Effective diffusion in heterogeneous media6 years agoAbstractAuthorsC. Vamoș -Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy N. Suciu -Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy KeywordsCite this…
On the Scalar Measure of Non-Normality of Matrices – Dimension vs. Structure6 years agoAbstractThe aim of this paper is to analyze the relative importance of the dimension and the structure of the square matrices…
On some one-step implicit methods as dynamical systems6 years agoAbstractThe one-step implicit methods, the backward Euler being the most known, require the solution of a nonlinear equation at each…
Global random walk model of diffusion in random velocity fields7 years agoAbstract ? AuthorsN. Suciu C. Vamoş H. Vereecken J. Vanderborght H. Hardelauf Keywords? Cite this paper asN. Suciu, C. Vamoş,…
Generalized random walk algorithm for the numerical modeling of complex diffusion processes7 years agoAbstractA generalized form of the random walk algorithm to simulate diffusion processes is introduced. Unlike the usual approach, at a…
On approximating the inverse of a matrix7 years agoAbstract In this note we deal with two problems: the first regards the efficiency in approximating the inverse of a…
On the convergence order of some Aitken-Steffensen type methods7 years agoAbstract In this note we make a comparative study of the convergence orders for the Steffensen, Aitken and Aitken-Steffensen methods.…
Aitken-Steffensen-type methods for nonsmooth functions (III)7 years agoAbstract We provide sufficient conditions for the convergence of the Steffensen method for solving the scalar equation \(f(x)=0\), without assuming…