On some characteristics of generalized convex sequences


  • Igor Ž. Milovanović Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, Zagreb, Serbia
  • Josip E. Pečarić Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, Zagreb, Serbia
  • Nebojša M. Stojanović Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, Zagreb, Serbia
  • Behdet A. Mesihović Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, Zagreb, Serbia
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How to Cite

Milovanović, I. Ž., Pečarić, J. E., Stojanović, N. M., & Mesihović, B. A. (1988). On some characteristics of generalized convex sequences. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 17(2), 153-156. https://ictp.acad.ro/jnaat/journal/article/view/1988-vol17-no2-art8