Middle name T.   




CITIZENSHIP: ROMANIAN                   

NATIONALITY: ROMANIAN                        







Professor,Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,Babes-Bolyai University,Cluj-Napoca,since 1953.
1953-1957, Assistant Professor
1957-1962, Lecturer
1962-1970, Associate Professor
1966-1967,Visiting Professor,Conakry, Guinea
1970-present, Full Professor
1992, fall semester,Visiting Professor, Bowling Green State University, Ohio,U.S.A.
1992, corresponding member of Romanian Academy.


Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, 1968-1976 and 1984-1987
Head of the Chair of Function Theory, 1976-1984 and 1990-2000
Vice-Rector of Babes-Bolyai University, 1990-1992
President of the Romanian Mathematical Society, 1996-2003.


Chief Editor, Mathematica(Cluj)
Editorial Board: Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai,Math. and Bulletin de Mathematiques, S.S.M.R.
Editorial Board:Proc. Ro. Acad. Series A
Editorial Board:Analele Univ.Oradea

RESEARCH SPECIALITY:  Complex Analysis. Geometric Function Theory.


Since  1972 .More than 30 students had taken Ph.D.degrees :

  1. N.Pascu, Contribuţii la teoria reprezentărilor conforme ,1979
  2. D.Duca, Programare matematică in domeniul complex, 1981
  3. Gr.St.Salagean, Probleme extremale in teoria geometrică a funcţiilor analitice, 1982
  4. M.Iovanov, Probleme extremale in clase de funcţii analitice, 1983
  5. D.Blezu, Aspecte constructive in teoria geometrică a funcţiilor analitice, 1984
  6. P.Rotaru, Probleme extremale relative la clase de funcţii univalente, 1985
  7. O.Fekete, Spaţii Hardy de funcţii univalente, 1986
  8. I.Radomir, Metode ale teoriei geometrice a funcţiilor analitice in mecanica fluidelor, 1986
  9. A Zelmer, Contribuţii la studiul axiomatic al unor probleme de matematici şi stiinţelor naturii, 1986
  10. V.Selinger, Studiul unor clase de funcţii univalente, 1988
  11. S.Moldovan, Principiul subordonării in reprezentarea conformă.Aplicaţii, 1989
  12. V.Pescar, Criterii de univalenţă cu aplicaţii in mecanica fluidelor, 1990
  13. T.Bulboacă, Subordonări diferenţiale şi aplicaţii in teoria funcţiilor univalente, 1991
  14. H.Ovesea, Criterii de univalenţă.Aplicaţii, 1993
  15. E.Drăghici, Operatori integrali pe spaţii de funcţii univalente, 1994
  16. E.Popa, Funcţii olomorfe neolonome, 1994
  17. D.Răducanu, Criterii de univalenţă, 1994
  18. G.Kohr, Contribuţii in domeniul teoriei funcţiilor univalente, 1996
  19. M.Kohr, Metode moderne ale analizei complexe si analizei numerice in mecanica fluidelor, 1996
  20. P.Curt, Subordonări diferenţiale, 1996
  21. M.Pap, Subordonări diferenţiale si aplcaţii, 1997
  22. V.Anisiu, Proprietăţi de netezime pentru funcţii convexe, 1997
  23. Gh.Miclaus , Spaţii Hardy şi operatori integrali, 1997
  24. Gh.Oros, Contribuţii la teoria geometrică a funcţiilor, 1998
  25. A.F.Boer, Contribuţii la teoria algebrică a limbajelor formale, 1998
  26. A.Horvath,Complex surface singularities and resolution graphs, 1998
  27. N.Oprea , Funcţii de colinearitate in plane proiective generalizate, 1999
  28. I.Magdas, Contribuţii la teoria funcţiilor uniform stelate si uniform convexe, 1999
  29. N.R.Pascu, Funcţii analitice in semiplan, 2001
  30. D.Breaz, Operatori integrali pe spaţii de funcţii univalente, 2002
  31. R.I.Peter Generalizations of some results from Riemannian geometry to Finsler Geometry, 2002 (in cotutela)
  32. R.Szasz, Tehnici de convexitate,convoluţii şi subordonări diferenţiale în analiza complexă, 2003
  33. A.A.Holhos, Studiul unor clase de funcţii univalente cu ajutorul subordonărilor diferenţiale şi al altor metode,  2004
  34. V.C.Holhos, Relaţia de subordonare in planul complex, 2004
  35. M. Acu, Clase speciale de funcţii uivalente.Consevarea prprietăţilor lor geometrice, 2005
  36. V.Nechita, Contribuţii în teoria funcţiilor univalente, 2007


Chairman of the Seminar on Geometric Function Theory, Department of Mthematics. Babes-Bolyai University
Head of the Romanian School on Univalent Functions.


The basic course on Complex Analysis and many other special courses (Univalent Functions, Measure Theory, Hardy Spaces, Differential Subordinations, etc.)


