Krasnoselskii type theorems in product Banach spaces and applications to systems of nonlinear transport equations and mixed fractional differential equations


In this paper, we use a new technique for the treatment of systems based on the advantage of vector-valued norms and of the weak topology. We first present vector versions of the Leray-Schauder alternative and then some Krasnoselskii type fixed point theorems for a sum of two mappings. Applications are given to a system of nonlinear transport equations, and systems of mixed fractional differential equations.


Radu Precup
Department of Mathematics Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Sana Hadj Amor
Department of Mathematics, LR 11 ES 35, Higher School of Science and Technology, University of Sousse, Tunisia

Abdelhak Traiki
Department of Mathematics, LR 11 ES 35, Higher School of Science and Technology, University of Sousse, Tunisia


Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem for a sum of operators; weak topology; generalized contraction; product Banach space; vector-valued norm; system of nonlinear transport equations; convergent to zero matrix; fractional integral.

Paper coordinates

Sana Hadj Amor, Radu Precup and Abdelhak Traiki, Krasnoselskii type theorems in product Banach spaces and applications to systems of nonlinear transport equations and mixed fractional differential equations, Fixed Point Theory, vol 23 (2022) no. 1, 105-126,


About this paper


Fixed Point Theory

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Department of Mathematics, ”BabeΘ™-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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Krasnoselskii type theorems in product Banach spaces and applications to systems of nonlinear transport equations and mixed fractional differential equations

Krasnoselskii type theorems in product Banach spaces and applications to systems of nonlinear transport equations and mixed fractional differential equations

Sana HADJ AMOR Sana Hadj Amor, Department of Mathematics ,  Radu PRECUP Radu Precup, Department of Mathematics, Babeş-Bolyai University
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Β andΒ  Abdelhak TRAIKI Abdelhak Traiki, Department of Mathematics

In this paper, we use a new technique for the treatment of systems based on the advantage of vector-valued norms and of the weak topology. We first present vector versions of the Leray-Schauder alternative and then some Krasnoselskii type fixed point theorems for a sum of two mappings. Applications are given to a system of nonlinear transport equations, and systems of mixed fractional differential equations.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B38, 47H09, 47H08, 47H10

Keywords: Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem for a sum of operators, weak topology, generalized contraction, product Banach space, vector-valued norm, system of nonlinear transport equations, convergent to zero matrix, fractional integral.

1. Introduction

The classical Banach contraction principle is a very useful tool in nonlinear analysis with many applications to integral and differential equations, optimization theory, and other topics. There are many generalizations of this result, one of them is due to A.I. Perov [15] and consists in replacing usual metric spaces by spaces endowed with vector-valued metrics. According to this result, if a space X is a Cartesian product X=X1×⋯⁒Xn and each component Xi is a complete metric space with the metric di, then instead of endowing X with some metric Ξ΄ generated by d1,β‹―,dn, for instance any one of the metrics

Ξ΄p⁒(x,y) = (βˆ‘i=1ndi⁒(xi,yi)p)1p(1≀p<∞),
δ∞⁒(x,y) = max⁑{d1⁒(x1,y1),β‹―,dn⁒(xn,yn)},

and applying Banach’s contraction principle in the complete metric space (X,Ξ΄), better results are obtained if one considers the vector-valued metric


and one requires a generalized contraction (in Perov’s sense) condition in the vector-matrix form


where A is a square matrix of type nΓ—n with nonnegative elements having the spectral radius ρ⁒(A)<1. This approach is very fruitful for the treatment of systems of equations arising from various fields of applied mathematics. The advantage of using vector-valued metrics and norms instead of usual scalar ones, in connexion with several techniques of nonlinear analysis, has been pointed out in [20]. Roughly speaking, by a vector approach it is allowed that the component equations of a system behave differently, and thus more general results can be obtained.

In his Ph.D. thesis [22], A. Viorel used generalized contractions in Perov’s sense and gave a vector version of Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem [12] for a some of two operators A and B, where A is a compact map and B is a generalized contraction. Applications were given to systems of semi-linear evolution equations. Viorel’s result was extended for multi-valued mappings in [16]. The proofs of these results combine a vector version of the contraction principle (Perov and Perov-Nadler theorems, respectively) with Schauder’s fixed point theorem for maps that are compact with respect to the strong topology.

Alternatively, instead of the strong topology of a Banach space, one may think to use the weak topology. Fixed point results involving the weak topology have been obtained by many authors in the last decades (see, e.g., [2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 19]). The purpose of this paper is to extend the Leray-Schauder and Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorems to sums of generalized contractions and compact maps with respect to the weak topology. Note that our technique can also be used to give vector versions of the results in [3]. Next, motivated by the papers [6], [13] and [11], we give applications of the theoretical results to a system of transport equations, and a system of mixed fractional differential equations.

The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we present some notations and preliminary facts that we will need in what follows. In Section 3, we first give a vector version of the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem for weakly sequentially continuous mappings and then we extend Viorel’s result by using the weak topology. In Sections 3 and 4, we apply these results to a system of transport equations and a system of mixed fractional differential equations.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we recall from the literature some notations, definitions, and auxiliary results which will be used throughout this paper.

By a generalized metric space we mean a set X endowed with a vector-valued metric d, that is a mapping d:XΓ—X→ℝ+n which satisfies all the axioms of a usual metric, with the inequality ≀ understood to act componentwise. In such a space, the notions of a Cauchy sequence, convergent sequence, completeness, open and closed set, are defined in a similar way to that of the corresponding notions in a usual metric space.

A mapping F:X⟢X, where X is a generalized metric space with the vector-valued metric d is said to be a generalized contraction, or a Perov contraction, if there exists a matrix (called Lipschitz matrix) Mβˆˆβ„³n⁒(ℝ+) such that Mk tends to the zero matrix as kβ†’βˆž and

d⁒(F⁒(x),F⁒(y))≀M⁒d⁒(x,y)Β for allΒ x,y∈X.

Here the vector d⁒(x,y) and d⁒(F⁒(x),F⁒(y)) are seen like all the vectors in ℝn as column matrices. Notice that a matrix M as above is called to be convergent to zero, and that this property is equivalent (see [18]) to each one of the following three properties:

  1. (a)

    Iβˆ’M is non-singular and (Iβˆ’M)βˆ’1=I+M+M2+β‹―. (Here I is the unit matrix of size n).

  2. (b)

    |Ξ»|<1 for every λ∈C with d⁒e⁒t⁒(Mβˆ’Ξ»β’I)=0.

  3. (c)

    Iβˆ’M is non-singular and (Iβˆ’M)βˆ’1 has nonnegative elements.

Notice that in view of (c), a vector-matrix inequality like x≀M⁒x for a nonnegative vector-column x=(x1,…,xn)Tβˆˆβ„+n first yields (Iβˆ’M)⁒x≀0, and then x≀(Iβˆ’M)βˆ’1⁒0, whence x=0ℝn.

