On Wachnicki’s Generalization of the Gauss–Weierstrass Integral


The paper aims at a generalization of the Gauss–Weierstrass integral introduced by Eugeniusz Wachnicki two decades ago. It is intimately connected to a generalization of the heat equation. The main result is an asymptotic expansion for the operators when applied to a function belonging to a rather large class. An essential auxiliary result is a localization theorem which is interesting in itself.


Octavian Agratini
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Gauss–Weierstrass operator; Bessel function; Kummer function; Asymptotic expansion; Degree of approximation

Paper coordinates

U. Abel and O. Agratini, On Wachnicki’s Generalization of the Gauss-Weierstrass Integral, In: Candela, A.M., Cappelletti Montano, M., Mangino, E. (eds) Recent  advances in Mathematical Analysis. Trends in Mathematics,  Birkhäuser, Cham., pp 1–13,


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Recent Advances in Mathematical Analysis 

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Birkhäuser, Cham

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On Wachnicki’s generalization of the Gauss–Weierstrass integral

On Wachnicki’s generalization of the Gauss–Weierstrass integral

Ulrich Abel Fachbereich MND,
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen,
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 13,
61169 Friedberg, Germany
 and  Octavian Agratini Babeş-Bolyai University,
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Str. Kogălniceanu, 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis,
Romanian Academy,
Str. Fântânele, 57, 400320 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The paper aims at a generalization of the Gauss–Weierstrass integral introduced by Eugeniusz Wachnicki two decades ago. It is intimately connected to a generalization of the heat equation. The main result is an asymptotic expansion for the operators when applied to a function belonging to a rather large class. An essential auxiliary result is a localization theorem which is interesting in itself.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A36, 41A60.

Keywords and phrases: Gauss–Weierstrass operator, Bessel function, Kummer function, asymptotic expansion, degree of approximation.

1. Introduction

It is acknowledged that linear positive operators are a useful tool in approximating signals from various spaces. Referring to operators of either discrete or continuous type, a natural challenge is to highlight their properties. Two decades ago Eugeniusz Wachnicki [16] defined an integral operator representing a generalization of the classical Gauss–Weierstrass operators. One of the genuine Gauss–Weierstrass operator’s write modes is as follows

W(f;x,t)=12πtexp((xy)24t)f(y)𝑑y, (1)

where t>0 is a parameter, x and f: is chosen so that the integral exists and is finite. A concise but relevant presentation of these operators can be found, e.g., in the monograph [6, Section 5.2.9]. We mention that a modification of the operators (1) was presented by Altomare and Sabina, see [7].

Actually, the Wf transform is a smoothed out version of f obtained by averaging the values of f with a Gaussian signal centered at x. Specifically, it is the function Gt given by


representing the convolution of f with the Gaussian function


Weierstrass used a variant of this transform in his original proof of the famous Approximation Theorem which bears his name. Also, this transform is intimately related to the heat equation or, equivalently, the diffusion equation with constant diffusion coefficient. These are only a few reasons why it has been intensively studied over time. We note that an extension of this integral was performed even in q-Calculus [8]. Among the most recent papers published in 2021, without intending to bring up them all, we mention [9], [17].

2. The operators

First of all we recall the modified Bessel function of the first kind and fractional order α>1, see, e.g., [5, Chapter 10]. Denoting by Iα, it is described by the series

Iα(z)=(z2)αk=0(14z2)kk!Γ(α+k+1), (2)

where Γ is the Gamma function. An integral formula for this function (for Re(z)>0) will be read as follows


We indicate two particular cases useful throughout the paper

I1/2(z)=2πzcosh(z),I1/2(z)=2πzsinh(z), (3)

see, e.g., [5, p. 433]. In the above, cosh, sinh represent the usual notation of hyperbolic functions.

Set +=[0,). For a fixed constant K0, we consider the space

EK={ f:+f is locally integrable and ()Mf0,

The space is endowed with the norm K,


We consider the operator Wα defined on EK by the following relation

Wα(f;r,t)=12t0rαsα+1exp(r2+s24t)Iα(rs2t)f(s)𝑑s, (4)

where α1/2, (r,t)(0,)×(0,) and Iα is given at (2).

Wα was introduced in [16, Eq. (1)] with a minor modification of the domain EK in which the author inserted fC(+).

Since Wαf, fEK, is well defined for any K>0, we can consider the domain of Wα as E:=K>0EK.

Wachnicki [16, Theorem 4] showed the convergence


for fEC(+), uniformly on compact subintervals of (0,+).

For α1/2, the function Wα(f;r,t) is an example of the solution of the generalized heat equation

ut=2ur2+2α+1rur. (5)

If α=n/21, n, Eq. (5) is the heat equation in n+1 in radial coordinates.

Recently, in [12] an extension of this operator was achieved for continuous functions defined on the domain (0,)× and bounded by certain two-dimensional exponential functions.

