Effects of surfactants on an undeformable drop initially at rest


We study the effect of some gradients of surface tension acting on the surface of a liquid drop supposed undeformable and initially at rest. For the spreading of the surfactant on the drop surface we introduce a particular law. From mathematical point of view we solve by variable separation a Stokes-Ossen system. Then an asymptotic study is carried out in order to determine the normal and tangential components of the force acting on the drop. Ultimately the drop undergoes an upward translational motion.


C.I. Gheorghiu
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis
Z. Kasa
I. Stan


liquid drop; Marangoni flow; gradient of surface tension; Stokes-Ossen system; variable separation; force on the drop surface;


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C.I. Gheorghiu, Z. Kasa, I. Stan, Effects of surfactants on an undeformable drop initially at restStudia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai Math.XXXVIII (1993) 113-126.


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Babes-Bolyai University

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