Return to Article Details Numerical analysis and stability of the Moore-Gibson-Thompson-Fourier model

Numerical Analysis and Stability of the Moore-Gibson-Thompson-Fourier Model

Ali Smouk and Atika Radid
(Date: October 2, 2024; accepted: November 2, 2024; published online: December 18, 2024.)

This work is concerned the Moore-Gibson-Thompson-Fourier Model. Our contribution will consist in studying the numerical stability of the Moore-Gibson-Thompson-Fourier system. First we introduce a finite element approximation after the discretization, then we prove that the associated discrete energy decreases and later we establish a priori error estimates. Finally, we obtain some numerical simulations.

Key words and phrases:
Moore-Gibson-Thompson-Fourier model, numerical stability, finite element method, numerical simulations
2005 Mathematics Subject Classification:
35L45,55, 65M60, 65N12, 93D23
LMFA, Faculty of Sciences Aïn Chock, Hassan 2 University, Casablanca, Morocco, e-mail:
LMFA, Faculty of Sciences Aïn Chock, Hassan 2 University, Casablanca, Morocco, e-mail:

1. Introduction

In this paper, we consider a Moore-Gibson-Thompson (MGT) equation

(1) uttt+αutt+βAut+γAu=0,

which describes the evolution of the unknown function u=u(x,t):Ω×[0,), where ΩN is a bounded domain with a sufficiently smooth boundary Ω. The equation includes various parameters such as α,β,γ>0, which are fixed structural parameters.

Originally, for the Laplace-Dirichlet operator A=Δ this equation was introduced to model wave propagation in viscous thermally relaxing fluids [14, 17], with its first appearance dating back to a paper by Stokes [15]. Over time, researchers have discovered that the MGT equation finds applications in a wide range of physical phenomena, including viscoelasticity and thermal conduction. Notably, it has been interpreted as a model for vibrations in a standard linear viscoelastic solid [9, 10].

In the particular case where A=Δ2, with proper boundary conditions (see [12]), the MGT equation appears as a possible model for the vertical displacement in viscoelastic plates.

The mathematical analysis of the MGT equation has attracted significant attention, resulting in a vast literature with numerous studies and references available [4, 5, 11, 13, 2, 3, 16]. The main findings can be summarized as follows:

For any positive values of the parameters α,β,γ, the MGT equation generates a strongly continuous semigroup of solutions. However, the behavior of these solutions depends significantly on the constant ν, defined as follows:


For A=Δ2 the semigroup of MGT equation is analytic and exponentially stable the case of ν>0.

In present paper, we consider the MGT-Fourier system

(2) {uttt+αutt+βΔ2ut+γΔ2u=ηΔθ,θtκΔθ=ηΔutt+αηΔut

where, the unknown function u=u(x,t) represents the vibration of flexible structures and θ=θ(x,t) the difference of temperature between the actual state and a reference temperature where xΩ,t(0,). The parameters α,β,γ and κ are positive real numbers, η0 and Ω=[0,1] is a bounded domain. We assume the initial conditions

(3) u(x,0)=u0,ut(x,0)=u1,utt(x,0)=u2,θ(x,0)=θ0

where u0,u1,u2,θ0:Ω are assigned initial data. The system is complemented with the boundary conditions

(4) u(x,t)=uν(x,t)=θ(x,t)=0,xΩ

Now, we intoduce a new variable z=ut+αu and using ν=αβγ. Consequently, the system (2) is equivalent to

(5) {ztt+γαΔ2z+ναΔ2ut+ηΔθ=0,θtκΔθηΔzt=0.

Associated to (2)–(4), we consider the energy functional

(6) E(t) =12(zt2+γαΔz2+ναΔut2+θ2)
Theorem 1 ([8]).

The semigroup associate to (2) is analytic and exponentially stable for ν>0.

