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Higher-order approximations
for space-fractional diffusion equation

Anura Gunarathna Wickramarachchi and Haniffa M. Nasir
(Date: October 18, 2024; accepted: November 13, 2024; published online: December 18, 2024.)

Second-order and third-order finite difference approximations for fractional derivatives are derived from a recently proposed unified explicit form. The Crank-Nicholson schemes based on these approximations are applied to discretize the space-fractional diffusion equation. We theoretically analyze the convergence and stability of the Crank-Nicholson schemes, proving that they are unconditionally stable. These schemes exhibit unconditional stability and convergence for fractional derivatives of order α in the range 43α2. Numerical examples further confirm the convergence orders and unconditional stability of the approximations, demonstrating their effectiveness in practice.

Key words and phrases:
Fractional derivatives, Grünwald approximation, unified explicit form, space fractional diffusion equation.
2005 Mathematics Subject Classification:
26A33, 34B05, 34D20, 65L03, 65L20, 65L11.
Department of Physical Sciences, Rajarata University, Sri Lanka, e-mail:, corresponding author.
FracDiff Research Group, Department of Mathematics, Sultan Qaboos University, Al-Khoud 123, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. e-mail:

1. Introduction

Fractional derivatives, for example, the Riemann-Liouville, Caputo, and Grünwald-Letnikov derivatives, have found numerous applications across various applied fields, including physics [10, 13, 27, 28], biology[7, 29, 30], finance[25, 26], and engineering [11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18]. Their unique characteristics such as non-locality give more suitable descriptions for various phenomena, including anomalous diffusion, population dynamics, fractional Brownian motion, etc. compared to traditional derivatives. However, the non-local nature of fractional derivatives often leads to complex formulas, making it difficult to solve fractional-order differential equations, such as fractional-order diffusion equations, using both analytical and approximate methods [6, 8, 24].

The Grünwald difference (GD) approximation presents a finite difference technique for approximating fractional derivatives. It utilizes an infinite sum of terms derived from the power series expansion of the generator W1(z)=(1z)α about zero [6]. Despite its first-order accuracy, the GD approximation yields unstable results, even with stable methods like Euler and Crank-Nicholson, which are typically reliable for integer-order diffusion equations. To address this, a shifted version with shift r=1 was introduced [8], aiming to restore unconditional stability while preserving first-order accuracy for fractional derivatives.

The shifted Grünwald approximation has served as a cornerstone for constructing higher-order finite difference approximations for fractional order differential equations. Meerchaert et al. [20] employed extrapolation technique on the Crank-Nicholson scheme of the Shifted Grünwald approximation for the fractional diffusion equation to obtain the second-order accuracy for the space discretization. Nasir et al. [19], from the shifted Grünwal approximations with a non-integer shift r=12, obtained a second-order accuracy which displays super convergence. Convex combinations of the shifted form of the Grünwal approximation with various shifts were used to obtain some second-order approximations [21]. This technique is referred in the literature as the weighted and shifted Grünwald difference(WSGD) approximations. A third-order approximation through WSGD was not successful as it fails to give the desired stability for a fractional derivative order α in the range 1α2. However, achieving stability for the third-order approximation is possible within a restricted range of the fractional order as shown in [23]. Hao [22] derived a fourth-order approximation using a quasi compact difference approximation technique on a WSGD approximation. Additionally, by utilizing super-convergent approximations for fractional derivatives, Zhao and Deng [34] proposed a series of higher-order difference schemes for the space fractional diffusion equation.

Moreover, Lubich [5] proposed generators in the form of power or rational polynomials to construct higher-order approximations for fractional derivatives. While these generators provide coefficients for higher-order accuracy without shifts, their shifted forms only yield first-order approximations regardless of the original accuracy orders.

Nasir and Nafa [4] introduced polynomial-type generators for higher-order approximations with shifts and derived a second-order finite-difference scheme for the one-dimensional fractional diffusion equation. In construction of this work, Nasir and Nafa [3] and Gunarathna et al. [14] developed quasi-compact schemes with third-and fourth-order accuracy, respectively, both derived from the second-order approximation and applied them to the one-dimensional fractional diffusion equation.