More than 170 papers in the field of Geometric Function Theory (Univalent Functions).
The main  results in:

  • extremal problems in the theory of univalent functions
  • new classes of univalent functions (for example, the class of  alpha-convex functions)
  • integral operators on classes of univalent functions
  • differential subordinations and differential superordinations
  • conditions for diffeomorphism in the complex plane
  • applications of complex analysis in optics (regular refraction).


Lodz (1966,1976), Lublin (1970), Michigan (1973,1992), Maryland (1973),Stanford (1973), Tampa (1973),Delaware (1973), New-York (1973),Rouen (1990), Hagen (1991,1992,1993,1998,2000,2001,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007) Debrecen (1996),Chişinău (1996), Iowa (1992), Wuerzburg (1998,2000,2001,2002,2003),Dortmund (2000,2002,2006),Nicosia(2004),Istanbul(2007).


Member of the Romanian Mathematical Society
Member of the American Mathematical Society


Doctor Honoris Causa, University L. Blaga, Sibiu, Romania (1998)
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Oradea, Romania (2000)
Honorary Diploma of Babeş-Bolyai University,(2002)
Honorary Diploma of Romanian Mathematical Society, (2006)
Honorary Citizen of  the city Brǎila,( 2007).


M.O.Reade,S.Miller,E.Zlotkiewicz,Gr.Moldovan,P.Eenigenburg,D.Ripeanu,I.Şerb,H.Al-Amiri, Gr.Sǎlǎgean, M.Iovanov,M.Popovici,V.Selinger,V.Anisiu,X.Xanthopoulos,G.Kohr,M.Kohr,K.C.Chan,J.Gresser,


The results are used or extended by more than 300 authors in more than 600 papers.

Some of these results are mentioned in the following monographs:

  • G.M.Goluzin, Teoria geometrică a funcţiilor de variabilă complexă (limba rusă),Ed.II,Nauka,Moscova,1966.
  • P.L.Duren, Univalent functions, Springer-Verlag, N.Y. ,1983
  • A.W.Goodman, Univalent functions, Mariner Publ.Co.Inc., Tampa,Florida, 1983.
  • S.D.Bernardi, Bibliography of schlicht functions, Mariner Publ.Co.Inc., Tampa,Florida, 1983
  • S.G.Gal, Introduction to Geometric Function Theory of Hypercomplex Variables, Nova Sci.Publ.,Inc.New York, 2002.
  • Gr.St.Sălăgean, Geometria planului complex, Promedia-Plus,Cluj-Napoca,1997.
  • G.Kohr, P.Liczberski, Univalent Mappings of Several Complex Variables, Cluj Univ.Press, Cluj-Napoca,1998.
  • P.Curt, Capitole speciale de teoria geometrică a funcţiilor de mai multe variabile complexe,Editura Albastră,2001.
  • Gh.Miclăuş, Spaţii Hardy şi operatori integrali, Editura Dacia,Cluj-Napoca, 2001.
  • Gh.Oros, Convexity and Starikeness in Geometric Function Theory,Monographical Booklets in Applied &Computer  Mathematics,Budapest, 2001 .
  • I.Graham,G.Kohr, Geometric Function Theory of One and Higher Dimensions, Marcel Dekker Inc.,New York, 2003.
  • D.Breaz, Operatori integrali pe spaţii de funcţii univalente, Editura Academiei Române, 2004.
  • T.Bulboacă, Differential Subordinations and Superordinations.Recent Results., Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă ,Cluj-Napoca, 2005.

The class of alpha-convex functions is presented in a special section of the book of Goodman.

In the Bibliography of Bernardi, which is divided in 3 sections, the first section contains 68 topics and the second section (1966-1978) contains new topics started with topic 69, which is devoted to alpha-convex functions.

In Mahematical Reviews (MathSciNet) (12.21.2007)

  • the name Mocanu is mentioned in more than 300 reviews (“Review Text”), 42 in “Title” and more than 600 in “Anywhere”.
  • the concept of “Differential Subordination”, introduced in the paper 63, is mentioned in 181 reviews (Review Text), 169 in “Title” and 280 in “Anywhere”.
  • the concept of “alpha-convex function”, introduced in the paper 19, is mentioned in 89 reviews (Review Text),73 in “Title” and 133 in “Anywhere”.
  • 187 citations by 73 authors in MR Citation Database.(2/5/2008)

Few selections from some papers ,P.H. theses or referees:

