Institute annual report 1971

updates: February ?, 2024. Main version: February ?, 2024.

Human resources

Institute Head: Prof. Dr. Tiberiu Popoviciu, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy

Papers published in 1971

Note: papers appear here either because the author was hired here (the approximate years were reconstituted by Prof. Dr. Ion Păvăloiu), or due to the List of papers of the Institute members and of the Institute collaborators.

  • O. Aramă, Orientări actuale în analiza numerică. În volumul Metode noi şi probleme de perspectivă ale cercetării ştiinţifice (Sesiunile ştiinţifice ale Academiei R.S.R., 1969 şi 1970).Editura Academiei R.S.R., Bucureşti, 1971, pp. 37-46.
  • L. Bal, Analiză matematică (curs), Editura didactică și pedagogică, București, 1971, p. 482.
  • L. Bal, L. Bitay, Matematici generale, Atelierul de multiplicare al Institutului Politehnic Cluj, 1971.
  • L. Bal, M. Mihoc, On the representation of nomographic functions (in Romanian), Stud. Cerc. Mat. 23 (1971), 511–522.
  • D. Brădeanu, Calculul forței de presiune hidrodinamică pe un semicilindru eliptic, Comunicările sesiunii științifice a cadrelor didactice, Institutul Polithenic, Cluj, 2-3 apr. 1971, pp. 157-161.
  • Gh. Cimoca, On a problem of restrictive uniform approximation, Mathematica (Cluj) 13(36) (1971), 189–197.
  • A. Kovács, A generalization of the composition product of relations (in Romanian), Stud. Cerc. Mat. 23 (1971), 1111–1117.
  • A. Kovács, An algorithm for generating pseudo-random numbers (in Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 23 (1971), 1105–1110.
  • A. Kovács, On the product of relations, Mathematica (Cluj) 13 (36) (1971), 205–212.
  • M. Mihoc, Sur la représentation nomographique des équations symétriques à quatre variables (in French) Mathematica (Cluj) 13(36)(1971), 219–228.
  • M. Mihoc, On the representation of equations with four variables by means of composite nomograms with aligned points. II. (in Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 23 (1971), 117–128
  • A. Lupaş, On the approximation by linear operators of the class Sm, An. Şti. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi Secţ. I a Mat. (N.S.) 17 (1971), 133–137.
  • A.B. Németh, The homotopical characterization of the set of unrestricted Chebyshev spaces, Mathematica (Cluj) 13(36) 1971, 235–249.
  • A. B. Németh, Continuous transformations of Čebyšev spaces and of Čebyšev spaces having the property I∗n (in Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 23(1971), 1125–1136.
  • T. Popoviciu, Das Restglied in einigen Formeln der numerischen Integration von Differentialgleichungen, Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik, Band 5, pp. 117-129. B. I.-Hochschulskripten, No. 724 a-b, Bibliographisches Inst., Mannheim, 1971 (in German)
  • T. Popoviciu, Sur certaines fonctions arithmétiques multiplicatives, Mathematica (Cluj), 13(36) (1971) no. 2, pp. 271-279 (in French)
  • T. Popoviciu, Über die Konvergenz von Folgen linearer positiver Operatoren, An. Sti. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi Secţ. I a Mat. (N.S.) 17 (1971), pp. 123-132 (in German)
  • T. Popoviciu, Asupra calculului unei limite, Gazeta Matem. Ser. A, 71 (1971) no. 1, pp. 8-11.
  • T. Popoviciu, Contribuţii ale Institutului de Calcul din Cluj la aplicarea matematicii în economie. Sesiunile Ştiinţifice ale Academiei RSR din 1969-1970. Metode noi şi probleme de perspectivă ale cercetării ştiinţifice, Editura Academiei R.S.R., 1971, pp. 305-320 (in Romanian).
  • T. Popoviciu, Asupra alurii şirului numerelor naturale <= n şi prime cu numărul natural n, GM 22 (1971) no. 11 (noiembrie-november), pp. 641-646.
  • N. Ciontea, I. Borza, C. Darie, F. Kramer, M. Mihoc, I. Păvăloiu, Metodă analitică de calcul a fazelor din masele de porţelan, Cercetările multidisciplinare şi interdisciplinare. Originea, dezvoltarea şi perspectivele lor, (1971), pp. 217-228 (in Romanian).
  • I. Păvăloiu, Evaluarea erorilor în rezolvarea numerică a ecuaţiilor operatoriale, Studii şi cercetări matematice, 9 23 (1971), pp. 1459-1464 (in Romanian).
  • I. Păvăloiu, Consideraţii asupra metodelor iterative obţinute prin interpolare inversă, Studii şi cercetări matematice, 23 10 (1971), pp. 1545-1549 (in Romanian).
  • I. Păvăloiu, Asupra operatorilor iterativi, Studii şi cercetări matematice, 23 10 (1971), pp. 1567-1574 (in Romanian).
  • D. Ripianu, Détermination d’un intervalle maximal d’interpolation (in French), Mathematica (Cluj) 13(36) (1971), 287–299.
  • Gh. Toader, Remarques sur la distance entre les ensembles (in French), Bul. Inst. Politehn. Iaşi (N.S.) 17(21) (1971), no. 3-4, part I, 103–105.
  • St. Țigan, Sur une methode de decomposition pour le probleme de programmation monotone, Mathematica, vol. 13 (36), 2, 1971, pp.347-354.
  • St. Țigan, Sur quelques problemes d’affectation, SEMA (Metra International), Paris, Note de travail, no.l57,1-10, 1971
  • St. Țigan, Sur la fonction de Lagrange generalise pour la probleme d’optimisation, SEMA (Metra International), Paris, Note de travail, no.152,1-18,1971.

Prizes, outstanding achievements

  • (to be completed)

Contracts at the Institute

  • (to be completed)

Editorial activity

  • (to be completed)


Conferences organized by the Institute

  • (to be completed) colocviile (??)

International scientific collaborations

  • (to be completed)

Prizes, outstanding achievements

  • (to be completed)

Membership in professional organizations

  • Tiberiu Popoviciu, SSMR member
  • ??, (to be completed)

Peer review

Members of international committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of national committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of PhD evaluation committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of PhD supervising committees

  • (to be completed)

Referee reports for peer reviewed journals:

  • (data not available)

Book reviews:

  • (data not available)


for the two major international databases.

For Mathematical Reviews:

  • (to be completed)

For ZBL Math:

  • (to be completed)