFE method and it is more efficient.

Now we consider the plots using the software FreeFEM++ and the results are given in respective figures. Fig. 4 demonstrates the CFE solution which is computed using the backward Euler method at the time level t=1 whereas Fig. 4 demonstrates the CFE solution computed using the Crank-Nicolson method.

Refer to caption
Figure 3. CFE solution computed using the backward Euler method at the time level t=1.
Refer to caption
Figure 4. CFE solution using the Crank-Nicolson method at the time level t=1.
Example 16.

Consider the following problem in Ω, which is now a computational domain with many geometric details. Assume that the domain Ω is a zig-zag domain with 220 re-entering corners as shown in Fig. 6. Earlier the numerical experiments for linear model problem on zig-zag domain has been extensively studied, see e.g. [24]. In the present experiment, let us consider the model non-homogeneous problem as

(32) utΔu=u3inΩ×(0,0.5],u=1onΓ×(0,0.5],u(x,y,0)=x2y2inΩ.
Refer to caption
Figure 5. Zig-zag domain having 220 re-entering corners.
Refer to caption
Figure 6. CFE solution computed at the time level t=0.5 corresponding to the mesh sizes H=0.015,h=0.009 with the maximum value 1.0666.
Refer to caption
Figure 7. Zoom view into boundary region (zig-zag segments) of the CFE solution depicted in Fig. 6.

Due to the presence of nonlinearity in u on the right hand side, finding the analytical solution of the problem is highly challenging and hence we find the approximate solution numerically. Here we consider variable time step scheme. Let 0=t0<t1<t2<<tN=T be a partition of the positive time axis and set kj=tjtj1. Here we have chosen t0=0,t1=0.07,t2=0.16,t3=0.24,t4=0.33,t5=0.43,t6=0.5 and the corresponding variable time step sizes are calculated as k1=0.07,k2=0.09,k3=0.08,k4=0.09,k5=0.1 and k6=0.07. Also let Un be the approximation of the exact solution given by u(tn), who values are calculated using the backward difference formula (22), where we have used the backward Euler quotient as ¯nUn=1kn(UnUn1) for variable time steps. In this example we determine the CFE solution and the errors for the backward Euler method at every time level (cf. Table 5) and then obtain the L(L2) errors and the corresponding ROC (cf. Table 6). The CFE solution is depicted in Fig. 6 and the zoom view of the solution is depicted in Fig. 7. From Table 6 one can observe that our scheme is providing an optimal order convergence which strongly supports our theoretical results.

H h Time level (t) uCFE uCFE(t)u(t)L2
0.12 0.072 0.07 0.96463 8.78541e-02
0.16 0.97312 7.81550e-02
0.24 0.98633 6.76764e-02
0.33 0.98690 5.66721e-02
0.43 1.06280 5.19924e-02
0.50 1.06618 3.79710e-02
0.06 0.036 0.07 0.97039 2.49758e-02
0.16 0.97539 2.00712 e-02
0.24 0.98712 1.97321 e-02
0.33 0.98792 1.71348 e-02
0.43 1.06391 0.87562 e-02
0.50 1.06642 0.68914 e-02
0.03 0.018 0.07 0.97507 6.91038e-03
0.16 0.97719 6.04581e-03
0.24 0.98781 4.88367e-03
0.33 0.98996 3.88814e-03
0.43 1.06445 2.66917e-03
0.50 1.06653 2.00493e-03
0.015 0.009 0.07 0.98102 1.75991e-03
0.16 0.98124 1.49616e-03
0.24 0.99476 0.99715e-03
0.33 0.99876 0.75984e-03
0.43 1.06546 0.58582e-03
0.50 1.06657 3.21776e-04
Table 5. CFE solution and error in different coarse-scale mesh sizes H for varying time levels.
H h ϑdof uCFEuL(L2) ROC
0.12 0.072 42 8.78541e-02
0.06 0.036 141 2.49758e-02 1.8146
0.03 0.018 488 6.91038e-03 1.8537
0.015 0.009 1640 1.75991e-03 1.9733
Table 6. ROC in the L(L2)-norm.

7. Conclusion

In this paper we have put forward the idea of a variant of the finite element method, known as the composite finite element method. This is a two-scale method where we have two types of grids - coarse grid and fine grid. The primary benefit of the method is that the dimension depends on the coarser grids only, thereby reducing computational complexity. We considered the semilinear parabolic problem and derived the optimal order error estimates initially for the semidiscrete case and then for the fully discrete case. We have shown the theoretical proofs and, for validation, numerical experiments are carried out. We have used the backward Euler method and thereafter the Crank-Nicolson approach. We compared the obtained results with the standard FEM to show that the dimension of CFE space is much smaller than the standard FE space, which is very much beneficial. We have established that the proposed method gives efficient and optimal results.


The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the editor and the two anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions, which have greatly improved the quality of this paper. The authors gratefully acknowledge valuable support provided by the Department of Mathematics, NIT Calicut and DST, Government of India, for providing support to carry out this work under the scheme ‘Faculty Research Grant (FRG)’ (No. FRG/2022/ MAT_01) and ‘FIST’ (No. SR/FST/MS-I/2019/40).