Remark. For α=1/2 the operator defined by (4) becomes the authentic Gauss–Weierstrass operator, a specification that can be found in [16]. Because the statement was not accompanied by a proof, we insert it as a detail in our paper. More precisely we prove

W1/2f=Wf^,fEK, (6)

see (1), where f^(s)=f((sgns)s), s.

Indeed, for any (r,t)(0,)×(0,), taking in view (3), we can write


3. The asymptotic expansion

To achieve our goal and to obtain a self contained exposure, we recall the following notions.

For factorial powers (falling respective rising factorial) we use the notations


An empty product (k=0) is taken to be 1.

Kummer’s function of the first kind, also known as the confluent hypergeometric function of the first kind, is commonly denoted M(a,b,z) or F11(a,b,z) and defined as follows

M(a,b,z) 1F1(a,b,z)=1+abz+a(a+1)b(b+1)2!z2+
=k=0ak¯bk¯k!zk,z, (7)

see [5, Chapter 13]. If b, then M is undefined. Otherwise the series is convergent for all z.

Let us denote ei the monomials ei(x)=xi, i0={0}. Clearly, eiEK, for each K. We determine all moments of the operator Wα.

Proposition 1.

Let Wα be defined by (4). For each i0 the identity

Wα(ei;r,t)=(4t)i/2exp(r24t)Γ(α+1+i/2)Γ(α+1)M(α+1+i2,α+1,r24t) (8)

takes place, where M stands for Kummer function (3). Moreover

Wα(ei;r,t)rin=01n!(i2)n¯(α+i2)n¯(4tr2)n(t0+). (9)

By a straightforward calculation we obtain


By using Kummer function defined by (3) and the well-known relation


we arrive at (8).

Further, we use the asymptotic expansion of Kummer function for large argument. To accomplish this, we use for example Digital Library of Mathematical Functions [18, Formulas 13.2.4, 13.7.1].


Returning at (8) with x=r24t, we get


Knowing that (u)n¯=(1)nun¯, we obtain (9) and the proof is ended. ∎

Remark. i) Formula (9) means that


for all q.

ii) If i=2k, k, is an even integer, Wα(e2k;r,t) is a polynomial as a function of r, since M(α+1+k,α+1,r24t) is a finite sum. The polynomials determined in this way are called radial heat polynomials (see [10]). For k=0,1,2 formula (8) easily leads us to the explicit formulas [16, Eq. (13)]

Wα(e0;r,t) = 1,
Wα(e2;r,t) = r2+4(α+1)t,
Wα(e4;r,t) = r4+8(α+2)r2t+16(α+1)(α+2)t2.

The first formula implies the fact that the operator reproduces the constants. In the special case α=1/2 we have the representation (see [14, Eq. (1.2)])


Further we introduce the j-th central moments of Wα operator, j0, i.e., Wαψrj, where ψr(s)=sr, s>0, r>0.

Lemma 2.

For each j, the operator Wα defined by (4) satisfies the relation

Wα(ψrj;r,t)Cα(n,j)rjn=01n!(4tr2)n(t0+), (10)


Cα(n,j)=i=0j(1)ji(ji)(i2)n¯(α+i2)n¯. (11)

Since ψrj(s)=i=0j(ji)(r)jiei(s), based on relation (9) we can write


Using the coefficients defined in (11) we arrive at (10). ∎

Remark. Examining the coefficients Cα(n,j), j0, we notice that they can be written as follows

Cα(n,j) =i=0j(1)ji(ji)(w)n[wn+α(w)nwi/2]|w=1
=(w)n[wn+α(w)n(w1)j]|w=1. (12)

The following theorem is our main result. It presents a complete asymptotic expansion of the operators Wα(f;r,t) as t0+, for functions fE being sufficiently smooth at a point r>0.

Theorem 3.

Let Wα be defined by (4) and r>0,q be given. If fE is q times differentiable at r, then

Wα(f;r,t)=n=0q1n!(4tr2)nj=02qf(j)(r)j!rjCα(n,j)+o(tq)(t0+), (13)

where the coefficients Cα(n,j), j=0,,2q, are defined at (11).

If f is a real analytic function, then

Wα(f;r,t)n=0cn(α,f,r)tn(t0+), (14)


cn(α,f,r)=4nn!r2n(w)n[wn+α(w)nf(rw)]|w=1. (15)

Let r>0 and put Uδ(r)=(rδ,r+δ)[0,+), for δ>0. Let δ>0 be given. Choose a function φC([0,+)) with φ(x)=1 on Uδ(r) and φ(x)=0 on [0,+)U2δ(r). Put f~=φf. Then we have f~f on Uδ(r) and f~0 on [0,+)U3δ(r). In particular f(2q)(r)=f~(2q)(r). By the localization theorem (Theorem 5), Wα(ff~;r,t) deceases exponentially fast as t0+. Consequently, f~ and f possess the same asymptotic expansion of the form (13). Therefore, without loss of generality, we can assume that f0 on [0,+)U3δ(r). By Lemma 2, we have Wα(ψr2s;r,t)=O(ts) as t0+. Under these conditions, a general approximation theorem due to Sikkema [15, Theorem 3] implies that


see [15, Eq. (15)]. Taking in view (10), identity (13) is proved.