  • Some authors consider that concepts like alpha-convex function or differential subordination are wellknown by specialists and they don’t mention in References the papers where these concepts where introduced. For example, in the paper of  D.V.Prokhorov, “Coefficients of holomorphic functions” , Journal  of Mathematical Sciences, vol.106,no.6,2001 ,is mentioned the concept of “alpha-convex or the Mocanu function” ,but the original paper  is not mentioned in References. There are many  such  examples .
  • In the P.H.Thesis  “Some applications of differential subordinations” by S.Ponnusamy (1988): Mocanu defined the following class by means of linear combination of starlikeness and convexity that has occupied wide attention on the recent years”, “a very recent powerful concept called differential subordination initiated
    by Miller and Mocanu”
  • In the P.H. thesis   “Study of some properties of analytic univalent and multivalent functions” by Marzich Ghaedi (2005) is mentioned :“Internationally known scholars like S.Rusheweyh,H.M Srivastava,P.T.MocanuS.Owa,P.L.Duren,et.al.have shown and opened new openings in this field of univalent and multivalent functions through  their  oustanding  research work”.
  • In the P.H thesis  “A study of some classes of analytic functions…” by P.P.Singh (1979) “… the famous trio of devoted research workers Mocanu,Reade and Miller”.
  • In the paper “Non-autonomous differential subordinations ” by S.S.Singh and S.Gupta ,in JIPAM (2003): “Since 1981 ,when a formal study of differential subordination started with a remarkable paper of Miller and Mocanu , several results concerning differential subordination in a sector have been proved”.
  • In the paper “Some Functional Inequalities …”by C.Y.Gao,S.M.Yuan and H.M.Srivastava,in Computer and Mathematics with Applications,49(2005) 1787-1795 :”In our investigation … we shall make use of the following result (which is popularly known as the Miller-Mocanu lemma).
  • In the referee of D.Aharonov ,( Zentralblatt,MATH 0864.30011), on the paper : Mocanu P.T. “A sufficient condition for injectivity in the complex plane”, PU.M.A., 6,231-238(1995): “In this nice paper…”
  • In the referee of F Rönning (MR1944338,2003m:30032) on the paper: Miller,S.S.,Mocanu P.T. “Libera transform of functions with bounded turning”, J.Math.Anal.Appl.276(2002),90-97: ” The authors of this paper are well-known for their work on differential subordination,and they have written a very nice book on this subject”.

HOBBY:  playing violin

Dated, 2008-01-27   

TEXT BOOKS:                 

  • Funcţii complexe, Lit. Babeş-Bolyai Univ., 1972.
  • Analiză matematică (Funcţii complexe), Ed. Did. Ped., Bucureşti, 1982 (with P. Hamburg and N. Negoescu).
  • Analiză complexă. Aspecte clasice şi moderne (Cap.1: Aspecte geometrice în teoria funcţiilor de o variabilă complexă), Ed. Şt. Enc., Bucureşti, 1988.
  • Funcţii complexe,Ed.Univ.Oradea,2001 (with Gh.Oros).


  • Teoria geometrică a funcţiilor univalente, Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, 1999. (with Teodor Bulboacă and Gr. Şt. Sălăgean);second edition 2006.
  • Differential Subordinations. Theory and Applications, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York – Basel, 2000 (with Sanford S. Miller).
  • Bevezetes az analitikus fuggvenyek geometriai elemeletebe, Kolozsvar,2003,ISBN  973-8239-91-5 (with T.Bulboacă).
  • Capitole speciale de analiza complexa, Presa Univ. Clujeana, 2005, ISBN 973-610-387-0 (with G. Kohr).