The generators for the Nasir and Nafa [4] approximations are usually obtained manually by hand calculations, solving a resulting system of linear equations or by symbolic computations and these processes are specific to the problem at hand. To alleviate those difficulties, Gunarathna et al. [9] have obtained an explicit form for generators that gives approximations for fractional derivatives with shifts retaining their higher orders. This form generalizes the Lubich form with shift and hence the Lubich form becomes a special case with no shift. Gunarathna et al. [31] then extended the explicit form developed in [9] to a more general unified explicit form that gives more new approximations for fractional derivatives and various finite difference formulas for any classical derivative.

In this paper, we apply the unified explicit form in [9] to the space fractional diffusion equation given by (1). We consider a second-order approximation derived from this unified form. Subsequently, a new quasi-compact third-order approximation is derived from this second-order approximation. Using these approximations, second-and third -order Crank-Nicholson (C-N) schemes are constructed for the space fractional diffusion equation. Theoretical analyses of stability and convergence are established for both the C-N schemes.

(1) u(x,t)t=K1Dxαu(x,t)+K2Dx+αu(x,t)+f(x,t),

with the initial and boundary conditions:

(2) u(x,0)=s0(x),x[a,b];u(a,t)=Z1(t),u(b,t)=Z2(t),t[0,T],

where u(x.t) is the unknown function to be determined; K1,K2 are non-negative constant diffusion coefficient with K1+K20, i.e., not both are simultaneously zero; f(x,t) is a known source term. The fractional derivatives Dxα and Dx+α, in Riemann-Liouville sense, are given in Definition 1.

The remaining sections of this paper are structured as follows: Section 2 presents essential preliminaries and terminologies. Section 3 applies the unified form to obtain new second-and third-order approximations for fractional derivatives and obtain their Crank-Nicholson (C-N) schemes with order 2 and order 3 to solve the space fractional diffusion equation. Section 4 analyses the C-N schemes derived in Section 3. Section 5 presents numerical examples. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2. Preliminaries and Terminologies

This section presents the requisite materials and definitions relevant to the subject of the paper. Let f(x) be a sufficiently smooth function defined on a real domain .

Definition 1 ([6]).

The left(-) and right(+) Riemann-Liouville (R-L) fractional derivatives of a real order α>0 are defined as

(3) RLDxαf(x)=1Γ(nα)dndxnxf(η)(xη)α+1ndη,


(4) RLDx+αf(x)=(1)nΓ(nα)dndxnxf(η)(ηx)α+1ndη

respectively, where n=[α]+1, an integer with n1<α<n and Γ() denotes the gamma function.

Definition 2 ([4]).

Let {wk(α)} be a sequence of real numbers with generating function


Define a shifted difference formula with shift r as

(5) Δ±h,p,rαf(x)=1hαk=0wk(α)f(x(kr)h).
  1. 1)

    W(z) is said to approximate the fractional derivatives Dxα if

    (6) limh0Δ±h,p,rαf(x)=Dxαf(x).
  2. 2)

    W(z) is said to approximate the fractional derivatives Dxα with order p if

    (7) Δ±h,p,rαf(x)=Dxαf(x)+𝒪(hp).
Proposition 3 (Theorem 1 [4, 3]).

Let α>0,n=[α]+1, and a non-negative integer m be given. Let a function f(x)Cm+n+1() and Dkf(x)=dkdxkf(x)L1() for 0km+n+1. Then, a generator W(z) approximates the fractional derivatives Dx±αf(x) with order p and shift r, 1pm, if and only if

(8) G(z)=1zαW(ez)erz=1+𝒪(zp).

Moreover, if G(z)=1+l=palzl, where alal(α,r), then we have

Δ±h,p,rαf(x) =Dx±αf(x)+hpapDx±α+pf(x)+hp+1ap+1Dx±α+p+1f(x)+
(9) +hmamDx±α+mf(x)+𝒪(hm+1).

2.1. The unified explicit form

In this section, the unified form appearing in [31] is presented. This unified form extends the explicit form in [9] to a more general form that covers compact finite difference formulas for higher order classical derivatives as well as some new Lubich type generators for fractional derivatives. For this, we introduce a base differential order d, a positive integer, to express the fractional differential operator as


and consider approximating the fractional derivative by a Lubich type generator of the form

(10) W(z)=(β0+β1z++βN1zN1)αd=(P(z))αd,

where P(z) corresponds to the classical derivative operator Dd. The coefficients βj in (10) are to be determined based on the fractional order α, the required approximation order p, and shift r. The degree N1 of P(z) is similarly determined based on p and d. This setup leads to the following theorem.

