Optimal problems concerning interpolation methods of solution of equations


We consider optimality problems regarding the order of convergence of the iterative methods which are obtained by inverse interpolation of Lagrange-Hermite type. A similar problem for a class of Steffensen-type methods is solved.


Ion Păvăloiu
(Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis)


Optimal problems concerning interpolation methods of solution of equations


nonlinear equations in R; order of convergence; iterative methods; inverse interpolation; Lagrange-Hermite; Steffensen-type methods.


Cite this paper as:

I. Păvăloiu, Optimal problems concerning interpolation methods of solution of equations, Publications de L’Institut Mathématique (Nouvelle série) Beograd, 52(66) (1992), pp. 113-126

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[1] C. Iancu, I. Pavaloiu, La resolution des equations par interpolation inverse de type Hermite, Mathematica 26(49) (1984) no. 2, 115–123.

[2] C. Iancu, I. Pavaloiu, I. Serb. Methodes iteratives optimales de type Steffensen obtenues par interpolation inverse, Research Seminar on Functional analysis and Numerical Methods, Preprint 1 (1983), 81–88.

[3] M. A. Ostrowski, Solution of Equations and Systems of Equations, Academic Press, New York and London, 1980.

[4] I. Pavaloiu, Solving the Equations by Interpolation, Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1981, (in Romanian).

[5] J.F. Steffensen, Interpolation, Chelsea Publ., New York, 1950.

[6] J.F. Traub, Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equation, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1964.

[7] B.A. Turowicz, Sur les deriv´ees d’ordre superiour d’une fonction inverse, Ann. Polon. Math. 8 (1960), 265–269.

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Optimal Problems Concerning Interpolation Methods of Solution of Equations


Nouvelle série tome 52(66), 1992, 113–126

 Optimal Problems Concerning Interpolation Methods of Solution of Equations

Ion Păvăloiu

We consider optimality problems regarding the order of convergence  of the iterative methods which are obtained by inverse interpolation of Lagrange-Hermite type. A similar problem for a class of Steffensen-type methods is solved.

AMS Subject Classification (1991): Primary 65D05, 41A25


The inverse interpolation problem, connected with equation solution was essentially approached in [5], [6], [7], [4]. In  [4] it was shown that the most known iteration methods, are: Newton’s method, Chebyshev’s method, chord method, as well as various generalizations of them, which are all obtained by means of Lagrange-Hermite-type inverse interpolations. A classification of these methods according to their order of convergence is not beyond interest. In this paper we propose to solve two extremum problems concerning the order of convergence of the iteration methods obtained by the Lagrange-Hermite-type inverse interpolation and that of the Steffensen-type method which follows from the preceding ones.

The Lagrange-Hermite-type inverse interpolation polynomial with n+1 nodes (n), each node having a given multiplication order, leads to a class of (n+1)!  iteration methods. Out of this class of methods, we propose to determine the method having the highest order of convergence. In the last part of the paper we solve the same problem for a class of Steffensen-type iteration methods.

1. The inverse interpolation problems and the determination of optimal iteration method

Let f:I be a function, where I is an interval of the real axis. Denote by E a set of n+1 distinct points from the interval I, namely E={x1,x2,,xn+1}, where xixj for ij, i,j=1,2,n+1.

Consider the natural numbers α1,α2,,αn+1 and suppose that they satisfy

(1.1) α1+α2++αn+1=m+1,m

It is a well-known fact that the numbers yij,j=0,1,, αi=1,i=1,2,n+1 being given, there exists a unique polynomial P, of degree at most m, which satisfies the relations

(1.2) P(j)(xi)=yij,j=0,1,,αi1,i=1,2,,n+1.

The polynomial P satisfying the conditions (1.2) has the form:

(1.3) P(x)=i=1n+1j=0αi1k=0αij1yij1k!j![(xxi)αiω(x)]x=xi(k)ω(x)(xxi)αijk,


(1.4) ω(x)=i=1n+1(xxi)αi.

If we suppose that the function f admits derivatives up to the (m+1)th order on the interval I, and if we put yij=f(j)(xi), j=0,1,αi1,i=1,2,n+1, in (1.3), then P is the Hermite interpolating polynomial on the nodes xi,i=1,2,,n+1, associated with the function f, and the following equality holds:

(1.5) f(x)P(x)=f(n+1)(ξ)(m+1)!ω(x),

with ξI.