Recall Perov’s fixed point theorem which states that any generalized contraction F on a complete generalized metric space (X,d) has a unique fixed point xβˆ—, and for each x∈X one has

d⁒(Fk⁒(x),xβˆ—)≀Mk⁒(Iβˆ’M)βˆ’1⁒d⁒(x,F⁒(x))⁒ for all ⁒kβˆˆβ„•.

Notice that, under the assumptions of Perov’s theorem, and if J is the identity mapping of X, the mapping Jβˆ’F is bijective and (Jβˆ’F)βˆ’1 is continuous.

By a vector-valued norm on a linear space X we mean a mapping βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯:X→ℝ+n which satisfies the usual axioms of a norm, with the inequality ≀ understood to act componentwise. Any linear space X endowed with a vector-valued norm βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯ is a generalized metric space with respect to the vector-valued metric d⁒(x,y)=β€–xβˆ’yβ€–. In case that (X,d) is complete, we say that X is a generalized Banach space.

In particular, if X=X1Γ—β‹―Γ—Xn, where (Xi,βˆ₯.βˆ₯i) is a Banach space for i=1,β‹―,n, then X is a Banach space with respect to the norm


and a generalized Banch space with respect to the vector-valued norm


where x=(x1,β‹―,xn). On such a space one can define a vector measure of weak noncompactness by


for Β V=V1Γ—β‹―Γ—Vn and any bounded sets ViβŠ‚Xi, i=1,β‹―,n, where Ο‰i is the De Blasi measure of weak noncompactness on Xi (see [8]). Recall that, if (Y,βˆ₯.βˆ₯Y) is any Banach space, the De Blasi weak measure of noncompactness Ο‰Y⁒(C) of any bounded set CβŠ‚Y is given by

Ο‰Y⁒(C)=inf{r>0:Β there is a weakly compact set ⁒KβŠ‚Y⁒ such that ⁒CβŠ‚K+BΒ―Y⁒(0,r)},

where BΒ―Y⁒(0,r)={y∈Y:β€–yβ€–Y≀r}. For completeness we recall some properties of Ο‰Y needed below (for the proofs we refer to [1]). Let C1,C2βŠ‚Y be bounded. Then

  1. (i)

    Monotonicity : If C1βŠ‚C2, then Ο‰Y⁒(C1)≀ωY⁒(C2).

  2. (ii)

    Regularity: Ο‰Y⁒(C1)=0 if and only if C1 is relatively weakly compact.

  3. (iii)

    Invariance under closure: Ο‰Y⁒(C1ω¯)=Ο‰Y⁒(C1), where C1ω¯ is the weak closure of C1.

  4. (iv)

    Semi-homogeneity : Ο‰Y⁒(λ⁒C1)=|Ξ»|⁒ωY⁒(C1) for all Ξ»βˆˆβ„.

  5. (v)

    Invariance under passage to the convex hull : Ο‰Y⁒(c⁒o⁒n⁒v⁒(C1))=Ο‰Y⁒(C1).

  6. (vi)

    Semi-additivity : Ο‰Y⁒(C1+C2)≀ωY⁒(C1)+Ο‰Y⁒(C2).

  7. (vii)

    Cantor’s intersection property: If (Ck)kβ©Ύ1 is a decreasing sequence of nonempty, bounded and weakly closed subsets of Y with limkβ†’+βˆžΟ‰Y⁒(Ck)=0, then β‹‚k=1∞Ckβ‰ βˆ… and Ο‰Y⁒(β‹‚k=1∞Ck)=0, i.e. β‹‚k=1∞Ck is relatively weakly compact.

Throughout this paper, for a mapping F:Dβ†’X, where X is the Cartesian product X1Γ—β‹―Γ—Xn of n Banach spaces and D=D1Γ—β‹―Γ—Dn, for DiβŠ‚Xi a weakly closed subset of Xi (i=1,β‹―,n), we shall say that F is sequentially weakly continuous if for any sequence (xk)βŠ‚D such that xikβ†’xi weakly in Xi, i=1,β‹―,n, one has Fi⁒(xk)β†’Fi⁒(x) weakly in Xi for i=1,β‹―,n.

3. Fixed point results

We first state a useful result in terms of the vector measure of weak noncompactness.

Proposition 3.1.

Let (Xi,βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯i), i=1,β‹―,n be Banach spaces, and let X=X1Γ—β‹―Γ—Xn. If F:Xβ†’X is weakly sequentially continuous and there is a matrix Mβˆˆβ„³n⁒(ℝ+) such that

(3.1) β€–F⁒(x)βˆ’F⁒(y)‖≀M⁒‖xβˆ’yβ€–for all ⁒x,y∈X,

then for any bounded sets ViβŠ‚Xi, i=1,β‹―,n and V=V1Γ—β‹―Γ—Vn, one has

(3.2) ω⁒(F⁒(V))≀M⁒ω⁒(V).

For each i∈{1,…,n}, denote Ξ±i=Ο‰i⁒(Vi). Then for any Ξ΅i>0, there exists a weakly compact subset Ki of Xi such that ViβŠ‚Ki+BΒ―Xi⁒(0,Ξ±i+Ξ΅i). Hence, for every x=(x1,β‹―,xn)∈V, there is an y=(y1,β‹―,yn)∈K=K1Γ—β‹―Γ—Kn such that β€–xiβˆ’yiβ€–iβ©½Ξ±i+Ξ΅i for i=1,…,n. Let F=(F1,β‹―,Fn), where Fi:Xβ†’Xi and let M=(mi⁒j)1≀i,j≀n. Then using (3.1) gives

(3.3) β€–Fi⁒(x)βˆ’Fi⁒(y)β€–iβ‰€βˆ‘j=1nmi⁒j⁒‖xjβˆ’yjβ€–jβ‰€βˆ‘j=1nmi⁒j⁒(Ξ±j+Ξ΅j).

As a result, Fi⁒(x)βˆ’Fi⁒(y)∈BΒ―Xi⁒(0,βˆ‘j=1nmi⁒j⁒(Ξ±j+Ξ΅j)) for i=1,…,n. Hence,

Fi⁒(x)∈Fi⁒(K)+BΒ―Xi⁒(0,βˆ‘j=1nmi⁒j⁒(Ξ±j+Ξ΅j)), ⁒i=1,…,n.


(3.4) Fi⁒(V)βŠ‚Fi⁒(K)+BΒ―Xi⁒(0,βˆ‘j=1nmi⁒j⁒(Ξ±j+Ξ΅j)), ⁒i=1,…,n.

Since Fi is weakly sequentially continuous and K is weakly compact, we have Fi:K⟢Xi is weakly continuous. Thus, Fi⁒(K) is weakly compact. As a result

(3.5) Ο‰i⁒(Fi⁒(V))β‰€βˆ‘j=1nmi⁒j⁒(Ξ±j+Ξ΅j), ⁒i=1,…,n.