Theorem 4.

With assumptions of Proposition 3, the generator of the form W(z)=Wp,r,d(z)=(β0+β1z++βN1zN1)αd, where d is a positive integer, approximates the fractional derivatives Dxαf(x) at x with order p and shift r if and only if the coefficients βj satisfy the linear system

(11) j=0N1(λj)kβj=d!δd,k,k=0,1,,N1,

where λ=rd/α,N=p+d and δd,k is the Kronecker delta having value of one for k=d and zero otherwise.


In view of Proposition 3, we have G(z)=1zαW(ez)erz=1+𝒪(zp). This gives

G(z) =1zα(j=0N1βjejz)αderz=1zα(j=0N1βje(rd/αj)z)αd

where λj=λj,λ=rdα and

(12) bk=1k!j=0N1λjkβj,k=0,1,2,.

Since G(z) does not have any pole singularities by virtue of (8), we have bk=0 for k=0,1,,d1. Moreover, since G(0)=1, we have bd=1. These are the consistency condition for the GTA with generator W(z). Now, for order p=1, these conditions give the system (11) with N=1+d and the proof ends. For p>1, G(z) reduces to


where γ=αd and

(13) X=k=d+1bkzkd.

Expansion of (1+X)γ gives

(14) 1+γX+γ(γ1)2!X2+=1+𝒪(zp).

The term with z appears in the term γX only on the left-hand side of (14). This gives bd+1=0. The same is true for bk,k=d+1,d+2,,p+d1, by successively comparing the coefficients of zkd to gain 𝒪(zp) in (14). Altogether, we have bk=δd,k, k=0,1,2,,p+d1 which yield the linear system (11) with (12) and N=p+d. ∎

Theorem 5.

Let α>0, a positive integer d1 and f(x) be a sufficiently smooth function such that Dx±αf(x) is defined. For an approximation (5) for Dx±αf(x) of order p and shift r with the generator in the form (10), the coefficients βj are given by

(15) βj=NjDj,j=0,1,,N1,

where N=p+d and

(16) Nj=0m1<m2<<mp1N1mij,1ip1k=0p1(λmk),Dj=(1)dd!m=0mjN1(jm).

For the proof of Theorem 5, the interesting readers are referred to [31].

3. Applications of the unified explicit form

This section applies the unified explicit form to derive a second and third order approximations.

3.1. Second-order approximation

To derive the second order approximation, the following generating function form:

(17) W2,2(z)=(β0+β1z+β2z2+β3z3)α/2

is considered. The coefficients β0,β1,β2, and β3 are computed using the unified form equation (15). The computed coefficients are: β0=λ+2,β1=3λ5,β2=3λ+4, and β3=λ1, where λ=2rα.

3.2. Third-order approximation: Quasi-compact form

Now, we derive a new quasi-compact third-order approximation from the second-order approximation described in the Section 3.1. In view of Proposition 3, we have


where a2(r)=124α(11α236αr+24r2) and

a3(r)=16α2(3α313α2r+18αr28r3). Also, Equation (3) gives

Δh,2,rαf(x) =Dx±αf(x)+a2h2Dx±2+αf(x)+𝒪(h3)
(18) =PxDx±αf(x)+𝒪(h3),

where Px=(I+h2a2Dxα) and I is the identity differential operator. The differential operator Dx2 may be approximated by the standard central difference operator δh2f(x) with Dx2f(x)=δh2f(x)+𝒪(h2). Using this, an approximation is obtained for Px such that

Pxf(x) =(I+a2h2Dx2)f(x)
(19) =Phf(x)+𝒪(h4),


(20) Ph=(I+a2h2δh2).

Then (3.2) and (3.2) reason to give

Δ±h,2,rf(x) =(Ph+𝒪(h4))Dx±αf(x)+𝒪(h3)
(21) =PhDx±αf(x)+𝒪(h3).

3.3. Discretization of the space fractional diffusion equation

The discretization of the space fractional diffusion equation (1) in the domain [a,b]×[0,T] is considered. The function u(x,t) is zero-extended outside the space domain interval [a,b] so that the left and right fractional derivatives are applicable. For a numerical scheme, the space domain [a,b] is partitioned into a uniform mesh of size N with sub-interval length h=(ba)/N, and the time domain [0,T] into a uniform partition of size M with sub-interval length τ=T/M. These form a uniform partition on the 2-D domain [a,b]×[0,T] with grid points (xi,tm),0iN,0mM, where xi=a+ih and tm=mτ. The following notations are also introduced for conciseness:


Furthermore, prior to the construction of the C-N schemes, it should be noted that the time derivative at (x,t+τ/2) may be approximated with order 2 accuracy as follows:

(22) u(x,t+τ/2)t =1τ(u(x,t+τ)u(x,t))+𝒪(τ2),
(23) u(x,t+τ/2) =12(u(x,t+τ)+u(x,t))+𝒪(τ2).

