Let \(X_{1},X_{2}\) be two Banach spaces, \(f:X_{1}\rightarrow X_{2}\) a nonlinear mapping and consider the chord method for solving the equation \(f\left(x\right) =0\): \[x_{n+1}=x_n-[x_{n-1},x_{n};f]^{-1}f(x_n), \quad n=1,…\] Under some simple conditions on the divided differences of order one of \(f\), of the form \[\|[y, u; f] − [x, y; f]\| ≤ l_1 \|x − u\| ^p + l_2 \|x − y\|^p + l_3 \|y − u\|^p\] we show that the chord method converge to the solution. We obtain error estimations and determine the convergence order.
Ion Păvăloiu
(Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis)
chord method; equations in Banach spaces; error estimation; convergence order
Cite this paper as:
I. Păvăloiu, On the chord method, Bul. Ştiinţ. Univ. Baia Mare, Seria B. Fasc. Mat.-Fiz., 7 (1991), pp. 61-66.
About this paper
Bul. Ştiinţ. Univ. Baia Mare, Seria B. Fasc. Mat.-Fiz., 7 (1991)
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Bul. Ştiinţ. Univ. Baia Mare
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[1] Argyros, I. K., The secant method and fixed points on nonlinear operators, Mh. Math., 106 (1988), 85–94.
[2] Balazs, M. ¸si Goldner, G., Observatii asupra diferentelor divizate si asupra metodei coardei. Revista de analiza numerica si teoria aproximatiei vol. 3 (1974) fasc. 1, 19–30.
[3] Pavaloiu, I., Remarks on the secant method for the solution of nonlinear operatorial equations, Research Seminars, Seminar on Mathematical Analysis, Preprint no. 7, (1991), pp. 127 132.
[4] Pavaloiu, I., Introducere in teoria aproximarii solutiilor ecuatiilor. Ed. Dacia, ClujNapoca, 1976.
[5] Schmidt, I. W., Eine Ubertagungen der Regula Falsi auf Gleichungen, in ”Banachraumen” I ZAMM, 48, 1–8 (1963).
[6] Schmidt, I. W., Eine Ubertagungen der Regula Falsi auf Gleichungen, in ”Banachraumen” II 97–110 (1963).
Paper (preprint) in HTML form
Bul.St.Univ.Baia Mare
Seria B, Matematică-Informatică, vol.VII (1991) Nr.1-2, 61-66
On the chord method
In the paper [1], I.K. Argyros considers as divided difference of the mapping , where and are Banach spaces, a linear mapping which fulfils the following conditions:
for every where is a subset of
there exist the real constants and such that for every the following inequality holds:
In [1] the hypothesis that the equation:
(1) |
admits a simple solution in adopted, and conditions for the convergence of the sequence generated by the chord method:
(2) |
are given.
In a recent paper [2] there is shown that, with the hypotheses considered in [1], the convergence speed of the sequence generated by (2) and the error estimation are featured by the inequality:
(3) |
where is a precised constant, and is the positive root of the equation
We shall admit further down that the divided difference operator fulfils the conditions (a) and (b), and search for supplementary conditions in order to make equation (1) admit a solution into a precised domain and the sequence generated by (2) converge to this solution.
Observe firstly that the identity:
(4) |
holds for every with the hypothesis that the linear mapping admits an inverse mapping.
The following identity
(5) | ||||
Let and Consider the sphere
(6) |
where that is, the positive root, the equation:
(7) |
The following theorem holds:
Theorem 1.
If the divided difference fulfils the conditions (a) and (b) for every and the following hypotheses:
the mapping admits a bounded inverse mapping for every namely there exists a constant such that
- (iii)
From (2) for we deduce:
from which, taking also into account iii. it follows
from which it results that .
From the above inequality follows therefore:
Suppose by induction that:
Then, for we have:
from which follows that Proceeding now for as in the case of we obtain:
It results therefore that the relations (a’) and (b’) hold for every
Now we shall show that the sequence is fundamental.
Indeed, for every we have:
By the last inequality and the fact that and follows that the sequence is fundamental. For from the inequality:
follows the inequality:
In [1] Argyros showed that if the divided difference fulfils the conditions (a) and (b) then is Fréchet differentiable and From this fact follows that the mapping is continuous on : hence at limit for in the inequality:
one obtains:
from which results With this the theorem is entirely proved ∎
Remark 2.
- [1] Argyros, I. K., The secant method and fixed points on nonlinear operators, Mh. Math., 106 (1988), 85–94.
- [2] Balázs, M. şi Goldner, G., ††margin: clickable Observaţii asupra diferenţelor divizate şi asupra metodei coardei. Revista de analiză numerică şi teoria aproximaţiei vol. 3 (1974) fasc. 1, 19–30.
- [3] ††margin: clickable Păvăloiu, I., Remarks on the secant method for the solution of nonlinear operatorial equations, Research Seminars, Seminar on Mathematical Analysis, Preprint no. 7, (1991), pp. 127–132.
- [4] Păvăloiu, I., ††margin: clickable Introducere în teoria aproximării soluţiilor ecuaţiilor. Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1976.
- [5] Schmidt, I. W., Eine Ubertagungen der Regula Falsi auf Gleichungen, in ”Banachräumen” I ZAMM, 48, 1–8 (1963).
- [6] Schmidt, I. W., Eine Ubertagungen der Regula Falsi auf Gleichungen, in ”Banachräumen” II 97–110 (1963).
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