Posts by Nicolae Suciu


Smooth concentration fields and balance equations for systems of random walkers are obtained by using the coarsegrained space‐time averaging method from ]5[ and averages over the statistical ensemble. This yields a new cellular automaton numerical model for diffusion processes. The number of particles and the averaging space‐time scale needed to approximate the concentration, with a given precision, are obtained. Applications were made for systems with small concentrations and diffusion in random fields.


Calin Vamoş
“T. Popoviciu” Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy

Nicolae Suciu
“T. Popoviciu” Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy

Harry Vereecken
ZE, Forschungszentrum Julich ICG-4, D52425-Julich, Deutschland

Uwe Jaekel
ZE, Forschungszentrum Julich ICG-4, D52425-Julich, Deutschland

Holger Schwarze
ZE, Forschungszentrum Julich ICG-4, D52425-Julich, Deutschland



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C. Vamoş, N. Suciu, H. Vereecken, U. Jaekel, H. Schwarze (2000), Random walkers cellular automata for diffusion processes, ZAMM. Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 80, S367-68, doi: 10.1002/zamm.20000801455


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ZAMM. Z. Angew. Math. Mech.

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