Letting Ρi→0 for all i yields

(3.6) Ο‰i⁒(Fi⁒(V))β‰€βˆ‘j=1nmi⁒j⁒αj=βˆ‘j=1nmi⁒j⁒ωj⁒(Vj),i=1,β‹―,n,

or equivalently, in the vector form, (3.2). Β Β Β 

We now give some vector versions of the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem for weakly sequentially continuous mappings.

Theorem 3.1.

Let (Xi,βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯i), i=1,β‹―,n be Banach spaces. For each i∈{1,β‹―,n}, consider a nonempty closed and convex set Ξ©iβŠ‚Xi and a weakly open subset Ui of Ξ©i with 0∈Ui such that Uiω¯ is a weakly compact subset of Ξ©i. Let Ξ©=Ξ©1Γ—β‹―Γ—Ξ©n, D=U1ω¯×⋯×Unω¯, and F:Dβ†’Ξ© a weakly sequentially continuous mapping . Then, either


F has a fixed point, or


there exist i∈{1,β‹―,n}, a point x=(x1,β‹―,xn)∈D with xiβˆˆβˆ‚Ξ©iUi=UiΟ‰Β―βˆ–Ui, and a number λ∈(0,1) with x=λ⁒F⁒(x).


Suppose (ii) does not hold. Let Ξ£ be the set defined by

Σ={x∈D:x=λ⁒F⁒(x)⁒for some⁒λ∈[0,1]}.

The set Ξ£ is non-empty because 0∈D. We will show that Ξ£ is weakly compact. First we show that Ξ£ is weakly sequentially closed. For that, let (xn)n be a sequence of Ξ£ such that xnβ†’x weakly. Clearly x∈D. For all nβˆˆβ„•, there exists a Ξ»n∈[0,1] such that xn=Ξ»n⁒F⁒(xn). Since Ξ»n∈[0,1], we can extract a subsequence (Ξ»nj)j such that Ξ»njβ†’Ξ»βˆˆ[0,1]. Then since F is weakly sequentally continuous, one has Ξ»nj⁒F⁒(xnj)→λ⁒F⁒(x) weakly. Hence x=λ⁒F⁒(x), that is x∈Σ. Next we prove that Ξ£=Σω¯. Obviously Ξ£βŠ‚Ξ£Ο‰Β―. To show the converse inclusion, take any xβˆˆΞ£Ο‰Β―. Since Σω¯ is weakly compact, by the Eberlein-Smulian theorem ([10], Theorem 8.12.4, p. 549), there exists a sequence (xn)nβŠ‚Ξ£ such that xnβ†’x weakly, so x∈Σ. Hence Σω¯=Ξ£, and consequently, Ξ£ is a weakly closed subset of the weakly compact set D. Therefore, Ξ£ is weakly compact. Because X endowed with its weak topology is a Hausdorff locally convex space, we have that X is completely regular ([21], p. 16). From the assumption that (ii) does not hold, one has Σ∩(Ξ©βˆ–U1Γ—β‹―Γ—Un)=βˆ…, where both sets Ξ£ and Ξ©βˆ–U1Γ—β‹―Γ—Un are weakly closed. Then (see [James], p. 146), there is a weakly continuous function Ο†:Ξ©β†’[0,1], with φ⁒(x)=1 for all x∈Σ and φ⁒(x)=0 for all xβˆˆΞ©βˆ–U1Γ—β‹―Γ—Un. Let Fβˆ—:Ξ©β†’Ξ© be the mapping defined by


Since Ο† is weakly continuous and F is weakly sequentially continuous, we have that Fβˆ— is weakly sequentially continuous. In addition, for each i,


Let Dβˆ—=D1βˆ—Γ—β‹―Γ—Dnβˆ—. From the Krein-Smulian theorem ( [9], p. 434) using the weak sequential continuity of F, we have that Dβˆ— is a weakly compact convex set. Moreover Fβˆ—β’(Dβˆ—)βŠ‚Dβˆ—. Now the Arino-Gautier-Penot theorem [2] guarantees that Fβˆ— has a fixed point x0∈Dβˆ—. If x0βˆ‰U1Γ—β‹―Γ—Un, then φ⁒(x0)=0, whence x0=0, which contradicts our hypothesis 0∈U1Γ—β‹―Γ—Un. Therefore x0∈U1Γ—β‹―Γ—UnβŠ‚D and x0=φ⁒(x0)⁒F⁒(x0), which shows that x0∈Σ. This implies that φ⁒(x0)=1, and thus the proof is complete. Β Β Β 

In the next result, the weak compactness of the sets Uiω¯ is removed and replaced by a stronger condition on F. The proof is standard and we omit it.

Theorem 3.2.

Let (Xi,βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯i), i=1,β‹―,n be Banach spaces. For each i∈{1,β‹―,n}, consider a nonempty closed and convex set Ξ©iβŠ‚Xi and a weakly open subset Ui of Ξ©i with 0∈Ui. Let Ξ©=Ξ©1Γ—β‹―Γ—Ξ©n, D=U1ω¯×⋯×Unω¯, and F:Dβ†’Ξ© a weakly sequentially continuous mapping such that F⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact. Then the alternative result given by Theorem 3.1 holds.

Theorem 3.2 will now be exploited to derive a Krasnoselskii type fixed point theorem which is the analogue for the weak topology of Viorel’s theorem [22], and a vector version of Theorem 3.4 in [5].

Theorem 3.3.

Let Xi, Ξ©i, Ui (i=1,β‹―,n), Ξ© and D be as in Theorem 3.1, and X=X1Γ—β‹―Γ—Xn. Let A:D⟢X and B:X⟢X be two weakly sequentially continuous mappings such that:

  1. (a)

    A⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact;

  2. (b)

    B is a Perov contraction;

  3. (c)


Then, either


A+B has a fixed point, or


there exist i∈{1,β‹―,n}, a point x=(x1,β‹―,xn)∈D with xiβˆˆβˆ‚Ξ©iUi=UiΟ‰Β―βˆ–Ui, and a number λ∈(0,1) such as x=λ⁒A⁒(x)+λ⁒B⁒(xΞ»).


For any given x∈D, let Fx:X⟢X be defined by


Using (b) we have

β€–Fx⁒(y)βˆ’Fx⁒(z)β€–=β€–B⁒(y)βˆ’B⁒(z)β€–β©½M⁒‖yβˆ’zβ€–,Β for all ⁒y,z∈X,

where M is the Lipschitz matrix of B. This shows that Fx is a Perov contraction with the same Lipschitz matrix M. Perov’s theorem guarantees Β the existence of a unique point yx∈X such that yx=A⁒(x)+B⁒(yx). Let F:Dβ†’X be defined as


From (c), we have F⁒(D)βŠ‚Ξ©. Notice that


Our next task is to show that the mapping F:=(Jβˆ’B)βˆ’1⁒A fulfills the conditions of Theorem 3.2. Indeed, since from (a), the set A⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact, it is also a bounded set. Next using

β€–(Jβˆ’B)βˆ’1⁒(x)βˆ’(Jβˆ’B)βˆ’1⁒(y)‖≀(Iβˆ’M)βˆ’1⁒‖xβˆ’yβ€–Β for all ⁒x,y∈X,

we see that F⁒(D)=(Jβˆ’B)βˆ’1⁒A⁒(D) is also bounded. We now claim that F⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact. Indeed, from

(3.7) F⁒(D)βŠ‚A⁒(D)+B⁒(F⁒(D)),

we obtain

(3.8) ω⁒(F⁒(D))≀ω⁒(A⁒(D)+B⁒(F⁒(D))).

