Role of partial functionals in the study of variational systems


Applying techniques originally developed for systems lacking a variational structure, we establish conditions for the existence of solutions in systems that possess this property but their energy functional is unbounded both lower and below. We show that, in general, our conditions differ from those in the classical mountain pass approach by Ambroseti-Rabinovitz when dealing with systems of this type. Our theory is put into practice in the context of a coupled system of Stokes equations with reaction terms, where we establish sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution. The systems under study are intermediary between gradient-type systems and Hamiltonian systems


Andrei Stan
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,  Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Variational method; Stokes system; Mountain pass geometry

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Andrei Stan, Role of partial functionals in the study of variational,


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[1] Ambrosetti, A., Rabinowitz, P.H., 1973. Dual variational methods in critical point theory and applications. J. Funct. Anal. 14, 349–381.
[2] Berman, A., Plemmons, R.J., 1979. Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences. Academic Press, Philadelphia.
[3] Brumar, D., 2023. A fixed point approach to the semi-linear Stokes problem. Studia Univ. Babe¸s-Bolyai Math. 68.
[4] De Figueiredo, D., 1989. Lectures on the Ekeland Variational Principle with Applications and Detours. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research .
[5] Galdi, G.P., 2011. An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations. Steady-State Problems. 2nd ed., Springer, New York.
[6] Girault, V., Raviart, P.A., 1986. Finite Element Methods for Navier–Stokes Equations. Springer, Berlin.
[7] Kohr, M., Precup, R., 2023. Analysis of Navier–Stokes Models for Flows in Bidisperse Porous Media. J. Math. Fluid Mech. 38.
[8] Precup, R., 2014. Nash-type equilibria and periodic solutions to nonvariational systems. Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 3, 197–207.
[9] Precup, R., Stan, A., 2023. Linking methods for componentwise variational systems. Results Math 78.
[10] Sohr, H., 2001. The Navier-Stokes Equations: An Elementary Functional Analytic Approach. Springer Basel, Basel.
[11] Stan, A., 2021. Nonlinear systems with a partial Nash type equilibrium. Studia Univ. Babe¸s-Bolyai Math. 66, 397–408.
[12] Stan, A., 2023. Nash equilibria for componentwise variational systems. J.  Nonlinear Funct. Anal. 66.
[13] Teman, R. (Ed.), 2001. Navier–Stokes Equations. Theory and Numerical Analysis. AMS Chelsea edn. American Mathematical Society, UK edition.

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Role of partial functionals in the study of variational systems

Role of partial functionals in the study of variational systems

Andrei Stan Andrei Stan
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeș-Bolyai University
Cluj-Napoca, 400084, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy
Cluj-Napoca , 400110, Romania.

Applying techniques originally developed for systems lacking a variational structure, we establish conditions for the existence of solutions in systems that possess this property but their energy functional is unbounded both lower and below. We show that, in general, our conditions differ from those in the classical mountain pass approach by Ambroseti-Rabinovitz when dealing with systems of this type. Our theory is put into practice in the context of a coupled system of Stokes equations with reaction terms, where we establish sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution. The systems under study are intermediary between gradient-type systems and Hamiltonian systems.

Key words and phrases:
Variational method, Stokes system, Mountain pass geometry
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification:
Primary: 58E05, 14E20; Secondary: 47J30, 49J27.
This work was supported by the project ”Nonlinear Studies of Stratified Oceanic and Atmospheric Flows ” funded by the European Union – NextgenerationEU and Romanian Government, under National Recovery and Resilience Plan for Romania, contract no. 760040/23.05.2023, cod PNRR-C9-I8-CF 185/22.11.2022, through the Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, within Component 9, Investment I8.

1. Introduction and Preliminaries

Many real-world processes can be represented by equations or systems of equations. However, solving these problems can be quite challenging. Over time, various techniques have been developed, with the critical point technique being one of the most significant. This technique is important because it simplifies the task of solving an equation to demonstrating that a specific function has a critical point.

