Vol 11, Nos 1-2 (1982)

On the paper ''A note on the convergence of Steffensen's method''
- Abstract views: 198
Intégrales ultrasingulières Ultrasingular integrals
- Abstract views: 168
Some practical approximation methods for nonlinear equations
- Abstract views: 216
Extensions of some finite difference equations for the case of distributions
- Abstract views: 172
On the acceleration waves in simple fluids
- Abstract views: 179
Sur une inegalité de Levinson-Popoviciu On a Levinson-Popoviciu inequality
- Abstract views: 183
Sur un théorème de W. Wolibner On a theorem of W. Wolibner
- Abstract views: 188
On Fritz John type optimality criterion in multi-objective optimization
- Abstract views: 374
Monotony of weight - means of higher order
- Abstract views: 176
Estimates of the degree of comonotone interpolating polynomials
- Abstract views: 228
On the inequalities of Popoviciu and Rado
- Abstract views: 221
On a numerical computation in the theory of plane subsonic gas jets
- Abstract views: 208
On the multi-valued metric projection in normed vectors spaces II.
- Abstract views: 180
Inequalities concerning a random computational length of pattern recognizers
- Abstract views: 170