Wavelet transform, Toeplitz type operators and decomposition of functions on the upper half-plane


  • Ding-Xuan Zhou Zhejiang University, China


continuous wavelet transform, function spaces, Toeplitz type operators, Schatten-Von Neumann class, Besov spaces
Abstract views: 546


In this paper we consider the decomposition of functions on the upper half-plane into orthogonal subspaces which are isometric to \(L^{2}(\mathbb{R})\) by continuous wavelet transforms. A necessary and sufficient condition for such a decomposition is given. From such a decomposition by general Laguerre polynomials, we define a series of Toeplitz type operators and study the Schatten-Von Neumann classes of these operators.


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How to Cite

Zhou, D.-X. (1992). Wavelet transform, Toeplitz type operators and decomposition of functions on the upper half-plane. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 21(1), 89-100. https://ictp.acad.ro/jnaat/journal/article/view/1992-vol21-no1-art13