The generalization of some results for Schurer and Schurer-Stancu operators


  • Dan Miclăuş North University of Baia Mare, Romania



Bernstein operators, Schurer operators, Schurer-Stancu operators, falling factorials, Pochhammer symbol, Stirling numbers of second kind, Voronovskaja type theorem, modulus of continuity, order of approximation
Abstract views: 259


In the present paper we generalize some results for Schurer and Schurer-Stancu operators. Firstly, we establish a general formula concerning calculation of test functions by Schurer operators. Secondly, using this relationship and some known results we prove in every case a Voronovskaja type theorem, the uniform convergence and the order of approximation for Schurer and Schurer-Stancu operators.


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How to Cite

Miclăuş, D. (2011). The generalization of some results for Schurer and Schurer-Stancu operators. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 40(1), 52-63.