Vol. 10 No. 2 (1981)

Cones of holomorphic functions with positive real part
- Abstract views: 150
On a method for solving the decision problem
- Abstract views: 229
Sur un théorème de Tiberiu Popoviciu On a theorem of Tiberiu Popoviciu
- Abstract views: 215
A coseparator in a category of cones
- Abstract views: 151
On the order of starlikeness of convex functions of order \(\alpha\)
- Abstract views: 132
Some properties of solutions of equation \(\Delta ^4u=0\) (II)
- Abstract views: 133
Interpolating convex polynomials
- Abstract views: 177
On a measure - theoretical concept of convexity
- Abstract views: 761
Some properties of a nonlinear parabolic difference scheme
- Abstract views: 136
The boundary element method - a review
- Abstract views: 157