On a class of approximation operators


In this note we construct a class of approximation operators using polynomial sequences of binomial type. We compute the expression of these operators on the test functions and we give a convergence theorem. We give also quantitative evaluations of the order of approximation by using the moduli of continuity of first and second order and we establish an integral representation of the remainder term in the case when the approximation formula has the degree of exactness one. Some special cases, almost all of them being studied previously by D.D. Stancu, are mentioned.


Maria Crăciun
”Tiberiu Popoviciu” Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy


positive approximation operators; polynomial sequences of binomial type; evaluation of remainder


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Maria Crăciun, On a class of approximation operators, Mathematical Sciences Research, 2005, pp. 292-303



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Mathematical Sciences Research

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