In the recent papers [9, 8, 11, 12], systems of the form


were considered, where E1,E2 are certain C1 functionals. Such systems have the property that they lack a variational structure as a whole but possess it individually on each component.

In this paper we consider systems of the form

(1) {Eu(u,v)=0Ev(u,v)=0,

where E is a C1 functional. In the literature there are many tools to establish the existence of critical points for E. However, if E has no upper and lower bounds, or is not well behaved, such methods may fail. Our aim is to use the techniques developed in [9, 8] to prove the existence of critical points for E, using some partial functionals E1, E2, which may not necessarily be related to E.

The novelty of this paper consist in obtaining different conditions then the ones typically used in the classical mountain pass approach by Ambroseti-Rabinovitz for the existence of a solution for the system (1).

Our theorey is applied to an abstract system from H01(Ω) as well as a system of Stokes equations. The latter system comes in the study of fluid dynamics and it is obtained neglecting the nonlinear term from the Navier-Stokes equations, which is an Agmon-Douglis-Nirenberg elliptic and linear system. We send to [5, 13, 10] for further details.

In the following section, we will review some important results from functional analysis, matrices converging to zero, and the Stokes system. These concepts will be used in the upcoming material.

1.1. Ekeland variational principle

The proof of our main result (Theorem 2.4) is essentially based on the weak form of Ekeland’s variational principle (see, e.g., [4]).

Lemma 1.1 (Ekeland Principle - weak form).

Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and let Φ:X{+} be a lower semicontinuous and bounded below functional. Then, given any ε>0, there exists uεX such that




for all uX.

1.2. Abstract linear operator

Let Ωn, n3, be a bounded open set. Let A:H01(Ω)H1(Ω) be a continuous and strongly monotone operator, that is, there exists θ>0 such that

(2) Au,uθ|u|H012, for all uH01(Ω).

Here, , stand for the dual pairing between H1(Ω) and H01(Ω). We observe that for every hH1(Ω), Riesz representation theorem guarantees that there exists a unique element uhH01(Ω) such that


i.e., A is a bijective, where A1h=uh. If hL2(Ω), we have that

Auh,v=(h,v)L2, for all vH01(Ω),

and thus (uh,v)H01=(h,v)L2.

If we identify H1(Ω) with H01(Ω), the operator L induces in H01(Ω) the scalar product (,)A and the norm ||A, given by




for all u,vH01(Ω).

From the strong monotony of A given in (2), we immediately deduce the following Poincaré inequality

(3) |u|L2θ|u|A, for all uH01(Ω).

1.3. Matrices convergent to zero

A square matrix Mn×n(+) is considered to be ”convergent to zero” if its power Mk tends to the zero matrix as k. Other equivalent characterizations include the requirement that the spectral radius of the matrix is less than one, or if the inverse of IA (where I is the identity matrix) is both invertible and has nonnegative entries (see, e.g., [2]).

The following result, concerning matrices convergent to zero, holds true:

Lemma 1.2 ([11, Lemma 2.2]).

Let (xk,p)k1,(yk,p)k1 be two sequences of vectors in +n (column vectors) depending on a parameter p, such that


for all k and p, where A𝕄n×n(+) is a matrix convergent to zero. If the sequence (xk,p)k1 is bounded uniformly with respect to p and yk,p0n as k uniformly with respect to p, then xk,p0n as k uniformly with respect to p.

1.4. Stationary Stokes-type equation

Let ΩN (N3) be an open and bounded domain and let fH1(Ω)N. We recall some results related to the Stokes-type problem (see, e.g., [7, 3]),

(4) {Δv+μv+p=f in Ωdivv=0 in Ωv=0 on Ω.

A solution is sought in the Sobolev space


We endow V with the scalar product


and the corresponding norm |v|V=(v,v)V. One has the Poincare’s inequality (see, e.g., [7]),

|v|(L2)N1λ1+μ|v|V, for all vV,

where λ1 is the first eigenvalue of the Dirichlet problem Δv=λv in Ω and v=0 on Ω.

