Hydrodynamic equations for one-dimensional systems of inelastic particles


Using a different method, the balance equations of mass, momentum, and kinetic energy are derived for an arbitrary one-dimensional system of inelastic particles from its kinematic description. The failure of the hydrodynamic equations for such dissipative systems must be attributed to the inconsistency of constitutive relations with the microscopic structure of the system. Among the constitutive relations, the Fourier law of heat conduction is the most inappropriate.


C. Vamos
Tiberiu Popoviciu, Institutue of  Numerical analysis, Romanian Academy

N. Suciu
Tiberiu Popoviciu, Institutue of  Numerical analysis, Romanian Academy

A. Georgescu



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C. Vamoş, N. Suciu, A. Georgescu (1997), Hydrodynamic equations for one-dimensional systems of inelastic particles, Phys. Rev. E, 55(5), 6277-6280, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.55.6277


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