
The aim of this article is to present a general class of positive linear operators of discrete type related to squared fundamental basis functions. If these operators are expressed by a series, we propose to truncate them by a finite sum while still keeping the property of converging towards the identity operator in a weighted space. A relation between the local smoothness of functions and the local approximation is obtained. In the variant in which the operators are described by a finite sum, we establish the limit of their iterates.


Octavian Agratini
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Contraction principle; linear positive operator; Lipschitz function; modulus of smoothness; weighted space

Paper coordinates

O. Agratini, Properties of positive linear operators connected with squared fundamental functions, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimiz., 45 (2024) no. 2, pp. 103–111https://doi.org/10.1080/01630563.2024.2316579


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Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization

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Taylor and Francis Ltd.

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Properties of positive linear operators connected with squared fundamental functions

Properties of positive linear operators connected with squared fundamental functions

Octavian Agratini
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis,
Romanian Academy,
Str. Fântânele, 57, 400320 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
E-mail: o.agratini@yahoo.com

The aim of this article is to present a general class of positive linear operators of discrete type related to squared fundamental basis functions. If these operators are expressed by a series, we propose to truncate them by a finite sum while still keeping the property of converging towards the identity operator in a weighted space. A relation between the local smoothness of functions and the local approximation is obtained. In the variant in which the operators are described by a finite sum, we establish the limit of their iterates.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A36, 47A10.

Keywords: Linear positive operator, weighted space, modulus of smoothness, contraction principle, Lipschitz function.

1 Introduction

This note falls under the field of Approximation Theory, more precisely it aims at the study of linear approximation processes, the main ingredient being their positivity. We will consider discrete type processes that are often designed as follows

(Lnf)(x)=k=0ln,k(x)f(xn,k),xI, (1)

where I is a certain real interval, the fundamental functions ln,k:I+ are continuous on the domain and f:I belongs to a class, say (I), which guarantees that the second member in the above formula is well defined. The nodes xn,k, k0, form a division of the interval I. This construction also includes the case ln,k=0, k>n, i.e., the sum in (1) is finite.

Recently, has been an increasing interest in the study of some operators associated with those defined in (1) implying the squared fundamental functions. They have the following form

(L~nf)(x)=1k=0ln,k2(x)k=0ln,k2(x)f(xn,k) (2)

under the additional hypothesis k=0ln,k2(x)>0 for all xI. Clearly, both Ln and L~n, n1, are linear positive operators. We present two examples of L~n, n1, type operators which are expressed by a finite sum, respectively by a series.

Example 1.


I=[0,1],ln,k(x)bn,k(x)=(nk)xk(1x)nk,xn,k=kn, (3)

0kn, LnBn, n1, become Bernstein operators. The rational Bernstein operators (L~n)n1 were investigated by Herzog [7]. Among other notable results we mention the papers of Gavrea and Ivan [5], Holhoş [8], Abel and Kushnirevych [2]. Usually, these operators apply to continuous real valued functions on the compact [0,1].

Remark 1.

The construction indicated at (2) can be correlated with the theory of probability. To any discrete probability distribution


we can associate the index of coincidence [6],


which is used in the definition of entropy. For instance, if P is the binomial distribution with parameters n and x[0,1], its index of coincidence is given by k=0nbn,k2(x), see (3).

Example 2.

Set 0={0}. Choosing


LnSn, n1, represent the classical Favard-Szász-Mirakjan operators.

In this case f is commonly considered from the Banach lattice E1. We recall, in general the polynomial weighted spaces Em are defined as follows

Em=Em(+)={fC(+):limxwm(x)f(x) is finite},m, (4)

wm(x)=(1+x2m)1 and they are endowed with the norm m,


These spaces are nested as follows CB(+)EmEm+1C(+), m, where CB(+) indicates the space of continuous and bounded real valued functions defined on +=[0,).

Results related to squared fundamental functions sn,k, k0, can be found in [1, Section 5.1]. Moreover, in Abel’s paper are obtained Voronovskaja theorems for the general class defined by (2).

The purpose of this note is to highlight some properties of L~n, n, operators. Due to the fact that their expression is very general, we admit that the results cannot be spectacular. This is the reason why we consider additional assumptions on the operators.

The first approach assumed to modify the series into finite sums and to investigate their approximation properties in weighted spaces of continuous functions defined on +. More exactly, the operators are truncated fading away their tails and sufficient conditions are provided to ensure their convergence to the identity operator. A study for some bivariate classes of discrete operators of type (1) defined following the truncated process is developed, e.g., in [4]. We also establish a relation between the local smoothness of functions and the local approximation.

The second approach involves the operators acting on the space C([0,1]) and we determine the convergence of their iterates.

2 Results

It should be noted that a property of L~n, n1, operators is to reproduce the constants, more precisely L~ne0=e0, where e0(x)=1, xI.