3.4. Second-order Crank-Nicholson scheme

Using Equations (22) and (23) the FDE at (xi,tm+1/2) gives the C-N scheme:

(24) uim+1uimτ=12Δ2,2,(uim+1+uim)+fim+1/2+𝒪(τ2+h2),

where Δ2,2=K1Δh,2,1α+K2Δ+h,2,1α. Rearranging (24) gives

(25) uim+1τ2Δ2,2uim+1=uim+τ2Δ2,2αuim+τfim+1/2+𝒪(τ3+τh2)

for all i=0,1,2,,N and m=0,1,2,,M1. The corresponding matrix form of (25) is given by

(26) (IBα)Um+1=(I+Bα)Um+τFm+1/2+𝒪(τ3+τh2)

for all m=0,1,2,,M1, where Bα=τ2(K1A2,1+K2A2,1T),


where wij+1,2,1 are the power series coefficients of the generating function W=W2,2(z) as seen in (17). They can be computed using the J. C. P. Miller recurrence.

Now, let U^m be the solution of (26) after neglecting the 𝒪(τ3+τh2) terms with U^m=[u^1m,u^2m,,u^N1m]T, where its entries u^im become the approximate values of the exact values uim. Also, let P^α and B^α be the reduced matrix from Pα and Bα, respectively by deleting the first and last rows and columns, and F^m+1/2 be the reduced vector obtained from Fm+1/2 by removing its first and last entries. After imposing the boundary conditions (2), Equation (26) becomes to be on the ready-to-solve form:

(27) (I^B^α)U^m+1=(I^+B^α)U^m+τF^m+1/2+𝐛^m,m=1,2,,M1,

where 𝐛^m=B^0(u0m+1+u0m)+B^N(uNm+1+uNm) and B^0 and B^N are the first(0th) and last(Nth) column vectors of the matrix Bα reduced again as before.

3.5. Third-order quasi-compact Crank-Nicholson scheme

The new order 3 quasi compact approximation is applied to numerically solve the space fractional diffusion equation with third-order accuracy. Pre-operating (1) by Ph which is given by (20) gives

(28) Phu(x,t)t=K1PhDxαu(x,t)+K2PhDx+αu(x,t)+Phf(x,t).

With the aid of the second-order approximations given by Equations (22) and (23), the FDE at (xi,tm+1/2) gives the C-N scheme

(29) Ph1τ(uim+1uim)=12Ch(uim+1+uim)+Phfim+1/2+𝒪(τ2+h3),

where Ch=K1Δh,2,1α+K2Δ+h,2,1α Rearranging (29) yields

(30) (Phτ2Ch)uim+1=(Ph+τ2Ch)uim+τPhfim+12+𝒪(τ3+τh3).

Consequently, in matrix language, the C-N scheme (30) can be read as

(31) (PαCα)Um+1=(Pα+Cα)Um+τPαFm+1/2+𝒪(τ3+τh3)

for m=0,1,2,,M1, where Pα=Tri[c2,12c2,c2] is a tri-diagonal matrix with size N+1 and Cα=τ2(K1A2,1+K2A2,1T). After imposing the boundary conditions (2), Equation (31) reduces to the following form:

(32) (P^αC^α)U^m+1=(P^α+C^α)U^m+τP^αF^m+1/2+𝐛^m,m=0,1,2,,M1,

where 𝐛^m=C^0(u0m+1+u0m)+C^N(uNm+1+uNm) and C^0 and C^N are the first(0th) and last(Nth) column vectors of the matrix Cα reduced again as before.

4. Stability and convergence analysis

This section analyzes the stability and convergence of the C-N schemes presented in Section 3.4 and Section 3.5 for the fractional diffusion equation. The analysis also requires certain properties of definite matrices and equivalent norms, to which the reader is referred in the references [33, 34], in addition to the following useful results.

Lemma 6 ([33]).