As a results from [8] the energy (1) decays exponentially for ν>0, that is, there exist two positive constants ϵ1,ϵ2 such that

E(t)ϵ1eϵ2t;for all t0.

and satisfies

(7) E(t)=νΔut2κθ20,

For further details, refer to [8].

2. Numerical approximation

In this section, we propose a finite element approximation to system (2) with boundary conditions (4) and initial conditions (3).

We introduce and study finite elements in space and an implicit Euler type scheme based on finite differences in time. We prove that the discrete energy decays.

Introducing new variables y=zt,v=ut,Φ=Δz and Ψ=Δv; we rewrite system (5)

(8) {ytγαΔΦναΔΨ+ηΔθ=0,θtκΔθηΔy=0Δz=ΦΔv=Ψ.

In order to obtain the weak form associated with system (8), we multiply the equations by test functions χ,ξ,ω,ζH01(0,1) and integrate by parts.

(9) {(yt,χ)+γα(Φ,χ)+να(Ψ,χ)η(θ,χ)=0,(θt,ξ)+κ(θ,ξ)+η(y,ξ)=0(z,ω)(Φ,ω)=0(v,ζ)(Ψ,ζ)=0.

For our purposes, we considered J a nonnegative integer and h=1Ja subdivision of the interval (0,1) given by 0=x0<x1<<xJ1<xJ=1, such that xj=jh, for all j=0,,J. We take

(10) Sh={gH1(0,1)|gC([0,1]), g|(xj,xj+1)is a linear polynomial, with



For a given final time T and a positive integer N, let t=T/N be the time step and tn=nΔt,n=0,,N.

The finite element method for (9) using the backward Euler scheme is to find yhn,θhn,Φhn,ΨhnS0h such that, for n=1,,N and for all χh,ξh,ωh,ζhS0h

(11) {1Δt(yhnyhn1,χh)+γα(Φhn,χh)+να(Ψhn,χh)η(θhn,χh)=0,1Δt(θhnθhn1,ξh)+κ(θhn,ξh)+η(yhn,ξh)=0,(zhn,ωh)(Φhn,ωh)=0(vhn,ζh)(Ψhn,ζh)=0.


(12) vhn=uhnuhn1t,zhn=vhn+αuhn,andyhn=zhnzhn1t,

are approximations to ut(tn),v(tn)+αu(tn),zt(tn) respectively.

By leveraging the properties of inner products and norms, we derive the following identity, which will be frequently used:

(13) (ab,a)=12(ab2+a2b2).

The next result is a discrete version of the energy decay property satisfied by the solution of system (2).

We introduce the following discrete energy,

(14) hn =12(yhn2+γαΦhn2+ναΨhn2+θhn2).
Theorem 2.

The discrete energy decay to zero, that is,

(15) hnhn1t0,

holds for n=1,2,,N.


Taking χh=yhn and ξh=θhn in (11).

(16) {1Δt(yhnyhn1,yhn)+γα(Φhn,yhn)+να(Ψhn,yhn)η(θhn,yhn)=0,1Δt(θhnθhn1,θhn)+κ(θhn,θhn)+η(yhn,θhn)=0.

Summing equations of system (16), we have

(17) 1Δt(yhnyhn1,yhn)+γα(Φhn,yhn)+να(Ψhn,yhn) +1Δt(θhnθhn1,θhn)+

Recalling (12) and (13), we have

(18) 1Δt(yhnyhn1,yhn)=12Δt(yhnyhn12+yhn2yhn12).


(19) γα(Φhn,yhn) =γα(Φhn,Δyhn)=


(20) να(Ψhn,yhn) =να(Ψhn,Δyhn)


(21) 1Δt(θhnθhn1,θhn)=12Δt(θhnθhn12+θhn2θhn12).


(22) +γ2αΔt(ΦhnΦhn12+Φhn2Φhn12)

We deduce that

0 =12Δt(yhnyhn12+yhn2yhn12)
(23) +ν2αΔt(ΨhnΨhn12+Ψhn2Ψhn12)+νΨhn2

Which implies hnhn1t0 and this completes the proof. ∎

Now, we prove a main error estimates result.

