Generative 3D Cardiac Shape Modelling for in-silico Trials


We propose a deep learning method to model and generate synthetic aortic shapes based on representing shapes as the zero-level set of a neural signed distance field, conditioned by a family of trainable embedding vectors with encode the geometric features of each shape. The network is trained on a dataset of aortic root meshes reconstructed from CT images by making the neural field vanish on sampled surface points and enforcing its spatial gradient to have unit norm. Empirical results show that our model can represent aortic shapes with high fidelity. Moreover, by sampling from the learned embedding vectors, we can generate novel shapes that resemble real patient anatomies, which can be used for in-silico trials.


Andrei Gasparovici
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Advanta, Siemens SRL, Brașov, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Alex Serban
Advanta, Siemens SRL, Brașov, Romania
Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania


Synthetic shape generation; in-silico trials, deep learning

Paper coordinates

A. Gasparovici, A. Serban, Generative 3D Cardiac Shape Modelling for In-Silico Trials, Proceedings of the EFMI Special Topic Conference 2024, Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 321, published 2024, Editors: L. Stoicu-Tivadar, A. Benis, T.M. Deserno, S.D. Bolboacă, K. Saranto, M. Crişan-Vida, P. Gallos, O.S. Chirila, P.Weber, G. Mihalaş, O. Tamburis, ISBN 978-1-64368-554-0 (online), pp. 190 – 194, DOI:


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