A-statistical convergence of a class of integral operators2 years agoAbstract Starting from a general sequence of linear and positive operators of summation integral type, we associate its r-th order…
Bivariate positive operators in polynomial weighted spaces2 years agoAbstract This paper aims to two-dimensional extension of some univariate positive approximation processes expressed by series. To be easier to…
On a double complex sequence of linear operators2 years agoAbstract The main goal of the article is to introduce a class of double complex linear operators of integral type.…
Approximation of bivariate functions by truncated classes of operators2 years agoAbstract Starting from a general class of positive approximation processes of discrete type expressed by series, we indicate a way…
Approximation properties of a class of linear operators2 years agoAbstract This work focuses on a class of linear positive operators of discrete type. We present the relationship between the…
Approximation by Bézier variant of the Baskakov-Kantorovich operators in the case 0<α<12 years agoAbstract The present paper deals with the approximation of Bezier variants of Baskakov-Kantorovich operators \(V_{n,\alpha}^{\ast}\) in the case \(0<\alpha<1\). Pointwise…
On an approximation process of integral type2 years agoAbstract In this paper we study a class of integral type positive linear operators depending on a parameter \(\beta,0\leq\beta<1\). Approximation…
On a property of moduli of smoothness and K-functionals2 years agoAbstract A new property of moduli of smoothness associated to functions belonging to some certain spaces is revealed. In terms…
Uniform approximation of some classes of linear positive operators expressed by series2 years agoAbstract The paper dealswith a general class of linear positive approximation processes designed using series. For continuous and bounded functions…
A sequence of positive linear operators associated with an approximation process2 years agoAbstract Considering a general class of discrete linear positive operators, by using a one-to-one function, we associate to the class…