Let H=(A+A)/2 be the Hermiatian part of a complex matrix A. For any eigenvalue λ(A) of A with its real part (λ) , we have


where λmin(H)and λmax(H) are the minimum and maximum eigenvalues of H, respectively.

Definition 7 ([34]).

A function G(x)=n=0tnxn is called the generator of a Toeplitz matrix T=[tij] if

Lemma 8 (Grenander-Szego theorem, [32]).

Let the generator G(x) of a Toeplitz matrix T be a 2π-periodic continuous real-valued function. Then


where Gmin,Gmax denote the minimum and maximum values of G(x) respectively in [π,π]. Moreover, if Gmin<Gmax, then all eigenvalues of T satisfy Gmin<λ(T)<Gmax and furthermore, if Gmin0, then T is positive definite.

Lemma 9.

If G(x) is the generating function for a Toeplitz matrix T=[tij], then G(x)e𝐢rx is the generating function of the shifted Toeplitz matrix Tr=[tij+r].


Let Tr=sij be the Toeplitz matrix for the generating function G(x)e𝐢rx. Then


The result follows with n=ij. ∎

Lemma 10.

The generating functions of the matrices A2,r and A2,rT corresponding to the approximation operators Δh,r,2 and Δ+h,r,2 of the second-order approximation with shift r are given by W2,r(e𝐢x)e𝐢rx and its conjugate W2,r(e𝐢x)e𝐢rx, respectively.


The matrix A2,r is Toeplitz given by A2,r=[tij]=[wij+r]. Now,


The result follows with n=ij. A similar argument follows for the A2,rT as well. ∎

Note that the two generating functions are mutually conjugate. Furthermore, the following results are also required.

Let Vh={v|v=(v0,v1,,vN),vi,v0=0=VN)} be the space of grid functions in the interval computational domain [a,b] with N uniform subintervals of length h. Associated with the analysis carried out in [22], for 𝐮,𝐯Vh, the following discrete inner products and the corresponding norms are defined below:

(u, v)=hi=1N1uivi,u=(𝐮,𝐮),

Define difference operators on the component of 𝐯Vh as

Theorem 11.

Let P be a self adjoint operator defined on Vh such that μ1𝐮𝐮Pμ2𝐮,μ1,μ2>0 and A be a negative definite operator. Suppose that there exists a vector 𝐯m=(v0m,v1m,,vN1m,vNm)Vh such that

(33) Pδh𝐯m+1/2=A𝐯m+1/2+Sm,1mM1,


(34) 𝐯0=v0(xi)foralli=i=0,1,,N.



where 𝐒l=[S0l,S1l,,SNl]T with S0l=0 and SNl=0 for all l=0,1,,M.


The negative definiteness of the operator A implies that


Now, applying inner product on (33) with vm+1/2 yields:

(Pδτvm+1/2,vm+1/2) =(Avm+1/2,vm+1/2)+(Sm,vm+1/2)
(35) (Sm,vm+1/2).


(Pδτvm+1/2,vm+1/2) =(P1τ(vm+1vm),12(vm+1+vm)
(36) =12τ(vm+1vmP)(vm+1+vmP)
(37) 12μ1Sm(vm+1P+vmP).

The inequality relating (4) and (37) reduces, for 0mM1, to

vm+1Pvm+τμ1Sm. Summing this for the first m inequalities results:


Equivalence of the two norms concludes the proof. ∎

Lemma 12.

Leading to the above inner products and norms, the following results :

  1. (a)

    The operator δh2 is self adjoint on Vh.

  2. (b)

    |𝐮|124h2 for any 𝐮Vh.

  3. (c)

    The operator Th=1+kh2δh2 is selft–adjoint on Vh, where k is a given constant.

  1. (a)

    Take any 𝐮,𝐯Vh. Then, we must show that δh2𝐮,𝐯=𝐮,δh2𝐯. We first note that u0v1=v0u1 and uNvN1=vNuN1, since the vectors 𝐮 and 𝐯 have zero boundary values; thereby, we have:

    (δh2𝐮,𝐯) =hi=1N1δh2uivi=hi=1N1(ui+12ui+ui1h2)vi

    for all 𝐮,𝐯Vh. That is, δh2 is self adjoint on Vh.