  1. O generalizare a teoremei contracţiei în clasa S de  funcţii univalente , Stud.Cerc.Mat.,Cluj,8(1957)303-312.
  2. Asupra unei generalizări a teoremei contracţiei în clasa funcţiilor univalente, Stud. Cerc. Mat., Cluj 9(1958),  149-159.
  3. Despre o teoremă de acoperire în clasa funcţiilor univalente, Gaz. Mat. Fiz., Ser. A (N.S) 10(63)(1958), 473-477.
  4. O problemă variaţională relativă la funcţiile univalente, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, III, 3(1958), 119-127.
  5. O problemă extremală în clasa funcţiilor univalente, Stud. Cerc. Mat., Cluj 11(1960), 99-106.
  6. O teoremă asupra funcţiilor univalente, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, I, 1 (1960), 91-95.
  7. Asupra razei de stelaritate a funcţiilor univalente, Stud .Cerc. Mat., Cluj 11 (1960), 337-341.
  8. Asupra unui domeniu extremal în clasa funcţiilor univalente, Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai, I,1(1961),221-224.
  9. Domenii extremale în clasa funcţiilor univalente, Stud.Cerc.Mat.,Cluj,2,12(1961),303-314.
  10. Sur le rayon d’étoilement et le rayon de convexité de fonctions holomorphes, Mathematica (Cluj), 4(27)(1962), 57-63.
  11. Despre raza de stelaritate şi raza de convexitate a funcţiilor olomorfe, Stud. Cerc. Mat . Cluj  13(1962), 93-100.
  12. Asupra unei probleme extremale relativă la funcţiile univalente, Stud. Cerc. Mat., Cluj 14 (1963),
  13. On the equation f(z)= αf(a) in the class of univalent functions,  Mathematica(Cluj),6(29)(1964),   63-79.
  14. Asupra razei de convexitate a funcţiilor olomorfe, Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai, Math.Phys.,9,2(1964), 31-33.
  15. Funcţii univalente pe sectoare, Stud.Cerc.Mat.,Cluj, 17(1965),625-931.
  16. Convexity and starlikeness of conformal mappings, Mathematica(Cluj), 8(31)(1966),91-102.
  17. Generalized radii of starlikeness and convexity of analytic functions, Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai, Math.Phys., 11,2(1966),43-50.
  18. About the radius of starlikeness of the exponential function, Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai, Math.Phys. 14,1(1969),35-40.
  19. Une propriété de convexité généralisée dans la théorie de la représentation conforme, Mathematica (Cluj),11(34)(1969), 43-50.
  20. Sur la géometrie de la représentation conforme, Mathematica(Cluj),12(35)(1970),299-308.
  21. An extremal problem for univalent functions associated with the Darboux formula, Ann.Univ. M.Curie-Sklodowska, A, 18(1968/1969/1970),131-135.
  22. Sur deux notions de convexité generalisée dans la représentation conforme, Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai , Math. Mech., 16,2(1971), 13-19.
  23. On generalized convexity in conformal mappings, Rev. Roumaine Math.Pures Appl., 16(1971), 1541-1544. (with M.O.Reade).
  24. On the homomorphic product of Haar measures, Mathematica (Cluj), 13 (36) (1971), 229-233.
  25. Equations fonctionnelles aux implications, Studia Univ.Babeş-Bolyai ,Math. 17,1(1972),33-36.
  26. All α-convex functions are starlike, Rev. Roumaine Math.Pures Appl. 17,9(1972), 1395-1397. (with S.S.Miller and M.O.Reade).
  27. A generalized property of convexity in conformal mappings, Rev.Roumaine Math.Pures Appl. 17,9(1972),1391-1394.
  28. Sur une propriété d’étoilement dans la théorie de la representation conforme , Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai,Math., 17,2(1972), 55-58.
  29. On Bazilevic functions, Proc.Amer.Math.Soc., 39,1(1973),173-174.(with M.O.Reade and E.Zlotkiewicz).
  30. All α-convex functions are univalent and starlike, Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.,37,2(1973),553-554. (with  S.S.Miller and  M.O.Reade).
  31. Numerical computation of the α-convex Koebe functions, Studia Univ.Babeş-Bolyai, Math.Mech. 19, 1(1974), 37-46. (with  Gr.Moldovan and  M.O.Reade).
  32. Bazilevic functions and generalized convexity, Rev.Roumaine Math.Pures Appl., 19,2(1974), 213-224. (with  S.S.Miller and  M.O.Reade).
  33. On the functional f(z1 )/f’(z2 ) for typically-real functions, Rev..Anal. Numer. Théorie Approx. 3, 2(1974), 209-214. (with M.O.Reade and  E.Zlotkiewicz).
  34. On a subclass of Bazilevič  functions,  Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 45,1(1974),88-92. (with P.Eenigenburg ,  S.Miller  and  M.Reade).
  35. The radius of alpha-covexity for the class of starlike univalent functions, alpha-real, Rev.Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 20, 5 (1975), 561-565. (with M.O. Reade ).
  36. Alpha-convex functons and derivatives in the Nevanlinna class, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Math, 20 (1975), 35-40. (with S.S. Miller ).
  37. An extremal problem for the transfinite diameter of a continuum, Mathematica ( Cluj ), 17 (40), 2(1975), 191-196. (with D. Ripeanu ).
  38. The radius of alpha-convexity for the class of starlike univalent functions, alpha-real, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 51, 2 (1975), 395-400. ( with M.O. Reade).
  39. The Hardy class for functions in the class MV[a,k], J. of Math.. Analysis and Appl., 51, 1(1975), 35-42. (with S. Miller and M. Reade).
