Numerical methods for the flows with chemical reactions over a rotating disk


A shooting method with variable step size is used in order to determine the concentration profile in a boundary layer developed on a rotating disk in presence of a chemical reaction between fluid and disk.  We consider heterogeneous as well as homogeneous reactions. Some numerical experiments are carried out


I. Stan
C.I. Gheorghiu
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis

Original title (in Romanian)

Consideratii numerice pentru miscari cu reactii chimice peste un disc in rotatie


rotating disk; chemical reaction; heterogeneous; homogeneous; diffusion equation; concentration profile; boundary layer; bilocal problem; shooting method; variable step size;


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I. Stan, C.I. Gheorghiu, Numerical methods for the flows with chemical reactions over a rotating disk, Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai Math., 25 (1980) no. 4, 24-31.



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Babes-Bolyai University

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