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English title
The continuous fields associated to the corpuscular systems
Original title (in Romanian)
Campurile continue asociate sistemelor corpusculare
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C. Vamos
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy
Ch. I Derivation of Balance Equations
1. Continuous fields
2. Corpuscular systems
3. The derivation of the balance equations
4. Coarse-grained averages
5. The derivation of the Liouville equation
II. Applications of Balance Equations
6. The numerical modeling of diffusion
7. Granular flows
8. The continuous model of the lipidic bilayer
9. Financial hydrodynamics
10. The monotone trend estimation
see the expanding block below
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C. Vamos, The continuous fields associated to the corpuscular systems, Risoprint, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Book Title
Continuous fields associated to corpuscular systems,
Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca
Print ISBN
ISBN 978-973-751-557-5
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