  40. Janowski alpha-convex functions, Ann. Univ. M. Curie-Sklodowska, 29, A(1975), 93-98. (with S.S. Miller and M.O. Reade ).
  41. On generalized convexity in conformal mappings II, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 21, 2(1976), 219-225. (with S. Miller and M. Reade).
  42. The Hardy class of functions of bounded argument rotations, J. Austral. Math. Soc. A, 21, 1(1976) 72-78. (with S.S. Miller).
  43. Second order differential inequalities in the complex plane, Romanian-Finish Seminar on Complex Analysis(Proc,Bucharest,1976,301-322),Lecture Notes in Math. 743, Springer,Berlin,1979(with S.S.Miller).
  44. An extremal problem for the transfinite diameter of a continuum, Romanian-Finish Seminar on Complex Analysis (Proc.Bucharest,1976,323-330),Lecture Notes in Math.743,Springer,Berlin,1979(with D.Ripeanu).
  45. On the radius of alpha-convexity, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Math., 22, 1(1977), 35-39. (with S.S. Miller and M.O. Reade).
  46. The order of starlikeness of a Libera integral operator, Mathematica ( Cluj ), 19(42), 1(1977), 67-73. (with M.O. Reade and D. Ripeanu).
  47. A particular starlike integral operator, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Math., 22, 2(1977), 44-47. (with S. Miller and M. Reade).
  48. The order of starlikeness of alpha-convex functions, Mathematica ( Cluj ), 20(43), 1(1978), 25-30. (with S.S. Miller and M.O. Reade).
  49. Second order of differential inequalities in the complex plane, J. of Math. Analysis and Appl., 65, 2(1978), 289-305. (with S.S. Miller).
  50. Starlike integral operators, Pacific J. of Math., 79, 1(1978), 157-168. (with S.S. Miller and M.O. Reade).
  51. Proprietati de subordonare ale unor operatori integrali, Sem. Itin. Ec. Funct. Aprox. Si Conv., Cluj-Napoca (1980), 83-90.
  52. Subordonari diferentiale si teoreme de medie in planul complex, Sem. Itin. Ec. Funct. Aprox. Si Conv., Timisoara (1980), 181-185.
  53. Starlikeness and convexity for non-analytic functions in the unit disc, Mathematica ( Cluj ), 22(45), 1(1980), 77-83.
  54. On classes of functions subordinate to the Koebe function, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 26, 1(1981), 95-99. (with S. Miller).
  55. On a differential inequality for analytic functions in the unit disc, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Math. 26, 2(1981), 62-64.
  56. Sufficient conditions of univalency for complex functions in the class C1 , Rev. Anal. Numer. Theorie Approximation, 10, 1(1981), 75-79.
  57. On the order of starlikeness of convex function of order alpha, Rev. Anal. Numer. Theorie Approximation, 10, 2(1981), 195-199. (with D. Ripeanu and I. Serb).
  58. The order of starlikeness of certain integral operators, Mathematica ( Cluj ), 23(46), 2(1981), 225-230. (with D. Ripeanu and I. Serb).
  59. Operatori integrali care conserva convexitatea si aproape convexitatea, Sem. Itin. Ec. Funct. Aprox. Si Conv., Cluj-Napoca (1981), 257-266.
  60. On the order of starlikeness of the Libera transform of starlike functions of order alpha, Sem. Of Functional Analysis and Numerical Analysis, Babes-Bolyai Univ. Cluj-Napoca, preprint no. 4(1981) , 85-92. (with D. Ripeanu and I. Serb).
  61. Spirallike non-analytic functions, Proc. Amer. Soc., 82, 1(1981), 61-65. (with H. Al-Amiri).
  62. Certain sufficient conditions for univalency of the class C1, J. of Math. Analysis and Appl., 80, 2(1981), 387-392. (with H. Al-Amiri).
  63. Differential subordinaton and univalent functions, Michigan Math. J., 28(1981), 157-171. (with S. Miller).
  64. Univalent solutions of Briot-Bouquet differential equations, Lecture Notes in Math.,Springer-Verlag (1981),292-310 (with S.S.Miller).
  65. Subordination – preserving integral operators, Lecture Notes in Math., Springer-Verlag (1981),311-326, (with S.S.Miller and M.Reade).
  66. The order of starlikeness of certain integral operators, Lecture Notes in Math.,Springer-Verlag (1981),327-335 (with D.Ripeanu and I.Serb).
  67. The order of starlikenessof the Libera transform of the class of starlike functions of order ½, Mathematica (Cluj), 24(47), 1-2(1982), 73-78. (with D. Ripeanu and I. Serb).
  68. Convexitatea unor functii olomorfe, Sem. Itin. Ec. Funct. Aprox. Si Conv., Cluj-Napoca (1982), 207-210.
  69. Sur l’ordre de stelarite d’une classe de fonctions analytiques, Seminar of Functional Analysis an Numerical Methods, Babes-Bolyai Univ. Cluj-Napoca, Preprint no. 1(1983), 89-106. (with D. Ripeanu and I. Serb).
  70. On some particular classes of starlike integral operators, Seminar of Geometric Function Theory, Babes-Bolyai Univ. Cluj-Napoca, Preprint no. 4(1982/1983), 159-165. (with S.S.Miller and M.O. Reade).
  71. General second order inequalities in the complex plane, Idem, 96-114. (with S.S. Miller).
  72. Some integral operators and starlike functions, Idem, 115-128.
  73. On a Briot-Bouquet differential subordination, General Inequalities, 3(1983), 339-348. (with P. Eenigenburg, S. Miller and M. Reade).