Theorem 3.

There exists a positive constant C, independent of the discretization parameters h and Δt such that for all {χhi,ξhi}Ni=0S0h,

(24) max0nN{ynyhn2+ΦnΦhn2+ΨnΨhn2+θnθhn2}

where δfi=(fifi1)/Δt.


First, we subtract the first variational equation in (9) at time t=tn for a test function χ=χhS0hH01(0,1) and the first discrete variational equation in (11) to obtain

(25) (ytnδyhn,χh)+γα(ΦnΦhn,χh)+να(ΨnΨhn,χh)
η(θnθhn,χh)=0,for all χhS0h

and so, we have

(26) (ytnδyhn,ynyhn)+γα(ΦnΦhn,(ynyhn))+να(ΨnΨhn,(ynyhn))
η(θnθhn,(ynχh)),for all χhS0h

Taking into account that

(ytnδyhn,ynyhn) =(ytnδyn,ynyhn)+(δynδyhn,ynyhn)=(ytnδyn,ynyhn)

By the positivity of the terms ynyhn(yn1yhn1)2, we get the following inequality

(27) (ytnδyhn,ynyhn) (ytnδyn,ynyhn)+12Δt(ynyhn2yn1yhn12),
(ΦnΦhn,(ynyhn)) =(ΦtnδΦhn,ΦnΦhn)
(ΨnΨhn,(ynyhn)) =(ΨnΨhn,ΦtnδΦhn)

Second, we subtract the second variational equation in (9) at time t=tn for a test function ξ=ξhS0hH01(0,1) and the second discrete variational equation in (11) to obtain

(28) (θtnδθhn,ξh)+κ(θnθhn,ξh)+η(ynyhn,ξh)=0,

and so, we have

(29) (θtnδθhn,θnθhn)+κ(θnθhn,(θnθhn))+η(ynyhn,(θnθhn))

Taking into account that

(30) (θtnδθhn,θnyhn) =(θtnδθn,θnθhn)+(δθnδθhn,θnθhn)

From (26)–(27) and using several times Young’s inequality (31)

(31) abεa2+14εb2,a,b,ε+.
η(θnθhn,(ynχh)),for all χhS0h.


(ΨtnδΨn,ΨnΨhn),for all χhS0h.

It follows that

(32) 12Δt(ynyhn2yn1yhn12)+γ2αΔt(ΦnΦhn)2Φn1Φhn12)
+(δynδyhn,ynχh),for all χhS0h.

Proceeding with a similar approach for equations (29)-(30), we obtain the following estimates, for all ξhS0h,

(33) 12Δt(θnθhn2θn1θhn12)+κθnθhn2+η(ynyhn,θnθhn)

Combining estimates (32) and (33) it follows that, for all χh,ξhS0h,

(34) 12Δt(ynyhn2yn1yhn12)+γ2αΔt(ΦnΦhn)2Φn1Φhn12)

Multiplying the above estimates by Δt and summing up to n we find that, for all χh,ξhS0h,

(35) ynyhn2+ΦnΦhn)2+ΨnΨhn2+θnθhn2

Finally, taking into account that

(36) Δti=1n(δyiδyhi,yiχhi)= (ynyhn,ynχhn)+(yh0z1,y1χh1)+
Δti=1n(δθiδθhi,θiξhi)= (θnθhn,θnξhn)+(θh0θ0,θ1ξh1)+

using again a discrete version of Gronwall’s inequality (see [6]) we obtain the desired a priori error estimates. ∎

The estimates provided in the above theorem can be used to obtain the convergence order of the approximations given by discrete problem (11). Hence, as an example, if we assume the additional regularity:

(37) uH4(0,T;L2(0,1))H3(0,T;H1(0,1))C2([0,T];H3(0,1))

we obtain the quadratic convergence of the algorithm applying some results on the approximation by finite elements (see [7]) and previous estimates already derived in [6]. We have the following.

