Iterates of some bivariate approximation process via weakly Picard operators2 years agoAbstract In the present paper we introduce a general class of positive operators of discrete type acting on the space…
Iterates of a class of discrete linear operators via contraction principle2 years agoAbstract In this paper we are concerned with a general class of positive linear operators of discrete type. Based on…
Iterates of multidimensional approximation operators via Perov theorem3 years agoAbstractThe starting point is an approximation process consisting of linear and positive operators. The purpose of this note is to…
Krasnoselskii type theorems in product Banach spaces and applications to systems of nonlinear transport equations and mixed fractional differential equations3 years agoAbstractIn this paper, we use a new technique for the treatment of systems based on the advantage of vector-valued norms…
How many steps still left to x*?4 years agoWe survey the convergence orders of sequences and show the orders of the basic iterative sequences for solving nonlinear equations…
Existence and uniqueness of the solution for an integral equation with supremum4 years agoAbstractFollowing the idea of T. Wongyat and W. Sintunavarat, we obtain some existence and uniqueness results for the solution of…
Stability results and qualitative properties for Mann’s algorithm via admissible perturbations technique5 years agoAbstractIn this paper we will present data dependence results for Mann iteration schene related to the fixed point inclusion. The…
On the characterizations of partial metrics and quasimetrics5 years agoAbstractWe present the relationship between the notion of partial metric, which has applications in Computer Science, that of quasimetric (which…
Solving inverse problems via hemicontractive maps5 years agoAbstractWe prove a “collage” theorem for hemicontractive maps and we use it for inverse problems. A numerical example is given.…
The equivalence between Mann–Ishikawa iterations and multistep iteration5 years agoAbstractWe show that the convergence of Mann, Ishikawa iterations are equivalent to the convergence of a multistep iteration, for various…