For (v,p)H01(Ω)N×L2(Ω), the variational formulation of the system (4) is:

(v,w)(H01)N+μ(v,w)(L2)N(p,divw)L2=f,w, for all wH01(Ω)N

If vV, the above relation becomes,

(5) (v,w)V=f,w, for all wV.

Here, , stands for the dual pairing between V and V.

Remark 1.3.

If we find a solution vV to (5), the pressure pL2(Ω) is guaranteed by De Rham’s Theorem (see, e.g., [13, 6]).

From Riesz’s representation theorem, there exists a unique weak solution vfV of the problem (5), that is, there is only one vfV such that

(vf,w)V=f,w, for all wV.

Moreover, one has the inequality,


i.e., |vf|V|f|V.

Thus, we may define the solution operator S:VV, S(f)=vf. Clearly, it is an isomorphism between V and V.

2. Main results

Let H be a Hilbert space together with the scalar product (,)H and the induced norm ||H. We consider the system of the type

(6) {u=Nu(u,v)v=Nv(u,v),

where N:H×H is a continuous operator.

Remark 2.1.

The structure of the system (6) that we have considered situates it as an intermediary between gradient-type systems and Hamiltonian systems. Clearly, it admits a variational structure given by the functional


However, in general, this functional is unbounded from both above and below.

To the system (6), we associate the partial functionals E1,E2:H×H given by




One easily sees that both E1 and E2 are Fréchet differentiable and moreover,

(7) E11(u,v):=(E1)u=uNu(u,v),

We say that an point (u,v)H×H is a partial critical point for the pair of functionals (E1,E2) if it satisfies

E11(u,v)=0 and E22(u,v)=0.

Obviously, any partial critical point for the pair of functionals (E1,E2) is a solution to the system (6).

The subsequent result establishes a relation between the critical points of the functional E and the partial critical points of the pair of functionals (E1,E2).

Lemma 2.2.

A pair (u,v)H×H is a critical point of E if and only if it is a partial critical point for the pair of functionals (E1,E2).

Proof 2.3.

The result is immediate if we observe that for any u,vH, the following relations hold:




2.1. Existence of a partial critical point

Now we are prepared to present our main result, which essentially involves establishing sufficient conditions to ensure the existence of at least one partial critical point for the pair of functionals (E1,E2).

Theorem 2.4.

Under the previous established setting, we additionally assume:

  • (h1)

    One has the growth conditions

    (8) α¯|v|H2CN(u,v)α¯|u|H2+C, for all u,vH,

    where 0α¯,α¯<12 such that α¯+α¯<12 and C>0.

  • (h2)

    There are nonegative real numbers mij(i,j{1,2}) such that the following monotony conditions hold true:


    for all u,v,u¯,v¯H.

  • (h3)

    The matrix M=(mij)1i,j2 is convergent to zero.

Then, there exists a partial critical point (u,v)H×H for the pair of functionals (E1,E2).

Proof 2.5.

For better comprehension, we structure our proof into several steps.

Step 1: Boundedness from below and upper of the functionals E1,E2.

Let u,vH. The growth conditions (8) yields

E1(u,v) =12|u|H2N(u,v)


E2(u,v) =12|v|H2N(u,v)

Step 2: Construction of an approximation sequence (uk,vk).

We employ a method similar to the one described in [8]. For an v0 arbitrarily chosen, using Ekeland’s variational principle within a recursive procedure, we generate a sequence (uk,vk)H×H such that

(9) E1(uk,vk1)infHE1(,vk1)+1k , E2(uk,vk)supHE2(uk,)1k,
(10) |E11(uk,vk1)|H1k, |E22(uk,vk)|H1k.

Step 3: Boundedness of the sequence uk.