Further, taking into account that A⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact and using the property (vi) of Ο‰i we deduce that

(3.9) ω⁒(F⁒(D))≀ω⁒(A⁒(D))+ω⁒(B⁒(F⁒(D)))=ω⁒(B⁒(F⁒(D))).

Now, by Proposition 3.1 and inequality (3.9), we get


So (Iβˆ’M)⁒ω⁒(F⁒(D))≀0ℝn. Since matrix M is convergent to zero, we then have ω⁒(F⁒(D))=0ℝn and so Ο‰i⁒(Fi⁒(D))=0 for all i∈{1,β‹―,n}. Consequently, F⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact as claimed.

Next, we show that F:Dβ†’Ξ© is weakly sequentially continuous. To do so, let (xk)kβŠ‚D be such that xikβ†’xi weakly as kβ†’βˆž, for i=1,β‹―,n. Because F⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact, it follows by the Eberlein-Smulian theorem ([9], p. 430) that there exists a subsequence of (xk) (still denoted by (xk)) and y∈Ω such that Fi⁒(xk)β†’yi weakly, for i=1,β‹―,n. Now the weak sequentially continuity of B guarantees that B⁒(F⁒(xk))β†’B⁒(y) weakly. Also, from the equality B⁒F=βˆ’A+F, it follows that

βˆ’A⁒(xk)+F⁒(xk)β†’βˆ’A⁒(x)+y⁒ weakly.

So y=F⁒(x). It is now easy to see that the whole sequence (F⁒(xk)) weakly converges to F⁒(x), which proves that F is weakly sequentially continuous. Finally, we note that the fixed points of F are the same as the fixed points of A+B, and that the equation x=λ⁒F⁒(x), where x∈D, is equivalent to the equation


Β Β Β 

Now we state a variant of the previous result where the assumptions on mapping B are relaxed.

Theorem 3.4.

Let Xi, Ξ©i, Ui (i=1,β‹―,n), Ξ©, D and X be as in Theorem 3.3. Let A:D⟢X and B:Ω⟢X be two weakly sequentially continuous mappings such that:

  1. (a)

    A⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact;

  2. (b)


  3. (c)

    If (Jβˆ’B)⁒(xk)β†’y weakly, then (xk)k has a weakly convergent subsequence;

  4. (d)

    Jβˆ’B is invertible.

Then the alternative of Theorem 3.3 holds.


Define F:Dβ†’Ξ© by F⁒(y):=(Jβˆ’B)βˆ’1⁒A⁒(y). F is well defined by assumptions (b) and (d).

First we show that F⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact. Let (yn)nβŠ‚F⁒(D) be any sequence and let (xn)nβŠ‚D be such that yn=F⁒(xn). Taking into account assumption (a), and using the Eberlein-Smulian’s theorem (see [9], p. 430), we get a subsequence (yΟ†1⁒(n))n of (yn)n such that (Jβˆ’B)⁒(yΟ†1⁒(n))β†’z weakly, for some z∈Ω. Then, by assumption (c), the sequence (yΟ†1⁒(n))n has a weakly convergent subsequence. Hence, F⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact.

Next, we show that F:Dβ†’Ξ© is weakly sequentially continuous. To do so, let (xk)kβŠ‚D be such that xikβ†’xi weakly as kβ†’βˆž, for i=1,β‹―,n. Because F⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact, it follows by the Eberlein-Smulian theorem that there exists a subsequence of (xk) (still denoted by (xk)) and y∈Ω such that Fi⁒(xk)β†’yi weakly, for i=1,β‹―,n. Now the weak sequentially continuity of B guarantees that B⁒(F⁒(xk))β†’B⁒(y) weakly. Also, from the equality B⁒F=βˆ’A+F, we have

βˆ’A⁒(xk)+F⁒(xk)β†’βˆ’A⁒(x)+y⁒ weakly.

It follows that B⁒(y)=βˆ’A⁒(x)+y, whence y=F⁒(x). It is now easy to see that the whole sequence (F⁒(xk))k weakly converges to F⁒(x), which proves that F is weakly sequentially continuous.
Therefore Theorem 3.2 applies and gives the conclusion. Β Β Β 

Remark 3.1.

Any Perov contraction B:Ω⟢X, with B⁒(Ξ©) bounded, satisfies condition (c) in Theorem 3.4. To prove this, assume that (Jβˆ’F)⁒(xk)β†’y weakly, for some (xk)kβŠ‚Ξ© and y∈X. Writing xk as xk=(Jβˆ’B)⁒(xk)+B⁒(xk) and using the subadditivity of the De Blasi measure of weak noncompactness, we get


Since ω⁒({(Jβˆ’B)⁒(xk)})=0ℝn, we obtain ω⁒({xk})≀ω⁒({B⁒(xk)}). On the other hand, if M is the Lipschitz matrix of B, then


It follows that (Iβˆ’M)⁒ω⁒({xk})≀0ℝn, and then ω⁒({xk})=0ℝn. Consequently, {xk} is relatively weakly compact and then by the Eberlein-Smulian’s theorem, it has a weakly convergent subsequence. Hence, condition (c) is satisfied.

As a consequence of Theorem 3.4 and Remark 3.1, we have the following result.

Corollary 3.1.

Let Xi, Ξ©i, Ui (i=1,β‹―,n), Ξ©, D and X be as in Theorem 3.3. Assume that A:D⟢X and B:Ω⟢X are two weakly sequentially continuous mappings such that:

  1. (1)

    A⁒(D) is relatively weakly compact;

  2. (2)

    B is a Perov contraction and B⁒(Ω) is bounded;

  3. (3)


Then the alternative of Theorem 3.3 holds.

Notice that the vector versions of the original theorems applied to the product space X=X1Γ—β‹―Γ—Xn allow to use different measures of noncompactness on the factor spaces Xi, such is the case in paper [7].