  74. Convexity and close-to-convexity preserving integral operators, Mathematica ( Cluj ), 25(48), 2(1983), 177-182.
  75. On starlike functions with respect to symmetric points, Bull. Math. Soc. Math.,RSR, 28(76), 1(1984), 46-50.
  76. On some classes of regular functions, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Math., 29(1984), 61-65. (with Gr. Salagean).
  77. Sur un problem extremal, Seminar of Functional Analysis and Numerical Methods, Babes-Bolyai Univ., Cluj-Napoca, Preprint no. 1(1984), 105-122. (with M. Iovanov and D. Ripeanu).
  78. Convexity of some particular functions, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Math., 29(1984), 70-73.
  79. On a Briot-Bouquet differential subordination, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 29, 7(1984), 567-573. (with P. Eenigenburg, S. Miller and M. Reade).
  80. On some starlike nonanalytic functions, Itin. Sem. On Funct. Eq., Approx. and Convexity, Cluj-Napoca (1984), 107-112.
  81. Subordination-preserving integral operators, Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc., 283, 2(1984), 605-615. (with S.S. Miller and M.O. Reade).
  82. Univalent solutions of Briot-Bouquet differential equations, J. of Diff. Equations, 56, 3(1985), 297-309. (with S.S. Miller).
  83. On starlike functions of order alpha, Itin. Sem. On Funct. Eq., Approx. and Convexity, Cluj-Napoca, 6(1985), 135-138.
  84. On some classes of first order differential subordinations, Michigan Math. J., 32(1985), 185-195. (with S.S. Miller).
  85. Starlikeness conditions for Alexander integral, Itin. Sem. On Funct. Eq., Approx. and Convexity, Cluj-Napoca, 7(1986), 173-178.
  86. Some integral operators and starlike functions, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 21, 3(1986), 231-235.
  87. On a class of spirallike integral operators, Idem, 225-230. (with S.S. Miller).
  88. On starlikeness of Libera transform, Mathematica ( Cluj ), 28(51), 2(1986), 153-155.
  89. On a theorem of M. Robertson, Seminar on Geometric Function Theory, Babes-Bolyai Univ., Cluj-Napoca, 5(1986), 77-82.
  90. Mean-value theorems in the complex plane, Idem, 63-76. (withS.S. Miller).
  91. The effect of certain integral operator on functions of bounded turning and starlike functions, Idem, 83-90. (with M. Iovanov).
  92. Convexity of the order of starlikeness of the Libera transform of starlike functions of order alpha, Idem, 99-104. (with D. Ripeanu and I. Serb).
  93. Best bound of the agument of certain functions with positive real part, Idem, 91-98. (with D. Ripeanu and M. Popovici).
  94. Subordination by convex functions, Idem, 105-108. (with V. Selinger).
  95. On strongly-starlike and strongly-convex functions, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Math., 31, 4(1986), 16-21.
  96. Differential subordination and inequalities in the complex plane, J. of Diff. Equations, 67, 2(1987), 199-211. (with S.S. Miller).
  97. Marx-Strohhaecker differential subordinations systems, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 99, 3(1987), 527-534. (with S.S. Miller).
  98. On a close-to-convexity preserving integral operator, Studia Univ. Babes-Balyai, Ser. Math, 32, 2(1987), 53-56.
  99. On starlike images by Alexander integral, Itin. Sem. On Funct. Eq., Approx. and Convexity, Cluj-Napoca, 6(1987), 245-250.
  100. Alpha-convex nonanalytic functions, Mathematica ( Cluj ), 29(52), 1(1987), 49-55.
  101. Best bound for the argument of certain analytic functions with positive real part (II), Seminar on Functional Analysis and Numerical Methods, Babes-Bolyai Univ., Cluj-Napoca, 1(1987), 75-91. (with M. Popovici and D.Ripeanu).
  102. Some starlikeness conditions for analytic functions, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 33(1988), 1-2, 117-124.
  103. Integral operators and starlike functions, Itin. Sem. On Funct. Eq., Approx. and Convexity, Cluj-Napoca, 6(1988), 233-236.
  104. Conformal mappings and refraction law, Babes-Bolyai Univ., Fac. Of Math., Research Seminars, 2(1988), 113-116.
  105. On an inequality concerning the order of starlikeness of the Libera transform of starlike functions of order alpha, Seminar of Mathematical Analysis, Babes-Bolyai Univ., Fac. Of Math., Research Seminars, 7(1988), 29-32. (with D. Ripeanu and I. Serb).
  106. Second order averaging operators for analytic functions, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 33(1988), 10, 875-881.
  107. Alpha-convex integral operator and strongly-starlike functions, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Math, 34, 2(1989), 16-24.
  108. Alpha-convex integral operator and starlike functions of order beta, Itin. Sem. On Funct. Eq., Approx. and Convexity, Cluj-Napoca, (1989), 231-238.
  109. The theory and applications of second-order differential subordinations, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Math., 34, 4(1989), 3-33. (with S.S.Miller).
  110. On a simple sufficient condition for starlikeness, Mathematica (Cluj ), 31(54), 2(1989), 97-101. (with V. Anisiu).