From (8) and the second relation from (9), we infer

12|uk|H2 N(uk,vk1)+infHE1(,vk1)+1k


(11) |uk|H2α¯12α¯|vk1|H2+C1,

for some constant C1. Under similar computations, from the second relation of (9) we obtain


which yields

(12) |vk|H2α¯12α¯|uk|H2+C2,

for some constant C2. Now, we combine inequalities (11) and (12) to deduce




From (h1), we easily see that μ<1, which guarantees that uk is bounded.

Step 4: Convergence of the sequences uk and vk.

Let p>0. From the monotony conditions (h2), we have

|uk+puk|H2 =(uk+pNu(uk+p,vk+p1)uk+Nu(uk,vk1),uk+puk)H


(13) |uk+puk|H2k+m11|uk+puk|H+m11|vk+p1vk1|H.

For the sequence (vk), we similarly obtain

|vk+pvk|H2 =(vk+pvk,vkNv(uk,vk)+vk+p+Nv(uk+p,vk+p))H


(14) |vk+pvk|H2k+m11|vk+pvk|H+m11|uk+puk|H.

If we write the relations (13) and (14) in matrix form, we infer


Since uk is bounded and the matrix M converges to zero, we can conclude from Lemma 1.2 that both uk and vk converge. Let us denote their limits as u and v.

Step 5: Passing to limit.

Since uku and vkv, the conclusion follows immediately if we pass to limit in (10).

Remark 2.6.

The partial critical point obtained in Theorem 2.4 has the additional property of being a Nash equilibrium for the functionals E1 and E2 (see, e.g., [8, 12] for further details on Nash equilibrium). This relationship is a result of taking the limit in (9), which gives


2.2. Relation with the classical mountain pass approach

The well-known approach to obtain critical points for functionals that lack upper or lower bounds is to employ the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz results, which guarantee the existence of mountain pass points (as seen in [1, Theorem 2.1]). The typical conditions imposed on the functional E are:

  • (I1)

    There exists τ>0 such that

    E(u,v)α>E(0,0), for all |(u,v)|H×H=τ.
  • (I2)

    There exists eH×H with |e|>τ such that

  • (I3)

    The functional E has the Palais-Smale property, i.e., if ek is a sequence such that

    E(ek) is bounded



    then ek admits a convergent subsequence.

In the following, we will explore how these conditions align with our hypotheses (h1)-(h3).

Condition (I1):

Let (u,v)H×H such that |(u,v)|H×H=τ, i.e., |u|H+|v|H=τ. We compute,

E(u,v) =12|u|H212|v|H2N(u,v)

Thus, to ensure the validity of the relation E(u,v)α we need

(15) N(u,v)<τ2(|u|H|v|H)α, for all |(u,v)|H×H=τ.

On the other hand, E(0,0)<α implies that

N(0,0)<α, i.e., α<N(0,0).

Hence, relation (15) becomes

N(u,v)<τ2(|u|H|v|H)+N(0,0), for all |(u,v)|H×H=τ,

that is

(16) N(u,v)N(0,0)<τ2(|u|H|v|H), for all |(u,v)|H×H=τ.

In our main result such a condition is not required, which enables us to encompass a broader range of situations in which the system (6) is solvable. It is clear that there might be cases where our result is not applicable, but the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz theorem is, and vice versa.

Condition (I2).

This condition is satisfied; for instance, one can take (0,γe), where γ is a sufficiently large real number, and e is a fixed element from H distinct from the origin of the space. Indeed,

E(0,γe) =γ22|e|2N(0,γe)
(12α¯)γ2|e|2+C, as γ.

Condition (I3)

Let ek=((e1)k,(e2)k) be a sequence such that

E(ek) is uniformly bounded,

and E(ek)0, i.e.,

(17) (e1)kNu(ek)0,
(18) (e2)kNv(ek)0.

Let k0 large enough such that |(e1)kNu(ek)|1, for all kk0. Consequently, when taking a scalar product in (17) with (e1)k for kk0, we obtain

((e1)kNu(ek),(e1)k)H |(e1)k|H.