We shall suppose, in what follows, that f(x)0 for every xI and denote F=f(I). It follows that f:IF is bijective, hence there exists f1:FI and the function f1 admits derivatives up to the (m+1)th order, for every xF.The kth order derivative, where km+1, can be determined by means of the following formula [7]:

(1.6) (f1)(k)(y0)=(2k2i1)!(1)k1+i1i2!i3!ik!(f(x0))2k1(f(x0)1!)i1(f′′(x0)2!)i2(f(k)(x0)k!)ik,

where the above sum is extended over all integral and nonnegative solutions of the system

(1.7) i2+2i3++(k1)ik =k1;
i1+i2++ik =k1.

If we suppose that the equation:

(1.8) f(x)=0

admits a root x¯I, then the hypothesis f(x)0 for every xI leads to the conclusion that this root is unique.

From f(x¯)=0 it follows that x¯=f1(0) and the problem of the approximate solution of the equation (1.8) reduces to the determination of an approximation for f1(0). Let φ be a function which approximates the function f1, at least in a neighbourhood V0 of the point y=0; thus an approximation formula of the form:

(1.9) f1(y)=φ(y)+R[f1,y]

holds on the set V0.

Neglecting  the function R[f1,y] and putting y=0 into (1.9), we obtain the following approximation for x¯:

(1.10) x¯φ(0),

with an approximation error given by the inequality

(1.11) |x¯φ(0)||R[f1,0]|.

There are two natural conditions to be imposed on the function φ:

  • a)

    to approximate the function f1(y) as well as possible, i.e. the number R[f1,0] must be as small as possible;

  • b)

    to have some simplicity properties for the computation of its values.

The functions which agree with the second condition are (or rather seem so) polynomials, since the computation of their values reduces to elementary arithmetic operations.

Obviously, if we succeed in constructing the best approximating polynomial for f1 on the set V0, then the first condition will be satisfied too.

In what follows we shall not approach the problem from this point of view; therefore the function will be replaced by the Hermite interpolating polynomial associated to the function f1, on the set F, called Hermite inverse interpolating polynomial. For this purpose, in the interpolating polynomial (1.3) we consider, as interpolating nodes, the values yi=f(xi),i=1,2,,n+1, while for yij,j=0,1,,αi1,i=1,2,,n+1, we consider yi(0)=xi,i=1,2,,n+1, respectively yi(j)=(f1)(j)(yi),i=1,2,,n+1,j=1,2,,αi1. In this way the polynomial (1.3) acquires the form:

(1.12) P(y)=i=1n+1j=0αi1k=0αij1(f1)(j)(yi)1k!j![(yyi)αiω(y)]y=yi(k)ω(y)(yyi)αijk,


(1.13) ω(y)=i=1n+1(yyi)αi.

From (1.5) it follows that

(1.14) f1(y)P(y)=[f1(η)](m+1)(m+1)!ω(y),where ηF.

Taking into account the fact that x¯=f1(0), from (1.14) one obtains:

(1.15) x¯P(0)=[f1(η1)](m+1)(m+1)!ω(0)

where η1 is a point lying in the shortest interval which contains 0,f(x1),f(x2),, f(xn+1). Denoting this interval by F1 and putting:

(1.15) Mm+1=supyF1|[f1(y)](m+1)|,

it results, from (1.15),

(1.16) |x¯P(0)|Mm+1(m+1)!|ω(0)|

and since yi=f(xi),i=1,2,,n+1,

(1.17) |x¯P(0)|Mm+1(m+1)!|f(x1)|α1|f(x2)|α2|f(xn+1)|αn+1.

From (1.17) it follows that if x1,x2,,xn+1 are chosen sufficiently close to x¯, then the values f(x1),f(x2),,f(xn+1) are real numbers close to zero; so much more the product i=1m+1|f(xi)|αi will be close to zero. This remark allows us to consider the value P(0) as an approximation for x¯ the root of the equation (1.8).

If P(0) is not a good enough approximation for x¯, then we can construct, by iterations, a sequence of approximations (xk)k1, which, under certain conditions, will be convergent, and limxk=x¯.

More precisely, let x1,x2,,xn+1 be n+1 approximations of the root x¯ of the given equation (1.8). We denote xn+2=P(0) and replace one of the n+1 nodes x1,x2,,xn+1, then continue the iteration process by the above described procedure.