Such operators are called Markov type operators. The study of the operators defined by (2) requires an estimation of infinite sum which in a certain sense restricts the operators usefulness from computational point of view. In this respect, in order to approximate a function f, it is interesting and useful to consider partial sums of L~nf which have only finite numbers of terms depending upon n and x. The classes of operators defined by (2) have a very general form. In order to obtain tangible results we will particularize these classes. The first specifications concern the interval I and the network of nodes (xn,k)k0. We consider

I=+,xn,k=kank,k0, with limnan=, (5)

where (an)n1 is a positive strictly increasing sequence. Set

ψn(x)=k=0ln,k2(x),x0. (6)

Also, τn,r, r0, stands for the r-th central moment of L~n, i.e.,


Starting from (2), under the additional assumptions (5), we define

(L~n,δf)(x)=1ψn(x)k=0[an(x+δ(n))]ln,k2(x)f(kan),x0,f(+), (7)

where δ=(δ(n))n1 is a certain sequence of positive numbers and ψn was defined at (6). Here [α] indicates the largest integer not exceeding α. The study of these operators will be developed in Em spaces defined by (4).

Remark 2.

The idea of using a truncation up to the term of rank [an(x+δ(n))] appeared for several special classes of operators of type (1). Thus, [n(x+δ)] was used both by Lehnoff [9] for Szász-Mirakjan operators and by J. Wang, S. Zhou [11] for Baskakov operators.

In what follows we set ej, j, for the j-th monomial, ej(t)=tj, t0. The first result represents the answer to the question whether (L~n,δ)n1 can inherit the property of the approximation process of the original sequence (L~n)n1. We mention that the conditions required by us ensure only sufficiency.

Theorem 1.

Let L~n, n, be defined by (2) subject to conditions (5). Let L~n,δ, n, be defined by (7). We suppose that limnanδ(n)= and the central moment τn,2m satisfies

τn,2m(x)Canm, (8)

where C is a constant depending only on m. Let fEm(+). If (L~nf)n1 converges pointwise to f, then (L~n,δf)n1 enjoys the same property.


Since minλ0(λ2m+(1λ)2m)=212m, m, the following elementary inequality

t2m22m1(x2m+(tx)2m),t0,x0,m, (9)

holds. On the other hand, for every fEm, the positive constants af, bf exist such that |f|af+bfe2m and, consequently, by using (9) we get


where gm=af+22m1bfe2m. This implies

|f(kan)|gm(x)+22m1bf(kanx)2m,k0,x0. (10)

Because x, δ(n), an are positive quantities, if k[an(x+δ(n))]+1, then

{k0:k[an(x+δ(n))]+1}{k0:|kanx|>δ(n)}:=In,x,δ. (11)

Setting Rn:=L~nL~n,δ, we get

|(L~n,δf)(x)f(x)||(Rnf)(x)|+|(L~nf)(x)f(x)|. (12)

Taking into account both (11) and (10), we can write

|(Rnf)(x)| kIn,x,δln,k2(x)ψn(x)f(kan)
:=1+2. (13)

Concerning the sums 1 and 2 we have

1 gm(x)δ2m(n)k=0ln,k2(x)ψn(x)(kanx)2m



Returning to (2) and using both (8) and our hypotheses


we obtain


Using (12), the above relation along with the hypothesis of the theorem completes the proof of the statement. ∎

Next, our result concerns the operators defined by (2) in the version that the sum is finite. This time a compact interval I will be chosen. Since any compact [a,b] is isomorphic to [0,1], in what follows we use only the compact [0,1]. For this sequence is of interest to investigate the sequences of iterates (L~nj)n1, where L~n0=I, the identity operator of the space C([0,1]) and


assuming that j does not depend on n. In our study we maintain the general net Δn on [0,1],


Our operators have therefore the following form

(L~nf)(x)=k=0nln,k2(x)k=0nln,k2(x)f(xn,k), (14)

x[0,1], fC([0,1]). In addition to the fulfilled condition L~ne0=e0, we add the following working hypothesis

(L~ne1)(x)=x,x[0,1]. (15)

Consequently, the degree of exactness of L~n, n1, has the value 1, which means that they preserve the affine functions. In other words, for any real constant c, e0+ce1 is a fixed point for L~n, n1.

Remark 3.

By virtue of the classical result obtained by Shisha and Mond [10], regarding the error of approximation one has

|(L~nf)(x)f(x)|2ω1(f,δn(x)),x[0,1], (16)


δn(x)=(k=0nln,k2(x)xn,k2k=0nln,k2(x)x2)1/2 (17)

and ω1(f,) represents the modulus of continuity of f defined by


For any function hC([0,1]), ω1 enjoys the property limδ0+ω(f,δ)=0. Consequently, if we have limnδn(x)=0, see (17), then

limnL~nf=f uniformly on [0,1],

for any fC([0,1]).

Considering that L~n, n1, are interpolating operators at the ends of the interval [0,1], we define


The system (Γα,β)(α,β)× makes up a partition of the space C([0,1]) and the interpolation operators of our operators guarantees that Γα,β is an invariant subset of every operator L~n. Assume that

λn=minx[0,1](ln,02(x)+ln,n2(x))>0. (18)

According to [3, Theorem 4] one has L~n|Γα,β:Γα,βΓα,β is a contraction for every (α,β)× and n1. In addition


where stands for the uniform norm assigns to the space C([0,1]).