If f is a real analytic function we have the possibility to write


Further, with the help of (3), formula (13) can be rewritten in the form


Consequently we get


and (14) is substantiated. ∎

Applying formula (15) to find the first four coefficients of asymptotic expansion, we obtain the following values:

c0(α,f,r) =f(r),
c1(α,f,r) =2α+1rf(r)+f′′(r),
c2(α,f,r) =14α22r3f(r)+4α212r2f′′(r)+2α+1rf′′′(r)+12f(4)(r),
c3(α,f,r) =(4α21)(2α32r5f(r)2α32r4f′′(r)+α33r3f′′′(r)+12r2f(4)(r))

For the special case α=1/2 (nearly Gauss–Weierstrass operator, see (6)) the respective coefficients become


We have the following representation of the coefficients in the asymptotic expansion (cf. [3, Eq. (1.5)]).

Proposition 4.

For α=1/2 it holds


Since the formula is of algebraic form it is sufficient to prove it for polynomial functions f. For f=ei, we have

cn(1/2,ei,r) = 4nn!r2n(w)n[wn1/2(w)n(rw)i]|w=1
= 4nrin!r2n(i2)n¯(w)nwi/21/2|w=1
= 4nri2nn!(i2)n¯(i12)n¯
= 4nri2nn!i2i12i22i32i2n+22i2n+12
= 1n!i2n¯ri2n=1n!ei(2n)(r).

At the end of this section it is worth mentioning that the first author obtained asymptotic expansions for various classes of approximation linear positive operators, see, e.g., [1], [2], as well as [3], [4].

4. Localization result

The purpose of this paragraph is to characterize the function Wαf according to its growth rate, where fEK has a specific property which means that it vanishes in a neighborhood of a fixed value r>0. For the modified Bessel function defined by (2), Luke [13, Eq. (6.25)] proved the estimate

1<Γ(α+1)(2z)αIα(z)<cosh(z),z>0,α>12. (16)

We emphasize that Ifantis and Siafarikas [11, Eq. (2.1)] gave more general bounds

(xy)αcosh(x)cosh(y)<Iα(x)Iα(y)<(cosh(x)cosh(y))1/(2α+2), 0<x<y,α>12. (17)

From (2) is immediately deduced


and in this way, out of (17), inequalities (16) can be reobtained.

Knowing the particular value of I1/2(z), see (3), from the previous relations we can finally write

Iα(z)L(α)zαez,z>0,α1/2, (18)

where L(α)=2α/Γ(α+1).

The following localization result has already been applied in the proof of Theorem 3. It is interesting in itself.

Theorem 5.

Let Wα be defined by (4). Let r>0, δ>0 be fixed. We consider the function fEK satisfying the condition


Then, it holds

Wα(f;r,t)=𝒪(exp(δ24t))(t0+). (19)

By (18), we have

0 exp(r2+s24t)Iα(rs2t)

Considering the conditions verified by the function f, we obtain

|Wα(f;r,t)|ML(α)(2t)α+1(I1+I2), (20)


I1 :=0max{0,rδ}s2α+1exp((sr)24t)eKs2𝑑s,
I2 :=r+δs2α+1exp((sr)24t)eKs2𝑑s.

At first we estimate I2. A change of variable leads to


Next we consider t>0 small enough, for example t<(8K)1.

For each m>1, the derivative

=[m+(s+r)(2s4t+2K(s+r))](s+r)m1exp(s24t+K(s+r)2) (21)

has a unique positive zero, say s(t), where


As a function of t, s(t) tends to 0 when t0+. Therefore, we can assume that 0<s(t)<δ. Relation (4) and the above statements imply that the function hr,


is monotonically decreasing. Consequently, for sδ we have

I2 (δ+r)2α+3exp(δ24t+K(δ+r)2)δ(s+r)2𝑑s

We turn to the integral I1. In the case rδ there is nothing to prove. If r>δ, we have


Because (sr)2δ2, for 0srδ, we infer that


Combining the estimates of the integrals I1 and I2, from (20) the statement (19) is proved. ∎

We note that Wachnicki [16, Lemma 2 and Lemma 3] showed that


uniformly on r[α,β], for 0<α<δ<β, and


uniformly on r(0,β], for β>0, which implies the weaker estimate

Wα(f;r,t)=o(1) (t0+).


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