  111. Integral operators on certain classes of analytic functions, Univalent Functions, Fractional Calculus and their Applications, 1989, 153-166. (with S.S.Miller).
  112. On an integral inequality for certain analytic functions, Mathematica Panonica 1, 1 (1990), 111-116.
  113. Certain classes of starlike functions with respect to symmetric points, Mathematica, 32(55), 2(1990), 153-157.
  114. Univalence of Gaussian and confluent hypergeometric functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 110, 2(1990), 333-342 (with S. S. Miller).
  115. Integral operators and meromorphic starlike functions, Mathematica 32 (55), 2 (1990), 147-152 (with G. Salagean).
  116. C1-maps and refraction law, Buletinul Stiintific al Institutului Politehnic Cluj-Napoca, Seria Matematica Aplicata,Mecanica,33(1990),11-14.
  117. On a class of first-order differential subordinations, Babes-Bolyai Univ., Fac.of Math., Res.Seminar on Mathematical Analysis, Preprint 7(1991),37-46.
  118. On a Marx-Strohhacker differential subordination, Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai, Math. 36,4(1991), 77-84.
  119. On certain differential and integral inequalities for analytic functions, Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai, 36,1(1991), 17-22 (with X. Xanthopoulos ).
  120. On certain analytic functions with positive real part, Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai, Math. 36, 2(1991),45-50 (with X. Xanthopoulos).
  121. Classes of univalent integral operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,157,1(1991),147-165 (with S.S.Miller).
  122. Two simple sufficient conditions for starlikeness, Mathematica, 34(57), 2(1992), 175-181.
  123. Two simple sufficient conditions for convexity, Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai, Math. 37,4(1992) (with G.Kohr and M.Kohr).
  124. Bounds on the argument of a certain meromorphic derivative implying starlikeness,Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai,Math.37,4(1992),35- 42(with H.Al-Amiri)
  125. A special differential subordination and its application to univalency conditions, Current Topics in Analytic Function Theory , World Scientific, Singapore, London (1992),171-185(with S.S.Miller).
  126. On a starlikeness condition, Mathematica, 35(58),2(1993),175-178.
  127. Some simple criteria for starlikeness and convexity, Libertas Mathematica, 13(1993), 27-40.
  128. Averaging operators and a generalized Robinson differential inequality, J.Math. Anal.Appl.,13,2(1993), 459-469 (with S. S. Miller)
  129. Starlikeness of certain integral operators, Mathematica,36(59) 2(1994), 179-184.
  130. On certain subclasses of starlike functions Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai , Math., 34,4 (1994),3-9.
  131. Starlikeness of certain analytic functions, Mathematica, 36 (59), 1(1994), 73-79 (with H.Al-Amiri, K.C.Chan, J.Gresser and S.Seubert).
  132. On certain subclasses of meromorphic close-to-convex functions, Bull.Math.Soc.Sci. Math.Roumanie, 38(86), 3-15 (with H.Al-Amiri).
  133. New extensions of a theorem of R.Singh and S.Singh, Mathematica, 37(60)(1995), 171-182.
  134. A sufficient condition for injectivity in the complex plane, PU.M.A 6 (1995), 2 , 231-238.
  135. Integral operators on certain subclasses of univalent functions, Revue Roumaine Math. Pures Appl.,60,3-4 (1995),339-348 (with H.Al-Amiri,K.C.Chan,J.Gresser and S.Seubert).
  136. Starlike and close- to- convex functions with respect to symmetric-conjugate points, Glasnik Mat., 30 (50) (1995), 209-219. (with H.Al-Amiri and D. Coman).
  137. Some properties of starlike functions with respect to symmetric-conjugate points, Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. 18, 3 (1995), 469-474.(with H. Al-Amiri, D. Coman).
  138. Integral operators preserving meromorphic starlike functions, Mathematica, 37 (60) (1995), 3-10. (with H. Al. Amiri).
  139. Some simple criteria of starlikeness and convexity for meromorphic functions, Mathematica, 37 (60) (1995), 11-21. (with H. Al-Amiri).
  140. A sharp criterion for starlikeness, Indian J. Pures Appl. Math. 27, 11 (1996), 1111-1117 (with V. Anisiu and I. Serb).
  141. A sharp sufficient condition for a subclass of strlike functions, Libertas Mathematica, 16 (1996), 55-60. (with V. Anisiu and I. Serb).
  142. A class of nonlinear averaging integral operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 197 (1996), 318-323. (with S.S. Miller).
  143. Differential inequalities and boundedness preserving integral operators,Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Math.41,4(1996),81-88.(with S.S.Miller).
  144. Starlikeness conditions for meromorphic functions, Academia Română, Memoriile Secţiilor Ştiinţifice, Seria IV, tomul XIX (1996), 7-12.
  145. Briot-Bouquet differential equations and differential subordinations, Complex Variables, 33 (1997), 217-237. (with S.S. Miller).
  146. A sharp simple criterion for a subclass of starlike functions, Complex Variables, 32 (1997), 161-168. (with I. Serb).MR 1457682 (98i:30013).