The above results imply the following statement.

Theorem 2.

Let L~n be defined by (14) such that (15) and (18) hold. For each n, the iterates sequence (L~nj)j1 satisfies

limj(L~njf)(x)=f(0)+(f(1)f(0))x uniformly on [0,1] (19)

for every fC([0,1]).

Notice that the affine function f=f(0)+(f(1)f(0))e1 is a fixed point in Γf(0),f(1) of any operator L~n and thus (19) is nothing else then the conclusion of Banach’s fixed point theorem applied in the mentioned space Γf(0),f(1) regarding the limit of the sequence of successive approximations of the contraction L~n|Xf(0),f(1).

Knowing that (C([0,1]),d) is a complete metric space,


we establish upper limits of approximation error between L~njf and f.

Theorem 3.

Let L~n be defined by (14) such that (15) and (18) take place. For each n, the iterates of L~n satisfy the following relation


where δn(x) is given by (17).


Let n and fC([0,1]) be arbitrarily chosen. We use the known inequality describing the speed of convergence

d(xj,x)qj1qd(x1,x0),j1, (20)

valid in any complete metric space, where xj=Λ(xj1), j1, Λ is a contraction and q(0,1) is a Lipschitz constant of Λ. In our case we assign the following values


Then (20) reads as follows


By using (16) one gets


Combining the previous two inequalities, the statement of the theorem is proved. ∎

In the final part, we expand the domain of the definition of the functions on which the operators from (14) act, returning to the interval I=+. Our aim is to prove a relation between the local smoothness of functions and the local approximation. We recall that a continuous function f:+ is locally Lipα on E (0<α1, E+) if it satisfies the condition

|f(x)f(y)|Mf|xy|α,(x,y)+×E, (21)

where Mf is a constant depending only on f.

Also, the distance between x+ and E denoted by d(x,E) is given by

Theorem 4.

Let L~n, n, be defined by (14) where x+ and fC(+). If f is locally Lipα on E+, then


takes place.


In the relation 1/r+1/s=1 (r>0, s>0) that characterizes Hölder’s inequality, choosing r=2α1 and knowing that L~ne0=e0, we get


where α(0,1] and h0. Taking h=|e1xe0|, we can write

L~n(|e1xe0|α;x)τn,2α/2(x),x0. (22)

By using the continuity of f, it is obvious that (21) holds for any x0 and yE¯, E¯ being the closure of the set E in +. Let (x,x0)+×E¯ be such that d(x,E)=|xx0|. In the following obvious inequality


by applying the linear and positive operators L~n, and using (21) we have

|(L~nf)(x)f(x)| =|L~n(ff(x)e0;x)|L~n(|ff(x)e0|;x)

We also took into account the inequality (A+B)αAα+Bα (A0, B0, 0<α1) and the monotonicity of L~n. Based on (22) the conclusion of our theorem is completely motivated. ∎

Disclosure statement. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Funding. Not applicable.

ORCID: 0000-0002-2406-4274


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[1] Herzog, F. (2009). Heuristische untersuchungen der konwergenzrate spazieller linearerapproximationsprozesse. Diploma Thesis, Friedberg.
[2] Gavrea, I., Ivan, M. (2017). On a new sequence of positive linear operators related tosquared Bernstein polynomials.Positivity21:911–917.
[3] Holhos, A. (2019). Voronovskaya theorem for a sequence of positive linear operatorsrelatedtosquaredBernsteinpolynomials.Positivity23:571–580.
[4] Abel, U., Kushnirevych, V. (2019). Voronovskaja type theorems for positive linear opera-tors related tosquare d Bernstein polynomials. Positivity23:697–710.
[5] Harremoes, P., Topsoe, F. (2001). Inequalities between entropy and index of coincidence derived from in formation diagrams.IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory47(7):2944–2960.
[6] Abel, U. (2020). Voronovskaja type theorems for positive linear operators related to squared fundamental functions.In:Draganov,B.,Ivanov,K.,Nikolov, G.,Uluchev,
R.,eds. Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2019. Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov PublishingHouse of BAS, pp. 1–21.
[7] Agratini, O., Tarabie, S., Trîmbitas, R. (2014). Approximation of bivariate function bytruncated classes of operators, In: Simian, D., ed.Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems, Sibiu 2013. Sibiu:Lucian Blaga University Press, pp. 11–19.
[8] Lehnhoff, H.-G. (1984). On a modified Szász-Mirakjan operator.J. Approx. Theory42:278–282.
[9] Wang, J., Zhou, S. (2000). On the convergence of modified Baskakov operators. Bull.  Inst. Math. Academia Sinica 28(2):117–123.
[10] Shisha, O., Mond, B. (1968). The degree of convergence of linear positive operators.Proc.Nat. Acad. Sci. USA60:1196–1200.
[11] Agratini, O., Rus, I. A. (2003). Iterates of a class of discrete operators via contraction principle. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 44(3):555–563.


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