4. Application I: Solutions of a system of nonlinear transport equations

We consider the following system :

(4.1) {v3β’βˆ‚Ξ¨1βˆ‚x⁒(x,v)+Οƒ1⁒(x,v,Ξ¨1⁒(x,v),Ξ¨2⁒(x,v))βˆ’Ξ»1⁒Ψ1⁒(x,v)=∫Kr1⁒(x,v,vβ€²,Ξ¨1⁒(x,vβ€²),Ξ¨2⁒(x,vβ€²))⁒𝑑vβ€²v3β’βˆ‚Ξ¨2βˆ‚x⁒(x,v)+Οƒ2⁒(x,v,Ξ¨1⁒(x,v),Ξ¨2⁒(x,v))βˆ’Ξ»2⁒Ψ2⁒(x,v)=∫Kr2⁒(x,v,vβ€²,Ξ¨1⁒(x,vβ€²),Ξ¨2⁒(x,vβ€²))⁒𝑑vβ€²

where (x,v)∈D=(0,1)Γ—K with K the unit sphere of ℝ3, x∈(0,1),v=(v1,v2,v3)∈K, rj(.,.,.,.),j=1,2 is a nonlinear function of Ξ¨j, Οƒj(.,.,.,.),j=1,2 is a function on [0,1]Γ—KΓ—β„‚2 and Ξ»j,j=1,2 is a complex number. The boundary conditions are modeled by

(4.2) Ψj|Di=Hj⁒(Ψj|D0), for ⁒j=1,2

where Di (resp. D0) is the incoming ( resp. outgoing) part of the space boundary and are given by



K0=K∩{v3<0} and K1=K∩{v3>0}.

We shall treat the problem (4.1)-(4.2) in the following functional setting : let




endowed with the norm




endowed with the norm


For each j∈{1,2}, let Hj be the following linear bounded boundary operator defined by:


where Hl,kjβˆˆβ„’β’(Xl0,Xki), for l,k,j=1,2. The boundary condition can be written as Ξ¨i=Hj⁒(Ξ¨0) for j=1,2. Now for each j∈{1,2} we define the streaming operator THj with domain including the boundary conditions

{THj:D⁒(THj)βŠ†X⟢X,Ψ⟼THj⁒Ψ⁒(x,v)=v3β’βˆ‚Ξ¨βˆ‚x⁒(x,v)D⁒(THj)={Ψ∈X⁒ such that ⁒Ψi=Hj⁒(Ξ¨0)},

where Ξ¨0=(Ξ¨10,Ξ¨20)T and Ξ¨i=(Ξ¨1i,Ξ¨2i)T where Ξ¨10,Ξ¨20,Ξ¨1i and Ξ¨2i are given by

{Ψ1i⁒(v)=Ψ⁒(0,v), for ⁒v∈K1,Ψ2i⁒(v)=Ψ⁒(1,v), for ⁒v∈K0,Ψ10⁒(v)=Ψ⁒(0,v), for ⁒v∈K0,Ψ20⁒(v)=Ψ⁒(1,v), for ⁒v∈K1.
Remark 4.1.

For each j∈{1,2}, the derivative of Ψ in the definition of THj is meant in distributional sense.

For each j∈{1,2}, let λ0j be the real defined by

Ξ»0j:={0Β if ⁒‖Hj‖≀1,βˆ’log⁑(β€–Hjβ€–)Β if ⁒‖Hjβ€–>1.
Proposition 4.1.

For each j∈{1,2}, we have

{Ξ»βˆˆβ„‚β’Β such that ⁒R⁒e⁒(Ξ»)<Ξ»0=inf(Ξ»01,Ξ»02)}βŠ‚Οβ’(THj).

See reference ([4] Proposition 3.1) Β Β Β 

For our subsequent analysis, we need this hypothesis: For each j∈{1,2},


with Lj:=(L1⁒([0,1]Γ—K))2⟢L∞⁒([0,1]Γ—K) is a continuous linear map and


is a mesurable function. The function ΞΊj(.,.,.),j=1,2 is a measurable function from [0,1]Γ—KΓ—K into ℝ. It defines a continuous linear operator Fj,j=1,2 by

(4.3) Fj: X ⟢X
Ξ¨ ⟼Fj⁒(Ξ¨)⁒(x,v)=∫KΞΊj⁒(x,v,vβ€²)⁒Ψ⁒(x,vβ€²)⁒𝑑vβ€²

Note that d⁒xβŠ—d⁒vβˆ’e⁒s⁒sβˆ’sup(x,v)∈[0,1]Γ—K∫K|ΞΊj⁒(x,v,vβ€²)|⁒𝑑vβ€²=β€–Fjβ€–<∞.

Definition 1.

A collision operator Fj,j=1,2 in form (4.3) is said to be regular if the set

{ΞΊj(x,.,vβ€²)Β such thatΒ (x,vβ€²)∈[0,1]Γ—K}

is a relatively weakly compact subset of L1⁒(K,d⁒x).

We need also the following result which is an immediate consequence of Lemme 4.1 in [6] for σ≑0.

Lemma 1.

If the collision operator Fj,j=1,2 is regular on X, then (THjβˆ’Ξ»β’I)βˆ’1⁒Fj is weakly compact on X, for R⁒e⁒(Ξ»)<Ξ»0.

Definition 2.

A function f:[0,1]Γ—KΓ—β„‚2β†’β„‚ is a Carathéodory map if the following conditions are satisfied

{(x,v)⟼f⁒(x,v,u1,u2)⁒ is measurable on ⁒[0,1]Γ—K,Β for all ⁒(u1,u2)βˆˆβ„‚2.u⟼f⁒(x,v,u1,u2)⁒ is continuous on ⁒ℂ2,Β for almost all ⁒(x,v)∈[0,1]Γ—K.

If f satisfies the Carathéodory conditions, we can define the operator 𝒩f on the set of functions (Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2):[0,1]Γ—KβŸΆβ„‚2 by

𝒩f⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)⁒(x,v)=f⁒(x,v,Ξ¨1⁒(x,v),Ξ¨2⁒(x,v)),Β for every ⁒(x,v)∈[0,1]Γ—K.

The operator 𝒩f is called the Nemytskii operator generated by f. We assume that

(π’œ2){Β For each ⁒j∈{1,2},fj⁒ is a Carathéodory map satisfyingΒ |fj⁒(x,v,u1,u2)|β©½aj⁒(x,v)⁒hj⁒(β€–(u1,u2)β€–L1Γ—L1),Β where ⁒aj∈L1⁒([0,1]Γ—K,d⁒x⁒d⁒v)⁒ and ⁒hj∈Ll⁒o⁒c∞⁒(ℝ+)⁒ a non-decreasing function.Β 

The interest that an operator satisfies the property (π’œ2) lies in the following lemma:

Lemma 2.

For each j∈{1,2}, let Lj:(L1⁒([0,1]Γ—K,d⁒x⁒d⁒v))2⟢L∞⁒([0,1]Γ—K,d⁒x⁒d⁒v) be a continuous linear map and let fj:[0,1]Γ—KΓ—β„‚2βŸΆβ„‚ be a map satisfying the hypothesis (π’œ2). Then the map


is weakly sequentially continuous.