  147. Some new applications of differential subordinations, The Annual Conference of the Romanian Society of Mathematical Sciences , Bucharest, May 1997, Romania, 23-27.
  148. Real star-convex functions, Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math. 42, 3 (1997), 65-80 (with I. Şerb and Gh. Toader).
  149. Conditions for diffeomorphism in the complex plane, Analysis and Topology, eds. C. Andreian – Cazacu, O. Lehto and Th. M. Rassias, World Scientific Publ. Co., 525-540.MR1667831 (99k:30023}.
  150. On a majorization-subordination problem for univalent functions, (with, St. Ruscheweyh), J. Analysis 6 (1998), 43-48.MR1671146 (99m:30023).
  151. Sufficient conditions for starlikeness and strongly-starlikeness, The Annual Conference of the           Romanian Society of Mathematical Sciences 1998, Cluj-Napoca, 119-123.
  152. On starlike images by Alexander integral II, Pu.M.A., 9 (1998), 1-2, 139-147.MR1677570.
  153. Sufficient conditions for starlikeness, Studia Univ. “Babes-Bolyai”, Math., 43, 1 (1998), 57-62 (with Gh. Oros).MR 1855338 (2002h:30016).
  154. Sufficient conditions for starlikeness II, Studia Univ. “Babes-Bolyai”, Math., 43, 2 (1998), 49-53 (with Gh. Oros).MR 1855327 (2002c:30019).
  155. Some starlikeness and convexity conditions for meromorphic functions, Conference on Analysis, Functional Equations, Approximation and Convexity, Cluj-Napoca, Oct. 15-16 (1999), 181-192.MR1819566.
  156. A simple convexity condition for meromorphic functions, Bull. Math. Soc.Sc. Math. Roumanie 42 (90), 2 (1999), 115-119. MR 1879548 (2002j:30016).
  157. On an integral operator and starlike functions of arder alpha, Bull. Math. Soc.Sc. Math. Roumanie 42 (90), 3 (1999), 253-256 (with Gh. Oros).MR 1880607 (2002k:30019).
  158. Certain sufficient conditions for strongly-starlikeness, Mathematica (Cluj), 41 (64), 1 (1999), 63-67 (with Gh.Oros).MR 2044654.
  159. Functions with bounded turning and starlike functions, Lucrarile celei de-a III-a Conferinte anuale a SSMR, Craiova (1999), 146-150.
  160. On a starlikeness condition for meromorphic functions, Mathematica (Cluj), 41 (64), 2 (1999), 221-225 (with S. S. Miller and Gh. Oros) MR 2044703..
  161. On a certain condition for starlikeness, Rev.Roumaine Math.Pures Appl., 44, 4(1999), 617-622 (with Gh.Oros) MR 1843218 (2002c:30020)..
  162. Certain conditions for diffeomorphism in the complex plane – the duality theorem, Scripta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 1, 2 (1999), 292-304.
  163. New extensions of a theorem of R. Singh and S. Singh, II, Mathematica (Cluj), 42 (65), 1, (2000), 61-66 MR2002456 (2004e:30029).
  164. Some extensions of Aksentiev’s univalence condition for meromorphic functions, Complex Variables, 41 (2001), 29-38.MR 1826715 (2002a:30020).
  165. Nonanalytic functions with positive real part and starlike functions,Libertas Mathematica,2(2001),127-132 MR 1867774 (2002h:3oo15).
  166. A sufficient condition for starlikeness of order alpha ,Internat.J.Math.&Math.Sci., 28, 9 (2001) 557-560 (with Gh.Oros).MR 189302 (2003b:30017).
  167. On the analytic n-starlike and n-spirallike functions, Mathematica (Cluj), 43(66), 2(2001), 203-210 (with S.Gal). MR 2002651 (2004h:30015).
  168. Libera transform of functions with bounded turning, J.Math.Anal.Appl. 276(2002),90-97 (with S.S.Miller).MR 1944338 (2003m:30032).
  169. Sufficient conditions for starlikeness and strong-starikeness of a given order, Complex variables, 48,2(2003),131-141 (with V.Anisiu and V. Serb).MR 1954096 (2004a:30011).
  170. Differential subordinations and differential superordinations,Proc.of the National Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications,Timisoara,12-13 Dec.(2000),197-205.
  171. Differential inequalities and starlikeness, Complex Var.Theory Appl. 48, 4(2003), 283-292 (with R.Fournier). MR1971183 (2004c:30013); Zbl 1034.30008.
  172. Application of close to convexity criterion to filtration theory, Studia Univ.”Babes-Bolyai”,Mathematica,47,4 (2002), 95-99.MR 1993907(2004e:30030).
  173. A simple sufficient condition for starlikeness of order alpha, PU.M.A., 13, 1-2 ( 2002), 247-251 (with G.Oros). MR 1987214 (2004g:30020).
  174. Regular refraction property of the ellipse, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Romanie, 45(93). 1-2  (2002) ,39-43. MR 2038706(2004k:30028).
  175. Subordinants of differential superordinations, Complex Variables, 48, 10 (2003), 815-826 (with  S.S.Miller) MR2014390 (2004i:30015); Zbl 1039.30011
  176. Regular refraction property of the parabolic lens, Mathematica, 47(70),2(2005), 179-181 .MR 2165315.
  177. Starlike curves with regular refraction property, Bull.Math.Soc.Sc.Roumanie,48(96),3(2005),303-311.. MR2165346(2006m:30021).
  178. Briot-Bouquet differential superordinations and sandwich theorems, J.Math.Anal.Appl. 329.No.1,327-335 (2007).(with S.S.Miller). MR2306804.
  179. Convex and alpha-prestarlike subordinations chanes,J.Math.Anal.Appl. 332(2007) ,463-474,(with G.Kohr and I.Şerb) MR2319676.
  180. Regular refraction property for a conic lens, Bull.Math.Socv.Sc. Roumanie, 50(98),1(2007),75-87 (with I.Serb). MR 2292576(2007k:30039).