From the monotony conditions (h2) we deduce

((e1)kNu(ek),(e1)k)H =((e1)k,(e2)k)H(Nu(ek),(e1)k)H


(19) (1m11)|(e1)k|H2m11|(e1)k|H|(e2)k|H(|Nu(0,0)|H+1)|(e1)k|H.

Following a similar reasoning, from (18) we have

(20) (1m11)|(e2)k|H2m11|(e1)k|H|(e2)k|H(|Nv(0,0)|H+1)|(e2)k|H.

Therefore, the above two relations (19), (20) yields


where D is some constant and


Given the convergence of the matrix M to zero, we immediately conclude that


ensuring the boundedness of (e2)k. From this, is clear that (e1)k is also bounded.

The boundedness of the sequence ek guarantees the existence of a weakly convergent subsequence. However, establishing the strong convergence of this subsequence solely under hypotheses (h1)-(h3), remains an open question. Thus, we can formulate the following problem:

Open Question.

Given only the assumptions (h1)-(h3), does the functional E satisfy the Palais-Smale condition?

Nonetheless, under certain additional assumptions, this result is valid.

Theorem 2.7.

Assume that the operator K:=N=(Nu,Nv) is compact. Then the functional E satisfies the Palais-Smale condition.

Proof 2.8.

Note that E=IK. Given the compactness of K and the boundedness of ek, it follows that there exists a subsequence, also denoted as ek, such that K(ek) converges to a point e~ in H×H. Thus,


Now, the conclusion is immediate since |E(ek)|0 and |K(ek)e~|0.

3. Applications

In this section, we present two application for the results obtained in Theorem 2.4.

3.1. Abstract system on H01(Ω)

Let us consider the Dirichlet problem

(21) {Au=Fu(u,v)Av=Fy(u,v)u|Ω=v|Ω=0,

where Ωn(n3) is a bounded open set, F:2 is a C1 functional and the operator A is defined in Section 1.2. Here, Fu and Fv stand for the partial derivatives of F with respect to the first and second component, respectively. We use (,) and || to denote the scalar product and the corresponding norm in 2.

The Hilbert space H is considered to be the Sobolev space H01(Ω) equipped with the scalar product (,)A and the corresponding norm ||A. Clearly, the system (21) admits a variational given by the energy functional E:H01(Ω)×H01(Ω),


The partial functionals E1,E2:H01(Ω)×H01(Ω) associated to the system (21) are given by


If we denote


the identification of H1(Ω) with H01(Ω) via A1, yields to the representation

E(u,v) =(uA1f1(u,v),vA1f2(u,v))

where E11,E22 stand for the partial Fréchet derivatives of E1 and E2 with respect to the first and second component, respectively. Consequently, the operator N is given by


and its derivatives are the Nemytskii’s operators

Nu(u,v)=A1f1(u,v) and Nv(u,v)=A1f2(u,v).

On the potential F, we assume the following conditions:

  • (H1)

    There exist real numbers 0τ1,τ214θ and C>0, such that the following conditions hold

    τ1|x|2CF(x,y)τ2|y|2+C, for all x,y2.

Related to the gradient of F, let us assume:

  • (H2)

    There are nonegative real numbers m¯ij such that, for all x,y2, one has the monotony conditions:




Finally, the constants specified in (H2) are such that:

  • (H3)

    The matrix


    is convergent to zero.

In the subsequent, we prove that conditions (H1)-(H3) are sufficient to ensure the existence of a partial critical point for the pair of functionals (E1,E2).

Theorem 3.1.

Assume (H1)-(H3) hold true. Then, there exists a pair of points (u,v)H01(Ω)×H01(Ω) such that it is a critical point for the functional E.

Furthermore, it has the additional property that

Proof 3.2.

We verify that all conditions from Theorem 2.4 are satisfied.

Check of the condition (h1). Let u,vH01(Ω). Then, for some constant C1>0, using the Poincaré inequality (3), we deduce

N(u,v)=ΩF(u,v) τ2|u|L22+C1


N(u,v)=ΩF(u,v) τ1|v|L22C1

The conclusion is immediate since θτ1<14 and θτ2<14.