Let (un,vn)⇀(u,v) in (L1⁒([0,1]Γ—K,d⁒x⁒d⁒v))2. By the Eberlein-Smulian Theorem, the set G={(un,vn),(u,v)}n=1∞ is weakly compact. Let us show that Ξ¦j⁒(G),j=1,2 is relatively weakly compact in L1⁒([0,1]Γ—K,d⁒x⁒d⁒v). Clearly Ξ¦j⁒(G) is bounded, once


Which also shows that Ξ¦j⁒(G) is uniformly integrable. Since \C2 is reflexive, we get, according to Dunford’s Theorem ([3] Theorem 7.10), that Ξ¦j⁒(G) is relatively weakly compact in L1⁒([0,1]Γ—K,d⁒x⁒d⁒v). Up to a subsequence, Ξ¦j⁒(un,vn)⇀wj∈L1⁒([0,1]Γ—K,d⁒x⁒d⁒v). The idea is to show that actually wj=Ξ¦j⁒(u,v). We know Lj⁒(un,vn)⁒(x,ΞΎ)⇀Lj⁒(u,v)⁒(x,ΞΎ) in \C for a.e. (x,ΞΎ)∈[0,1]Γ—K. Since f is a Caratheodory map, then Ξ¦j⁒(un,vn)⁒(x,ΞΎ)⇀Φj⁒(u,v)⁒(x,ΞΎ) in \C for almost every (x,ΞΎ)∈[0,1]Γ—K. Now we shall conclude that wj=Ξ¦j⁒(u,v) a.e. To this end, we start by throwing away a set A0 of measure zero such that, for each j∈{1,2} the space


is a separable and reflexive Banach space. The existence of such a A0 is due to Pettis’ Theorem. Let now {Ο†k} be a dense sequence of continuous linear functionals in Fj. By Ergorov’s Theorem, for each Ο†k fixed, there exists a negligible set Ak, such that Ο†k⁒(wj)=Ο†k⁒(Ξ¦j⁒(u,v)) in ([0,1]Γ—K)βˆ–Ak. Finally we define A=βˆͺk=0∞Ak. In this way λ⁒(A)=0 and by the Hahn-Banach Theorem, wj⁒(x,ΞΎ)=Ξ¦j⁒(u,v)⁒(x,ΞΎ) for all (x,ΞΎ)∈([0,1]Γ—K)βˆ–A. Β Β Β 

The following hypothesis will play a crucial role :

(π’œ3)⁒{For ⁒j=1,2.𝒩σj⁒ is weakly sequentially continuous and acts from ⁒BΒ―r1Γ—BΒ―r2⁒ into ⁒BΒ―rj|𝒩σj(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)(x,v))βˆ’π’©Οƒj(Ξ¨1β€²,Ξ¨2β€²)(x,v))|β©½|ρj,1(x,v)||Ξ¨1βˆ’Ξ¨β€²1|+|ρj,2(x,v)||Ξ¨2βˆ’Ξ¨β€²2|Β whereΒ BΒ―r={Ψ∈XΒ such thatΒ βˆ₯Ξ¨βˆ₯β©½r}Β and ρj,1(.,.),ρj,2(.,.)∈L∞(D,dxdv),

Let Ξ» be a complex number such that R⁒e⁒(Ξ»)<Ξ»0. Then due to Proposition 4.1, the mapping THjβˆ’Ξ»β’I, j=1,2 is invertible and therefore, the problem (4.1)-(4.2) is equivalent to the following system:

(4.4) {Ξ¨1=β„±1⁒(Ξ»1)⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)+β„‹1⁒(Ξ»1)⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)Ξ¨2=β„±2⁒(Ξ»2)⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)+β„‹2⁒(Ξ»2)⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)Ξ¨1∈D⁒(TH1),Ξ¨2∈D⁒(TH2),R⁒e⁒(Ξ»j)<Ξ»0



Now, the system (4.4) is equivalent to the following fixed point problem :

(4.5) {(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)=ℱ⁒(Ξ»1,Ξ»2)⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)+ℋ⁒(Ξ»1,Ξ»2)⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)∈D⁒(TH1)Γ—D⁒(TH2),R⁒e⁒(Ξ»j)<Ξ»0⁒ for ⁒j=1,2


Theorem 4.1.

Assume that π’œ1βˆ’π’œ3 hold and that for j=1,2,Fj is a regular operator on X. Let Ur1Γ—Ur2 be a weakly open subset of BΒ―r1Γ—BΒ―r2 with 0∈Ur1Γ—Ur2. In addition, suppose that

{Β for any solution ⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)∈X2⁒ to ⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)=α⁒ℱ⁒(Ξ»)⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)+α⁒ℋ⁒(Ξ»)⁒(Ξ¨1Ξ±,Ξ¨2Ξ±)⁒ a.e., ⁒0<Ξ±<1,Β we have ⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)βˆ‰βˆ‚BΒ―r1Ur1Γ—βˆ‚BΒ―r2Ur2

holds. Then, there exists a Ξ»βˆ—<0, such that for R⁒e⁒(Ξ»j)<Ξ»βˆ—,j=1,2 enough small, the problem (4.1)βˆ’(4.2) has a solution in Ur1¯ω×Ur2Β―Ο‰

  1. (1)

    The proof will be given in several steps:

  2. βˆ™

    Step 1 : The maps ℱ⁒(Ξ»1,Ξ»2) and ℋ⁒(Ξ»1,Ξ»2) are weakly sequentially continuous for suitable Ξ»1,Ξ»2. Indeed, we have for j=1,2, 𝒩σj is weakly sequentially continuous and for β„œβ‘(Ξ»j)<Ξ»0, the linear operator (THjβˆ’Ξ»j)βˆ’1,j=1,2 is bounded, so the operator


    is weakly sequentially continuous, for β„œβ‘(Ξ»j)<Ξ»0,j=1,2. Moreover, using ([6] page 89), we have


    is weakly sequentially continuous, for β„œβ‘(Ξ»j)<Ξ»0,j=1,2.

  3. βˆ™

    Step 2 : ℱ⁒(Ξ»)⁒(Ur1¯ω×Ur2Β―Ο‰) is relatively weakly compact in XΓ—X. Using the hypothesis (π’œ2), we get 𝒩fj⁒Lj⁒(Ur1¯ω×Ur2Β―Ο‰) is a bounded subset of X. So from Lemma 1 we have ℱ⁒(Ξ»)⁒(Ur1¯ω×Ur2Β―Ο‰) is relatively weakly compact in XΓ—X.

  4. βˆ™

    Step 3 : ℋ⁒(Ξ»1,Ξ»2) is a contraction mapping on BΒ―r1Γ—BΒ―r2. Indeed, let (Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2),(Ξ¨1β€²,Ξ¨2β€²)∈Br1Γ—Br2. We have

    ‖ℋ⁒(Ξ»)⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)βˆ’β„‹β’(Ξ»)⁒(Ξ¨1β€²,Ξ¨2β€²)β€– =(β€–(TH1βˆ’Ξ»1⁒I)βˆ’1⁒(π’©βˆ’Οƒ1⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)βˆ’π’©βˆ’Οƒ1⁒(Ξ¨1β€²,Ξ¨2β€²))β€–β€–(TH2βˆ’Ξ»2⁒I)βˆ’1⁒(π’©βˆ’Οƒ2⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)βˆ’π’©βˆ’Οƒ2⁒(Ξ¨1β€²,Ξ¨2β€²))β€–)



    On the other hand, we have for R⁒e⁒(λj)<λ0,j=1,2,


    (See [6], page 89 ). So, β€–(THjβˆ’Ξ»j)βˆ’1β€–β©½Ξ₯⁒(β„œβ‘(Ξ»j)) where


    Clearly, Ξ₯ is continuous and satisfies limtβ†’βˆ’βˆžΞ₯⁒(t)=0. Hence there exists Ξ»β€²<0 such that for β„œβ‘(Ξ»j)<min⁑(Ξ»0,Ξ»β€²), we have


    are small enough and so, M is a matrix convergent to zero. In conclusion, the operator ℋ⁒(Ξ»1,Ξ»2) is a contraction mapping on BΒ―r1Γ—BΒ―r2.