  2. (b)

    From Part (a), we have:

    |𝐮|12 =δh𝐮,δh𝐮=hi=1N1(δhui1/2)(δhui1/2)
  3. (c)

    Letting Th=1+kh2δh2 and using Part (a), we get:

    (Th𝐮,𝐯) =(𝐮,𝐯)+b2h2(δh2𝐮,𝐯)=(𝐮,𝐯)+b2h2(𝐮,δh2𝐯)

    for all 𝐮,𝐯Vh. Therefore, Th is a self–adjoint operator.

4.1. Analysis of the second-order C–N scheme

This section gives the stability and convergence analysis of the C–N scheme presented in Section 3.4. First, Lemma 13 is presented along with its proof:

Lemma 13.

The matrices A^2,1 and A^2,1T are negative definite for 43α2. Therefore, the corresponding operators Δ+h,2,1 and Δh,2,1 are also negative definite.


The generating function of matrix A^2,1 is given by Gα=(1eix)α(β0+β3eix)α/2eix,43α2.

Gα(x) =(R1eiθ1)α(R2eiθ2)α/2eix=Rei(αθ1+α2θ2+x),

where θ1=(πx)2, θ2=tan1(β3sin(x)β0+β3cos(x)),
and R=R1αR2α/2=(2sin(x/2))α(β02+2β0β3cos(x)+β32)α/4. The real part of Gα(z) is given below: (Gα)(x)=Rcos(αθ1+α2θ2+x)=RH1(x,α) for 43α2, where H1(x,α)=cos(αθ1+α2θ2+x). It must be shown that (Gα)(x)<0. Now, (Gα)(x)<0 if and only of H1(x,α)<0, since R0. Therefore, it will be proved that H1(x,α)<0 over the domain [0,π]×[4/3,2]. Let Z(x,α)=αθ1+α2θ2+x. For a fixed α[4/3,2], differentiating Z with respect to x gives


The foregoing derivative assumes positive values over the interval (0,π) for an α(4/3,2) and thus, the function Z is monotonically non-decreasing function over the interval (0,π). Therefore, the maximum and minimum values of Z are Zmax=Z(π,α)=π and Zmin=Z(0,α)=απ2, respectively. Therefore, H1(x,α) is a non increasing function and thereby its maximum (H1(x,α))max=cos(απ2)<0 for 43<α<2. Now, by Lemma 8, we have λ(A^2,1)<0.

Now, for any non–zero vector v, consider vTA2,1v=v2λ(A^2,1)<0. Thus, the matrix A^2,1 is negative definite. Consequently, A^2,1T, Δ+h,2,1, and Δh,2,1 are negative definite. This completes the proof. ∎

Remark 14.

Since the matrices A^2,1 and A^2,1T are negative definite, the matrix c1A^2,1+c2A^2,1T is also negative definite for any positive constants c1 and c2. Therefore, the operator Δ2=c1Δ+h,2,1+c2Δh,2,1 is negative definite. Or, we may prove this using the linearity property of inner product: Let any 𝐮Vh. Then, we have

Theorem 15.

The Crank–Nicholson scheme (27) with the approximation from the generating function W2,1(z) given by (17) for the space fractional diffusion equation is unconditionally stable for 43α2.


We have from Equation (27) that the iteration matrix of the C–N scheme, M2=(IB^)1(I+B^). To establish a stability criterion, we must have the spectral radius of M2, ρ(M2)<1. Now, for any λ(B^α)1, we have λ(M2)=1+λ(B^α)1λ(B^α). Then, λ(B^α)<0 if and only if |1+λ(B^α)|<|1λ(B^α)| if and only if ρ(M2)<maxλ1+λ(B^α)1λ(B^α)<1. Also, we have B^α=τ2(K1A^2,1+K2A^2,1T). Now, λ(B^α)=τ(K1+K2)2λ(A^2,1). Therefore, since τ,K1, and K2 are positive, (λ(B^α))<0 if and only if λ(A^2,1)<0. Now, from Lemma 13, we have λ(A^2,1)<0. This completes the proof. ∎

Theorem 16.

The Crank-Nicholson finite difference scheme (24) with given initial and boundary conditions converges with order 2 for 43α2.


Let eim=uimu^im be error at grid point (xi,tm), where uim and u^im denote the exact solution of the diffusion equation (1) and the corresponding approximate solution given by (24). Then, e0m=0 and eNm=0.

Also, let 𝐞m=(e0m,e1m,,eN1m,eNm) and 𝐑m=(R0m,R1m,,RN1m,RNm), where Rim denotes the remainder term of (24) at (xi,tm),  0iN, 0mM1, R0m=0, and RNm=0.