The problem which arises is to determine the interpolating node which should be replaced at each iteration step in order to obtain a sequence of approximations (xk)k>1 with a maximum order of convergence. To solve the problem, let us consider the following equations:

(1.18) P(t)= tn+1an+1tnantn1a2ta1=0,
(1.19) Q(t)= tn+1a1tna2tn1antan+1=0,
(1.20) R(t)= tn+1aitnai2tn1aintain+1=0.

where a,1a2,,an+1 are real numbers satisfying the conditions:

(1.21) a1+a2++an >1,ai0, 1=1,2,,n+1,
(1.22) an+1an a2a1,

while i1,i2,,in+1 is an arbitrary permutation of the numbers 1,2,,n+1.

The following lemma holds:

Lemma 1.

If a1,a2,,an+1 satisfy the condition (1.21), then any of the equations (1.20)  has a single positive and supraunitary root. If, it addition, the condition (1.22) is also satisfied and we denote by a,b,c, respectively, the positive roots of the equations (1.18)–(1.20), then

(1.23) 1<bca,

i.e. the equation (1.18) admits the greatest  root.


Consider one of the (n+1)! equations of the form (1.20) and denote by s the greatest natural number for which ai0. We have ais+1=ais+2==ain+1=0, and consider the function ψ(t)=R(t)/tns+1. We have ψ(1)=1ai1ais<0, and limtψ(t)=+. Accordingly, the equation ψ(t)=0 has at least one supraunitary root and therefore R(t)=0 has at least one supraunitary root.

The uniqueness of this root follows easily if we consider the function f(t)=tn+1R(1/t) which satisfies the condition f(t)>0, for t>0.

In order to prove the inequalities (1.23) it is sufficient to show that R(b)0 and R(a)0. Indeed, we have:

R(b)Q(b)= (a1ai1)bn+(a2ai2)bn1++(anain)b+an+1ain+1
= (b1)[(a1ai1)bn1+(a1+a2ai1ai2)bn2+

since b>1 and a1+a2++asai1ai2ais 0,s=1,2,,n.

The inequality R(a)0 can be proved analogously. ∎

Consider now the permutation i1,i2,,in+1 of the numbers 1,2,,n+1 for which the natural numbers α1,α2,,αn+1 satisfying the equality (1.1), can be increasingly ordered, namely:

(1.24) αi1αi2αinαin+1.

We renumber, accordingly, the elements of the set E, i.e. we consider:


For the sake of clearness we shall set:

(1.25) as=αis,s=1,2,,n+1


(1.26) us=xis,s=1,2,,n+1,

and denote by H(y1;a1,y2;a2,,yn+1;an+1;f1|x) the Hermite interpolating polynomial, corresponding to the nodes yi=f(ui),i=1,2,,n+1  having the multiplicities a1,a2,,an+1 respectively.

From (1.17) we obtain

(1.27) |x¯H(y1;a1,y2;a2,,yn+1;an+1;f1|0)|Mm+1(m+1)!i=1n+1|f(xi)|αi

where Mm+1 has the same meaning as in (1.15).

Let u1,u2,,un+1 be the n+1 initial approximations of the root x¯ of the equation (1.8). We construct the sequence (up)p1 by means of the following iterative procedure:

(1.28) {un+2=H(y1;a1,y2;a2,,yn+1;an+1;f1|0),,un+s+1=H(ys,a1,ys,a2;,ys+n;an+1;f1|0),s=2,3,

Denoting M=supyF|[f1(y)](m+1)| and β=supxI|f(x)|, we obtain from (1.27) and (1.28):

(1.29) |x¯xn+s+1|Mβm+1(m+1)!i=1n+1|x¯us+i1|ai,s=1,2,

Denoting ρi=ββM/((m+1)!)m|x¯ui|,i=1,2,, we obtain from (1.29):

(1.30) ρn+s+1i=1n+1ρs+i1ai,s=1,2,

Suppose that there exists a d, 0<d<1, such that:

ρidωi,for i=1,2,,n+1,

where ω is the positive root of the equation (1.18). That number is called the convergence order of the method (1.28).

If we suppose that:


then, taking into account (1.30) and the fact that ε is a root of the equation (1.18), we derive the inequality:

(1.31) ρn+s+1dωn+s+1

which is valid for every s=1,2,.