  5. βˆ™

    Step 4: Condition (3) of theorem 3.1 holds for suitable Ξ»1,Ξ»2. We will show that for suitable Ξ»=(Ξ»1,Ξ»2), we have ℱ⁒(Ξ»)⁒(Ur1¯ω×Ur2Β―Ο‰)+ℋ⁒(Ξ»)⁒(BΒ―r1Γ—BΒ―r2)βŠ‚BΒ―r1Γ—BΒ―r2. To do so, let (Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)∈Ur1¯ω×Ur2Β―Ο‰ and (Ο†1,Ο†2)∈BΒ―r1Γ—BΒ―r2. Then we have

    ‖ℋ⁒(Ξ»)⁒(Ο†1,Ο†2)+ℱ⁒(Ξ»)⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)β€– =β€–((TH1βˆ’Ξ»1⁒I)βˆ’1⁒(π’©βˆ’Οƒ1⁒(Ο†1,Ο†2)+F1⁒𝒩f1⁒L1⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2))(TH2βˆ’Ξ»2⁒I)βˆ’1⁒(π’©βˆ’Οƒ2⁒(Ο†1,Ο†2)+F2⁒𝒩f2⁒L2⁒(Ξ¨1,Ξ¨2)))β€–

    where for j=1,2,Mj⁒(r1,r2) denotes respectively the upper bounded of π’©βˆ’Οƒj on BΒ―r1Γ—BΒ―r2. So, for β„œβ‘Ξ»<min⁑(Ξ»β€²,Ξ»1),Ξ»1<0, we obtain


    where Ξ₯ is defined in step 3. Thus, there exists Ξ»β€²β€²<0 such that for β„œβ‘(Ξ»j)<min⁑(Ξ»0,Ξ»β€²,Ξ»β€²β€²), we have


    Consequently, there exist Ξ»βˆ—=min⁑(Ξ»0,Ξ»β€²,Ξ»β€²β€²) such that for β„œβ‘(Ξ»)<Ξ»βˆ—, the mappings ℱ⁒(Ξ»1,Ξ»2) and ℋ⁒(Ξ»1,Ξ»2) satisfy the assumptions of Corollary (3.1) on the nonempty bounded, closed and convex subset BΒ―r1Γ—BΒ―r2. Consequently the problem (4.1βˆ’4.2) has a solution (Ο†,ψ) in BΒ―r1Γ—BΒ―r2 for all Ξ» such that β„œβ‘Ξ»<Ξ»βˆ—.

Β Β Β 

5. Application II: Existence of weak solutions

We discuss the existence of weak solutions for a coupled system of mixed fractional differential equations

(5.1) {D1βˆ’Ξ±β’(D0+Ξ²1⁒u⁒(t))+f1⁒(t,u⁒(t),v⁒(t))=0,D1βˆ’Ξ±β’(D0+Ξ²2⁒v⁒(t))+f2⁒(t,u⁒(t),v⁒(t))=0;t∈I:=[0,1],

with the following initial conditions:

(5.2) {D0+Ξ²1⁒u⁒(0)=D0+Ξ²1⁒u⁒(1)=D0+Ξ²2⁒v⁒(0)=D0+Ξ²2⁒v⁒(1)=0,u⁒(0)=u′⁒(1)=v⁒(0)=v′⁒(1)=0;

where Ξ±>1,Ξ²i<2, for i={1,2}, f1,f2:IΓ—EΓ—Eβ†’E are given continuous functions, E is a real (or complex) Banach space with norm βˆ₯.βˆ₯E and dual Eβˆ— such that E is the dual of a weakly compactly generated Banach space X. Let’s remember that




where n=[Ξ±]+1, are, respectively, the right and left Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives of order Ξ± and




are, respectively, the right and left Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals of order α. Let C⁒(I,E) be the Banach space of all continuous functions w from I into E with the supremum (uniform) norm. As usual, A⁒C⁒(I) denotes the space of absolutely continuous functions from I into E. Also by C⁒(I,E)2=C2, we denote the product space of continuous functions with the norm


Let (E,w)=(E,σ⁒(E,Eβˆ—)) be the Banach space E with its weak topology.

Definition 3.

A Banach space X is called weakly compactly generated (WCG for short) if it contains a weakly compact set whose linear span is dense in X.

Definition 4.

([17]) The function u:Iβ†’E is said to be Pettis integrable on I if and only if there is an element uJ∈E corresponding to each JβŠ‚I such that ϕ⁒(uJ)=∫Jϕ⁒(u⁒(s))⁒𝑑s for all Ο•βˆˆE*, where the integral on the right-hand side is assumed to exist in the sense of Lebesgue (by definition, uJ=∫Ju(s)ds)

Let P⁒(I,E) be the space of all E-valued Pettis integrable functions on I, and L1⁒(I,E) be the Banach space of Lebesgue integrable functions u:Iβ†’E. Define the class P1⁒(I,E) by

P1⁒(I,E)={u∈P⁒(I,E):ϕ⁒(u)∈L1⁒(I,E)⁒ for everyΒ β’Ο•βˆˆE*}.

The space P1⁒(I,E) is normed by


where Ξ» stands for a Lebesgue measure on I. The following result is due to Pettis (see [17], Theorem 3.4 and Corollary 3.41).

Proposition 5.1.

([17]) If u∈P1⁒(I,E) and h is a measurable and essentially bounded E-valued function, then u⁒h∈P1⁒(J,E).

For all that follows, the symbol ∫ denotes the Pettis integral.

Proposition 5.2.

Let E be a normed space, and x0∈E with x0β‰ 0. Then there exists Ο•βˆˆE* with β€–Ο•β€–=1 and ϕ⁒(x0)=β€–x0β€–.

Let us start by defining what we mean by a weak solution of the coupled system 5.1βˆ’5.2.

Definition 5.

A coupled function (u,v)∈C2 is said to be a weak solution of the system (5.1)βˆ’(5.2) if (u,v) satisfies equations (5.1) and conditions (5.2) on I.

The following hypotheses will be used in the sequel:
(H1) For a.e. t∈I, the functions u↦fi(t,u,.) and v↦fi(t,.,v);i=1,2 are weakly sequentially continuous.
(H2) For a.e. u,v∈C⁒(I,E), the functions t↦fi⁒(t,u,v),i=1,2 are Pettis integrable a.e. on I.
(H3) There exist pi⁒j∈C⁒(I,[0,∞)),i=1,2, such that


for a.e. t∈I and each u1,u2,v1,v2∈C.