𝐑m2=hi=1N1(Rim)2=hi=1N1|Rim|2hi=1N|Rim|2Nhc12(τ2+h2)2=(ba)c12(τ2+h2)2, where c1 is a positive constant. Therefore, 𝐑m(ba)c1(τ2+h2)/].

Also, it is easy to see that, the error vector 𝐞m governs the difference system:

(38) δτ𝐞m+12Δ2,2𝐞m+12=𝐑m,𝐞0=𝟎.

In comparison with Equation (33), in Equation (38), P is the identity operator and hence it is self–adjoint and its norm is equivalent to that of 𝐮. So, μ1=1=μ2. Also, from Remark 14, for K1,K20, the operator Δ2,2=K1Δ+h,2,1+K2Δh,2,2,1 is negative definite. Then, Theorem 11 views

𝐞m 𝐞0+τl=0m1𝐑lτl=0M𝐑lτM(ba)c1(τ2+h2)

where c2=T(ba)c1.

So, we complete the proof. ∎

4.2. Analysis of the third–order C–N quasi-compact scheme

In this section, the analysis of the proposed third order quasi–compact approximation is presented.

Lemma 17.

The QCD operator of order 3 in (3.2) leads to the following for 43α2:

  1. (a)

    112a2(r)<16 for r=1.

  2. (b)

    The operator Ph is self–adoint and 13𝐮2𝐮P2𝐮2 for r=1, where 𝐮P2=(Ph𝐮,𝐮).


(a) It is not hard to see that, the maximum of a2 over the domain [43,2] is 32116, occurring at α=2411 and the minimum of a2 over [43,2] is 112, occurring at α=2. Therefore, 112a2(r)(32116)<16 for r=1.

(b) Take any 𝐮,𝐯Vh. Applying Part (c) of Lemma 12 with k=a2 gives that the operator Ph is self–adjoint.

Now, using Part (b) of Lemma 12, we have: (Ph𝐮,𝐮)=𝐮2a2h2|𝐮|12𝐮246𝐮2=13𝐮2. Hence, we complete the proof. ∎

Theorem 18.

The quasi compact Crank–Nicholson scheme (32) with the approximation from the generating function W2,1(z) is unconditionally stable for 43α2.


Consider the iteration matrix, M3, of the C–N scheme set off in Equation (32) given by M3=(P^αC^α)1(P^α+C^α)=(IP^α1C^α)1(I+P^α1C^α)=(IBα,3)1(I+Bα,3), where Bα,3=P^α1C^α. Now, arguing analogously to Section 4.1, the spectral radius of matrix M3, ρ(M3)<1 if and only if λ(Bα,3)<0. The eigen-values of P^α are given by

λ(P^α)m =12a2+2a2cos(mπN)=12a2(1cos(mπN)

since when r=1, 112a2(32116)<16 for 43α2. Thus, λ(P^αα)>0; thereby we have λ(Bα,3)<0 if and only if λ(C^α)<0.

Now, λ(C^α)=τ(K1+K2)2λ(A2,1)<0, since λ(A2,1)<0 owing to Lemma 13. This results in giving ρ(M3)<1. Therefore, the order 3 Crank–Nicholson scheme is unconditionally stable for 4/3α2. ∎

Theorem 19.

The quasi compact Crank–Nicholson finite difference scheme (31) with the given initial and boundary conditions converges with order 3 to the exact solution of the diffusion problem (1) for 43α2.


In Part (b) of Lemma 17, we have proved that the operator Ph is self–adjoint and 13𝐮2𝐮P2𝐮2. Also, it is not hard to see that the error vector 𝐞m governs the difference system:

(39) Phδt𝐞m+12Δ2,2𝐞m+12=𝐑m,𝐞0=𝟎,

where 𝐑=(R0m,R1m,,RN1m,RNm), where Rim denotes the remainder term of (29) at (xi,tm),0iN,0mM,R0m=0 and RNm=0. Now, 𝐑m2=hi=1N1(Ri)2hi=1N|Rim|2(ba)c32(τ2+h3)2. where c3 is a positive constant. This implies that 𝐑m(ba)c3(τ2+h3).

