Cluj team on NAAT – click here

Tip: click on filled balls to expand (and another click to shrink).

The above link leads to a graphical illustration of the descendants (in the sense of PhD advising) of the great mathematician who founded our Institute, T. Popoviciu, together with his outstanding colleagues, Gh. Călugăreanu and D.V. Ionescu. We have adopted the idea initiated at North Dakota University (which was adopted by AMS too), we have documented to complete the data contained there, and then updated and illustrated it.

The graph was completed with the mathematicians who have worked at ICTP, and with collaborators from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (Babeș-Bolyai University).

The former and present members form a team which in Romania is known as Cluj team/school on Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory CTNAAT (in Romanian Şcoala Clujeană de Analiză Numerică și Teoria Aproximării SCANTA). This team is also known outside our country.

Note: the graph is under construction. Not all of the mathematicians included here are dealing/dealt with Numerical Analysis or Approximation Theory. We shall complete the graph with information in this sense, as well as with title of thesis, year, links to current website, etc.

We are grateful for any information provided to complete the graph – please e-mail to ictp at with subject “Cluj naat”.

Thank you!