Corollary 4.

Let (y,Φ,Ψ,θ) be the solution of (8) and (yh,Φh,Ψh,θh) be that of the discrete system (11). Under the assumptions of Theorem 3, it follows that there exists a positive constant C>0, independent of the discretization parameters h and Δt, such that

(38) max0nN{ynyhn2+ΦnΦhn2+ΨnΨhn2+θnθhn2}C(h2+Δt2).

3. Numerical Simulation

3.1. Numerical Convergence: error estimate with an exact solution

In a first example, our aim is to show the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed fully discrete example. Therefore, we will solve the problem:

(39) {uttt+αutt+βΔ2ut+γΔ2u+ηΔθ=f1 in (0,1)×(0,T),θtκΔθηΔuttαηΔut=f2 in (0,1)×(0,T),

with the following data:

(40) T=1,α=2102,β=3.103,γ=105,η=104,κ=105.

If we use the following initial conditions, for all x(0,1),

(41) u0(x)=u1(x)=u2(x)=x3(1x)3,θ0(x)=x3(1x)3.

considering homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.

In the previous system of equations, the source terms fi,i=1,2, can be easily calculate from the exact solution to the above problem and it has the form, for (x,t) [0,1]×[0,1]:


Hence, for some values of the spatial and time discretization parameters, the approximated numerical errors given by (11) are shown in Table 1.

Fig. 1 illustrates how the error depends on the parameters h2 and Δt2, demonstrating quadratic convergence. This confirms the theoretical results, assuming the solution meets certain regularity conditions. Moreover, Fig. 2 further validates these findings for different cases.

hΔt 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.0025 0.00125
0.02 0.143200720 0.052391942 0.024164654 0.017698156 0.017492619
0.01 0.100412690 0.028129534 0.008809871 0.003280523 0.001545261
0.005 0.090920463 0.023251807 0.006174570 0.001746539 0.000551093
0.0025 0.088623052 0.022107428 0.005592580 0.001442328 0.000384684
0.00125 0.088053433 0.021826038 0.005451913 0.001371276 0.000348277
Table 1. Computed numerical errors ×104 for a final time T=1 and for some values of h and Δt.
Refer to caption
Figure 1. Error behavior on the logarithmic scale.
Case h Δt
Case 1: Δth 140, 180, 1160, 1320 150, 1100, 1200, 1400
Case 2: Δt=4h 1120, 1240, 1480, 1960 130, 160, 1120, 1240
Case 3: h fixed, Δt decreasing 1300 154, 1108, 1216, 1432
Case 4: Δt fixed, h decreasing 180, 1100, 1120, 1140 1700
Table 2. Values of h and Δt for different cases.
Refer to caption
(a) Error behavior on the logarithmic scale for case 1.
Refer to caption
(b) Error behavior on the logarithmic scale for case 2.
Refer to caption
(c) Error behavior on the logarithmic scale for case 3.
Refer to caption
(d) Error behavior on the logarithmic scale for case 4.
Figure 2. Error Behavior.

3.2. Discrete Energy: exponential decay

Now, we consider the system (8) with the following data :

(42) T=12,α=10,β=2,γ=1,η=1,κ=1.

and the following initial conditions, for all x(0,1),

(43) u0(x)=u1(x)=u2(x)=x3(1x)3,θ0(x)=x2(1x)2sin(x).

If we take the parameters 3h=Δt=0.03 and we use the following definition for the discrete energy (14) in Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 3(b) we represent discrete energy and discrete logarithm energy evolution of system (2). We can clearly conclude that the discrete energy tends to zero and that an exponential energy decay is achieved.

Refer to caption
(a) Natural scale behavior of hn
Refer to caption
(b) Semi-log scale behavior of hn
Figure 3. Energy Behavior.

The numerical schemes were implemented using MATLAB.