Taking into account the expression for ρn+s+1, we obtain the following inequality for the error evaluation:

(1.32) |x¯un+s+1|1ββM/((m+1)!)mdωn+s+1,s=1,2,,

from which it follows that limnup=x¯.

Observe that both the error evaluation and the convergence speed of the method (1.28) depend on the root ω of the equation (1.18). The greatest ω is, the better the upper limit obtained for the error is.

Consider all (n+1)! permutations of the set {1,2,,n+1}. To each permutation i1,i2,,in+1 it corresponds an iterative method of the form:

(1.33) {xn+2=H(yi1;αi1,yi2;αi2,,yin+1;αin+1;f|0);xn+s+2=H(yi1+s;αi1;yi2+s;αi2,,yin+1+s;αin+1;f|0),s=1,2,

All together we have (n+1)! iterative methods.

Taking into account Lemma 1 and the results proved so far, we can state the following theorem:

Theorem 1.

Out of the (n+1)! iterative methods of the form (1.33), with the greatest convergence order (namely these which provide the best upper limit for the absolute value of the error) is that determined by the permutation i1, i2,,in+1, which orders increasingly the numbers αi1,αi2,,αin+1, namely αi1αi2αin+1.

2. Some particular cases

In what follows we shall discuss some particular cases.

Case n=0. From (1.12) one obtains the Taylor inverse interpolating polynomial:

(2.1) T(y)=x1+[f1(y1)]1!(yy1)++[f1(y1)](α11)(α11)!(yy1)α11

while, from (1.6), we obtain the following expressions for the successive derivatives [f1(y)](k), k=1,2,3,4:

(2.2) [f1(y)]=1f(x),
(2.3) [f1(y)]′′=f′′(x)[f(x)]3,
(2.4) [f1(y)]′′′=f′′′(x)f(x)3[f′′(x)]2[f(x)]5,
(2.5) [f1(y)](4)=[f(x)]2f(4)(x)+10f(x)f′′(x)f′′′(x)15[f′′(x)]3[f(x)]7.

From (2.2) and (2.1) for α1=2 we obtain:


which, for y=0, leads to the approximation x2 of x¯ given by expression

(2.6) x2=x1f(x1)f(x1),

i.e. to the Newton’s method.

From (2.2), (2.3)  and (2.1) for α1=3 we obtain Chebyshev’s method, i.e.:

(2.7) x2=x1f(x1)f(x1)12f′′(x1)f2(x1)[f(x1)]3.

Lastly, from (2.2), (2.3), (2.4) and (2.1) for α1=4 we obtain:

(2.8) x2=x1f(x1)f(x1)12f′′(x1)f2(x1)[f(x1)]3+f′′′(x)f(x1)3[f′′(x1)]26[f(x1)]5.

From the above methods one obtains by iterations the corresponding sequence of approximations, which has the order of convergence 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

As one may notice from (2.5) and (1.6), for α15 the expressions for the derivatives [f1(y)](k),k4, have a more complex form. That is why the methods following from (2.1) in these cases are also complex.

Case n=1. In this case, from (1.12) it follows:

(2.9) P(y)=i=12j=0αi1k=0αij1[f1(yi)](j)1k!j![(yyi)αiω(y)]y=yi(k)ω(y)(yyi)αijk


(2.10) ω(y)=(yy1)α1(yy2)α2.

From (2.9) one obtains two iterative methods; namely denoting as above by H(y1;α1,y2;α2;f1|y) the Hermite inverse interpolating polynomial (2.9), we find:

(2.11) {x3=H(y1;α1,y2;α2;f1|0),x1,x2I,y1=f(x1),y2=f(x2),xn+1=H(yn1;α1,yn;α2;f1|0),n=3,4,


(2.12) {x3=H(y1;α2:y2;α1;f1|0),x1,x2I,y1=f(x1),y2=f(x2),xn+1=H(yn1;α2,yn;α1;f1|0),n=3,4

The characteristic equations which provide the convergence orders for the two methods are

(2.13) t2α2tα1=0

for the method (2.11), and:

(2.14) t2α1tα2=0

for the method (2.12).If we denote by ω1 and ω2, respectively, the positive roots of equations (2.13) and (2.14), then it is clear that α2α1 implies ω2ω1; so, the method with optimal convergence order is the method (2.11).

