100 years anniversary of the birth of professor Elena Popoviciu7 months agoProfessor Elena Popoviciu, a remarkable member of our Institute, was born on August 26, 1924, and this year we celebrate…
A recent publication (2024) in the top journal Foundations of Computational Mathematics10 months agoMihai Nechita has recently published a paper in Foundations of Computational Mathematics one of the top* journals in Mathematics and…
PhD thesis defense Andrei Stan11 months agoAndrei Stan will defend hid PhD thesis Nonlinear Systems and Nash Type Equilibrium at Babeș-Bolyai University, under the supervision of Radu…
The papers from the last 10 years posted in HTML version1 year agoThe conversion of the LaTeX files into HTML (with their posting on the website) has been started for the scientific…
Recovering and posting started for the older annual reports, 1951-19891 year agoThe institute has started recovering and posting its Annual Reports, since its foundation, in 1951. The list of papers are completed…
Emil Cătinaș awarded the Grigore Moisil prize of the Romanian Academy1 year agoEmil Cătinaș (head of Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis) has been awarded the 2021 Grigore C. Moisil prize of…
NANMAT Workshop for young PhD students November 20231 year agoEmil Cătinaș (ICTP) and Radu Precup (ICTP and UBB) are organizing the workshop Numerical Analysis, Numerical Modelling, Approximation Theory for…
Cluj Academic Days 20231 year agoThe Opening Ceremony of the Cluj Academic Days 2023 will take place on the 13th October. Emil Cătinaș, the head…
Workshop: Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Simulation with Applications to Biomedical Processes (October 9-10, 2023, Cluj-Napoca)1 year agoMaria Neuss-Radu (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Radu Precup (ICTP and UBB) are organizing the workshop Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Simulation with…
Professor Doctor Ion Păvăloiu has passed away at the age of 842 years agoWith deep regret we announce that on August 1, 2023, Professor Dr. Ion Păvăloiu, honorary member of the Institute, has…