Vol. 33 No. 2 (2004)

Properties of the complexity function for finite words
- Abstract views: 210
On \(\beta\)-differentiability of norms
- Abstract views: 196
Condensation of the singularities in the theory of operator ideals
- Abstract views: 198
Bernstein-Schurer bivariate operators
- Abstract views: 299
The abstract, multidimensional varieties and their classification
- Abstract views: 208
Finitely defined functionals and divided differences
- Abstract views: 202
\(E\)-Convex programming
- Abstract views: 258
Minisum location problems in directed networks
- Abstract views: 191
Self-similar sets in convex metric spaces
- Abstract views: 188
Local convergence of some Newton-type methods for nonlinear systems
- Abstract views: 260
Iterated function system of locally contractive operators
- Abstract views: 203
On a mean value theorem connected with Hermite-Hadamard's inequality
- Abstract views: 226
Least squares problem for linear inequalities with bounds on the variables
- Abstract views: 196
A note on the solvability of the nonlinear wave equation
- Abstract views: 219
Estimates for the semigroup associated with Bernstein operators
- Abstract views: 841
Local-global efficiency properties for multiobjective max-min programming
- Abstract views: 191