Now, we shall briefly discuss some particular cases.

From (2.9), for α1=α2=1, we obtain

(2.15) P1(y)=(y1y2)1[(yy2)f1(y1)(yy1)f1(y2)]

wherefrom, taking into account the fact that f1(y1)=x1and f1(y2)=x2, we find for y=0

(2.16) x3=x1x2x1f(x2)f(x1)f(x1)=x1f(x1)[x1;x2;f],

where [x1,x2;f] stands for the first order divided difference of the function f on the nodes x1 and x2, and

(2.17) xn+1=xn1f(xn1)[xn1,xn;f],n=3,4,,

which is the chord method. In this case, since α1=α2, the above method has the same convergence order as the other one, which follows from (2.12), i.e.:

(2.18) xn+1=xnf(xn)[xn1;xn;f],n=2,3,.

The order of convergence of the method (2.17) is ω1=12(1+5).

Now we shall discuss the case α1=1, α2=2. In this particular case, we obtain from (2.9) the following iterative methods:

(2.19) xn+2= xnxn+1xnf(xn+1)f(xn)f(xn)
n =1,2,,x1,x2I


(2.20) xn+2= xn+1xnxn+1f(xn)f(xn+1)f(xn+1)

Solving the corresponding characteristic equations, we find the convergence orders ω1=1+2 for the method (2.19) and ω2=2 for the method (2.20).

As we showed above, the Hermite inverse interpolating polynomial leads to a large class of iterative methods. The convergence order of each method depends on the number of interpolating nodes, the order of multiplicity of these ones, and, essentially, on the interpolating node replaced at each iteration step by that calculated at the precedent one.

As Steffensen notices, in the case of the method (2.17), the convergence order of this method can be increased if at each iteration step the element xn depends in a certain manner on xn1. More exactly, if we consider a function φ:I, having the property φ(x¯)=x¯, where x¯ is the root of the equation (1.8), and if we put xn=φ(xn1) into (2.17), then we obtain the sequence (xn)n1 generated by Steffensen’s method:


which has, as it is well known, the convergence order 2.

3. Steffensen-type optimal methods

Now let φi:I, i=1,2,,n+1, be n+1 functions satisfying the following conditions:

  • a)

    φi(x¯)=x¯,i=1,2,,n+1, where f(x¯)=0;

  • b)

    there exist real numbers ρi0 and pi>1,i=1,2,,n+1 such that the functions φi and f satisfy the relations:

    (3.1) |f(φi(x))|ρi|f(x)|pi,i=1,2,,n+1.

Denote by u0I an initial approximation of the root x¯ of the equation (1.8).

We construct n+1 interpolating nodes xi1,i=1,2,,n+1, as follows:

(3.2) x11=φ1(u0);xi+11=φi+1(xi1),i=1,2,,n.

Denote yi1=f(xi1),i=1,2,,n+1, and consider the natural numbers α1,α2,,αn+1 satisfying:

(3.3) α1+α2++αn+1=m+1.

Using the interpolating nodes yi1,i=1,2,,n+1, and the Hermite interpolating polynomial on these nodes, with the orders of multiplicity α1,α2,,αn+1, respectively, we obtain, for x¯ the following approximations:

(3.4) u1=H(y11;α1,y21;α2,,yn+11;αn+1;f|0),

with the error evaluation given by the inequality:

(3.5) |x¯=u1|M(m+1)!|ω(0)|,


(3.6) |ω(0)|=|f(x11)|α1|f(x21)|α2|f(xn+11)|αn+1.

Now, using the property b) of the function φi, we derive

|f(x11)| =|f(φ1(u0))|ρ1|f(u0)|p1,
|f(x21)| =|f(φ2(x11))|ρ2|f(x11)|p2ρ2ρ1p2|f(u0)|p1p2,

and generally,

(3.7) |f(xi+11)| ρi+1ρipi+1ρipipi+1ρ1p2p3pi+1|f(u0)|p1p2pi+1,i=0,1,,n.

If we denote

(3.8) α=i=1n+1αij=1ipj


(3.9) ρ=i=1n+1ρiαi+j=i+1n+1αik=i+1jpk,

having in view (3.6) and (3.7), we obtain:

(3.10) |ω(0)|ρ|f(x0)|α

wherefrom, taking into account (3.5), we derive

(3.11) (x¯u1)Mρ(m+1)!|f(u0)|α.