Now, using Theorem 11 with μ1=13,μ2=1 and 𝐒m=𝐑m, we have:

𝐞m 𝐞0+3τl=1m1𝐑lτMbac3(τ2+h3)=T(ba)(τ2+h3)

where c4=T(ba)c3. So, we complete the proof. ∎

5. Numerical results

In this section, numerical examples are given to demonstrate the unconditional stability, convergence order, and accuracy of each scheme derived in Section 3. The following test example is considered:

Example 20.

Let H(x,m,α)=Γ(m+1)Γ(n+1α)(xmα+(1x)mα) and s0(x)=x5(1x)5. The following example uses constant diffusion coefficients.

K1(x) =1,K2(x)=1,
f(x,t) =et(s0(x)+H(x,5,α)5H(x,6,α)+10H(x,7,α)
u(x,0) =s0(x),u(0,t)=0,u(1,t)=0.
Exact Solutionu(x,t)=s0(x)et.

Let, at a time final time t=T, the exact solution vector be defined by U and a corresponding approximate solution vector be denoted by U^. Then the maximum norm of error vector U^U at grid size h is given by Eh=U^U=max1in|UiUi^. The numerical convergence order c is calculated by c=log(Eh/Eh/2)/log2. First, the second-order Crank-Nichoslon scheme is applied to Example 20 to calculate the errors and convergence orders for α=1.34,1.5, and 1.9. We choose N=8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048=M with uniform sub-interval sizes h=1/N and τ/M. We then apply the new order 3 quasi compact C-N-scheme presented in Section 3.5 to Example 20. The space domain is handled with N sub-partitions and time domain is handled with M=[N3/2]+1 sub-partitions. Table 1 and Table 2 demonstrate maximum absolute errors and convergence orders of these schemes.

h=τ α=1.34 α=1.5 α=1.9
N=M U^U c U^U c U^U c
8 3.6245e-05 3.4278e-05 1.3912e-05
16 8.5169e-06 2.08 8.3193e-06 2.04 5.6605e-06 1.29
32 2.0773e-06 2.03 2.0709e-06 2.00 1.4222e-06 1.99
64 5.1597e-07 2.00 5.1907e-07 1.99 3.5503e-07 2.00
128 1.2880e-07 2.00 1.3012e-07 1.99 8.8753e-08 2.00
256 3.2192e-08 2.00 3.2587e-08 1.99 2.2192e-08 1.99
512 8.0477e-09 2.00 8.1546e-09 1.99 5.5488e-09 1.99
1024 2.0120e-09 1.99 2.0397e-09 1.99 1.3877e-09 1.99
2048 5.0323e-10 1.99 5.1009e-10 1.99 3.4964e-10 1.98
Table 1. Maximum errors and for order 2 convergence of C-N scheme at T=1.
h=1N τ=1M α=1.34 α=1.5 α=1.9
N M U^U c U^U c U^U c
8 23 3.3799e-06 1.3300e-06 1.3815e-06
16 65 1.1898e-07 4.82 2.1456e-07 2.63 3.0808e-08 5.48
32 182 5.3530e-09 4.47 3.1650e-08 2.76 1.9968e-09 3.94
64 513 2.8116e-10 4.25 4.2935e-09 2.88 4.6661e-10 2.09
128 1449 3.6421e-11 2.94 5.5870e-10 2.94 7.2068e-11 2.69
256 4097 6.5222e-12 2.48 7.1243e-11 2.97 9.8501e-12 2.87
512 11586 9.2923e-13 2.81 8.9930e-12 2.98 1.2345e-12 2.99
Table 2. Maximum errors and order 3 convergence of C-N scheme at T=1.
Refer to caption
Figure 1. Surface plot of the exact solution of Example 20 over [0,1]×[0,1].

Both Table 1 and Table 2 confirm convergence orders, unconditional stability, and the accuracy of the second and third schemes, respectively. Furthermore, Fig. 1 exhibits the surface plot of the exact solution of the fractional diffusion equation in Example 20 over the domain [0,1]×[0,1].

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we present two new approximations for fractional derivatives, utilizing a recently developed unified explicit form. The first approximation achieves second-order accuracy, while the second approximation demonstrates third-order accuracy, derived from the former using a quasi-compact technique. These approximations were employed, together with the Crank-Nicholson method, to solve the space fractional diffusion equation. The unconditional stability and convergence of the resulting Crank-Nicholson schemes were established for fractional derivatives of order α in the interval 43α2. Furthermore, numerical results confirm the unconditional stability and convergence orders.