Check of the condition (h2). For any u,v,u¯,v¯H01(Ω), one has

(Nu(u,v)Nu(u¯,v¯),uu¯)A =(A1f1(u,v)f1(u¯,v¯),uu¯)A

From the Poincaré inequality (3), we further obtain


Similar estimates are obtained for Nv,

(Nv(u,v)Nv(u¯,v¯),uu¯)A =(f2(u,v)f2(u¯,v¯),uu¯)L2

Consequently, condition (h2) is satisfied with mij=θm¯ij, (i,j={1,2}).

Check of the condition (h3). This condition is immediate from (H3).

Therefore, with all the hypotheses of Theorem 2.4 satisfied, there exists a partial critical point (u,v) for the pair of functionals (E1,E2). Moreover, from Lemma 2.2, the pair (u,v) is a critical point for the functional E.

3.2. Stokes-type coupled system

We consider the Stokes-type coupled system

(22) {Δu1+μu1+p1=Fu1(u1,u2) in ΩΔu2+μu2+p2=Fu2(u1,u2) in Ωdivui=0 in Ωui=0(i=1,2) on Ω,

where μ>0 and F:2N is a C1 functional. Here, Fu1,Fu2 represent for the partial derivatives of F with respect to the first and second component, respectively.

Our problem (22) is equivalent with the fixed point equation

(23) {u1=S1Fu1u2=S1Fu2,

where (u1,u2)V×V.

Now, we can apply Theorem 2.4, where H=V and


The verification of conditions (h1)-(h3) follows a similar process to the previous application. This is done under the assumption that F satisfies (H1)-(H3), where by (,) and || we understand the usual scalar product and norm in N, while θ is replaced by 1λ1+μ.

Therefore, Theorem 2.4 ensures the existence of a pair (𝐮1,𝐮2)V×V, which, according to De Rham’s Lemma, further guarantees the pressures (p1,p2)L2(Ω)×L2(Ω) such that ((𝐮1,p2),(𝐮2,p2))(V×L2(Ω))2 solves the system (22).


  • [1] A. Ambrosetti and P.H. Rabinowitz, Dual variational methods in critical point theory and applications, J. Funct. Anal. 14 (1973), 349–381.
  • [2] A. Berman and R.J. Plemmons, Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences, Academic Press, Philadelphia (1979).
  • [3] D. Brumar, A fixed point approach to the semi-linear Stokes problem, Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai Math. 68 (2023), no. 3.
  • [4] D.G. De Figueiredo, Lectures on the Ekeland Variational Principle with Applications and Detours, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay (1989).
  • [5] G. P. Galdi, An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations. Steady-State Problems, 2nd edition, Springer, New York (2011).
  • [6] V. Girault and P.A. Raviart, Finite Element Methods for Navier–Stokes Equations, Springer, Berlin (1986).
  • [7] M. Kohr and R. Precup, Analysis of Navier–Stokes Models for Flows in Bidisperse Porous Media, J. Math. Fluid Mech. 38 (2023), no. 25.
  • [8] R. Precup, Nash-type equilibria and periodic solutions to nonvariational systems, Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 3 (2014), no. 4, 197–207.
  • [9] R. Precup and A. Stan, Linking Methods for Componentwise Variational Systems, Results Math. 78 (2023).
  • [10] H. Sohr, The Navier-Stokes Equations: An Elementary Functional Analytic Approach, Springer Basel, Basel (2001).
  • [11] A. Stan, Nonlinear systems with a partial Nash type equilibrium, Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai Math. 66 (2021), 397–408.
  • [12] A. Stan, Nash equilibria for componentwise variational systems, J. Nonlinear Funct. Anal. 66 (2023).
  • [13] R. Teman (Editor), Navier–Stokes Equations. Theory and Numerical Analysis, AMS Chelsea edn. American Mathematical Society, UK edition (2001).

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