The second order modulus revisited: remarks, applications, problems


  • Heiner Gonska University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • Ralitza K. Kovacheva Institute of Mathematics. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria



second order modulus, degree of approximation, global smoothness preservation, Bernstein operators
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Several questions concerning the second order modulus of smoothness are addressed in this note. The central part is a refined analysis of a construction of certain smooth functions by Zhuk and its application to several problems in approximation theory, such as degree of approximation and the preservation of global smoothness. Lower bounds for some optimal constants introduced by Sendov are given as well. We also investigate an alternative approach using quadratic splines studied by Sendov.


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How to Cite

Gonska, H., & Kovacheva, R. K. (2024). The second order modulus revisited: remarks, applications, problems. J. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory, 53(1), 80–104.