If we consider now some element uk1 that we have constructed by iterations, then the interpolating nodes xi,i=1,2,,n+1 corresponding to the next step are obtained, as in the case of the first step, by using the relations:

(3.12) x1k=φ1(uk1),xi+1k=φi+1(xik),i=1,2,,n;k2.

Constructing the element uk, as for the first step, we obtain:

(3.13) uk=H(y1k;α1;α2,,yn+1k;αn+1;f|0),k2,

where yik=f(xik),i=1,2,,n+1, which infers the following inequality

(3.14) |x¯uk|ρM(m+1)!|f(uk1)|α,k=2,3,.

Denoting β=supxI|f(x)|, the  inequalities (3.14) take the form


wherefrom we derive

(3.15) |x¯uk|C1/(1α)(C1/(1α)|x¯u0|)αk,

where C=Mρβα/((m+1)!).

If we assume that

(3.16) C1/(1α)|x¯u0|<1,

then, from (3.15), it follows

(3.17) limkuk=x¯.

Let (k1,k2,,kn+1) and (j1,j2,,jn+1) be two arbitrary permutations of numbers 1,2,,n+1. Also denote


the Hermite inverse interpolating polynomial having the interpolating nodes yki with the orders of multiplicity αji,i=1,2,,n+1.

With the above denotations, let us consider the following class of iterative methods

(3.18) us=H(yk1s,αj1,yk2s;αj2,,ykn+1s;αjn+1;f|0),s=1,2,




(3.19) xk1s =φk1(us1),
xkis =φk,(xki1s),i=2,3,,n+1;s=1,2,,

u0 being the given initial approximation.

To each couple of permutations (k1,k2,,kn+1) and (j1,j2,,jn+1)  of the numbers 1,2,,n+1 there corresponds an iterative method of the form (3.18).

All together we have again (n+1)! iterative methods of this form.

We shall attempt to determine, out of the (n+1)! iterative methods, that one for which the number α given by (3.8) is maximum.

With this goal in view, we shall first prove the following lemma:

Lemma 2.

Let p1,p2,,pn+1 with α1,α2,,αn+1, with pi1,α11,i=1,2,,n+1, be real numbers satisfying

(3.20) p1p2pn+1;α1α2αn+1.

Out of all numbers of the form

(3.21) α=αj1pk1+αj2pk1pk2++αjn+1pk1pk2pkn+1,

where (j1,j2,,jn+1) and (k1,k2,,kn+1)are arbitrary permutations of the set (1,2,,n+1), the greatest one is the number

(3.22) αmax=α1p1+α2p1p2++αn+1p1p2pn+1.

From the first set of inequalities (3.20) it follows that the inequality:

(3.23) αj1pk1+αj2pk1pk2++αjn+1pk1pk2pkn+1

holds for any two permutations (j1,j2,,jn+1) and (k1,k2,,kn+1) of the numbers (1,2,,n+1).

Let us denote

(3.24) bi=p1p2pi,i=1,2,,n+1,

and let us attempt to prove the inequality

(3.25) αj1b1+αj2b2++αjn+1bn+1α1b1+α2b2++αn+1bn+1

for every permutation (j1,j2,,jn+1). We shall do that by induction. For n=0  the inequality (3.25) is obvious, since n+1 =1 and hence αj1=α1. Suppose now that the inequality is true for n pairs of numbers (α1,b1),(α2,b2),,(αn,bn), namely

(3.26) αj1b1+αj2b2++αjnbnα1b1++αnbn,

where α1α2αn and b1b2bn. Using the inequalities b1b2bnbn+1 and α1α2αnαn+1, as well as the induction hypothesis (3.26), and assuming that j1=i, 1in, we have


The above lemma leads to the following theorem:

Theorem 2.

Out of al (n+1)!  iterative methods of the form (3.12)–(3.13), the one for which the maximum convergence order given by (3.8) is achieved, is the method determined by the order of the numbers pi,αi,i=1,2,,n+1, given by the inequalities (3.20).

The proof of this theorem follows immediately from Lemma 2 and (3.8)


Academia Română                (Received 22 05 1991)

Institutul de Calcul

Str. Republicii nr.37

P.O. Box 68

3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania


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