We shall transform the system (5.1)βˆ’(5.2) to an equivalent system of integral equations. Consider the corresponding linear system:


here i∈{1,2}.

Lemma 3.

[1] Assume that yi∈C⁒(0,1)∩L1⁒(0,1), for i∈{1,2}, then the boundary value problem (5.1)βˆ’(5.2), has a unique solution given by



Lemma 4.

[1] The functions gi and Gi, for all i∈{1,2} are continuous and satisfy the following properties:


Define the integral operators A and B on C2 by




First notice that the hypotheses (H1,H2) imply that the operators A and B are well defined. By [1], The function u=(u1,u2)∈C2 is a solution of the system (5.1)βˆ’(5.2) if, and only if, A⁒u⁒(t)+B⁒u⁒(t)=u⁒(t) for all t∈I. Let R>0 be such that


where L=sup{|fi(t,0,0)|,0≀t≀1,i=1,2}, and consider the closed subset of (C⁒(I,E))2 defined by:

Theorem 5.1.

Assume that hypotheses (H1)βˆ’(H3) hold. Let U be a weakly open subset of ℬR. If

(5.3) pi⁒1βˆ—+pi⁒2βˆ—(Ξ±+Ξ²iβˆ’2)⁒Γ⁒(Ξ²i)⁒Γ⁒(Ξ±)<14

for i∈{1,2} and if for any solution (u,v) of (u,v)=λ⁒A⁒(u,v)+λ⁒B⁒(uΞ»,vΞ») with λ∈(0,1), we have (u,v)βˆ‰βˆ‚β„¬RU,then the coupled system (5.1)βˆ’(5.2) has at least one weak solution defined on I.


We shall show that the operators A and B satisfies all the assumptions of Corollary 3.1. The proof will be given in several steps.
Step 1: A and B are relatively weakly compact. Let (un,vn) be a sequence in ℬR and let (un⁒(t),vn⁒(t))⇀(u⁒(t),v⁒(t)) in (EΓ—E,Ο‰) for each t∈I. Fix t∈I, since the functions fi,i=1,2 satisfy the assumption (H1), we have fi⁒(t,un⁒(t),vn⁒(t)) converge weakly uniformly to fi⁒(t,u⁒(t),v⁒(t)). Hence the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem for Pettis integral implies that A⁒(un,vn)⁒(t) (respectively B⁒(un,vn)⁒(t)) converges weakly uniformly to A⁒(u,v)⁒(t) (respectively B⁒(u,v)⁒(t)) in (EΓ—E,Ο‰), for each t∈I. Thus, A⁒(un,vn)⇀A⁒(u,v) and B⁒(un,vn)⇀B⁒(u,v). Hence, A and B are weakly sequentially continuous.
Step 2: The operator A is relatively weakly compact. Let U be a weakly open subset of BR such that 0∈U. Let (u,v)∈UΒ―Ο‰ be an arbitrary point. We shall prove A⁒(u,v)βˆˆβ„¬R. Fix t∈I and consider A⁒(u,v)⁒(t). Without loss of generality, we may assume that Ai⁒(u,v)⁒(t)β‰ 0. By the Hahn-Banach Theorem there exists Ο†βˆˆEβˆ— with β€–Ο†β€–=1 such that β€–Ai⁒(u,v)⁒(t)β€–E=φ⁒(Ai⁒(u,v)⁒(t)). Thus,

β€–Ai⁒(u,v)⁒(t)β€–E β‰€βˆ«01Gi⁒(t,r)⁒φ⁒(fi⁒(r,u⁒(r),v⁒(r)))⁒𝑑r

Let (Ai⁒(un,vn)) be any sequence in Ai⁒(UΒ―Ο‰). Notice that UΒ―Ο‰ is bounded. By reflexiveness, for each t∈I the set {Ai⁒(un,vn)⁒(t),nβˆˆβ„•} is relatively weakly compact. Let (u,v)∈UΒ―Ο‰,0≀t≀s≀1, we have

βˆ₯ Ai⁒(u,v)⁒(t)βˆ’Ai⁒(u,v)⁒(s)βˆ₯Eβ‰€βˆ«0t|Gi⁒(t,r)βˆ’Gi⁒(s,r)|⁒φ⁒(fi⁒(r,u⁒(r),v⁒(r)))⁒𝑑r

Consequently, β€–Ai⁒(u,v)⁒(t)βˆ’Ai⁒(u,v)⁒(s)β€–Eβ†’0, when t↦s, for all i∈{1,2}. One shows that {A⁒(un,vn);nβˆˆβ„•} is a weakly equicontinuous subset of C2. It follows now from the Ascoli-Arzela Theorem that (A⁒(un,vn)) is relatively weakly compact.
Step 3: B is Mβˆ’contraction and B⁒(ℬR) is bounded. Indeed, let (u,v)∈UΒ―Ο‰, then by using hypothesis (H3) it yields

βˆ₯Bi(u1,u2)(t) βˆ’Bi⁒(v1,v2)⁒(t)βˆ₯E





Also as in step 2, we have


Step 4: Let (u1,u2)∈UΒ―Ο‰ and (v1,v2)βˆˆβ„¬R. It follows that A⁒(u1,u2)+B⁒(v1,v2)βˆˆβ„¬R. Hence, the result follows.

Example 1.



be the Banach space with the norm


We consider the following coupled fractional order system

(5.4) {D1βˆ’1.2⁒(D0+1.9⁒un⁒(t))=fn⁒(t,u⁒(t),v⁒(t))D1βˆ’1.2⁒(D0+1.9⁒vn⁒(t))=gn⁒(t,u⁒(t),v⁒(t))D0+1.9⁒un⁒(0)=D0+1.9⁒un⁒(1)=0D0+1.9⁒vn⁒(0)=D0+1.9⁒vn⁒(1)=0un′⁒(1)=un⁒(0)=0,vn′⁒(1)=vn⁒(0)=0,

(Ξ±=1.2,Ξ²1=Ξ²2=1.9), where








Clearly the functions f and g are continuous. For each u,v∈E and t∈I, we have




Hence, the hypothesis (H3) is satisfied with p11βˆ—=c⁒eβˆ’7,p12βˆ—=c⁒eβˆ’5,p21βˆ—=0 and p22βˆ—=c⁒eβˆ’6. We shall show that condition (5.3) holds. Indeed:


So, all conditions of Theorem 5.1 are satisfied. Let now U be a weakly subset of ℬR,(R>Ο€26⁒e). If for any solution (u,v) of (u,v)=λ⁒A⁒(u,v)+λ⁒B⁒(uΞ»,vΞ») with λ∈(0,1), we have (u,v)βˆ‰βˆ‚β„¬RU then the coupled system (5.4) has at least one solution (u,v) in ℬR.

Β Β Β 


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