Nash equilibria for componentwise variational systems


In this paper, we generalize an existing result regarding the existence of a Nash equilibrium for a system of fixed point equations. The problem is considered in a more general form and the initial conditions are also improved, without changing the final conclusion. This is achieved by combining the idea of a solution operator with monotone operator techniques and classical fixed point principles. An application to a coupled system with Dirichlet boundary conditions involving the p-Laplacian is provided.


Andrei Stan
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Dirichlet boundary condition; Monotone operator; Nash equilibrium.

Paper coordinates

A. Stan, Nash equilibria for componentwise variational systems, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis, 2023 (2023), art. no. 6,



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Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis

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Nash equilibria for componentwise variational systems

Nash equilibria for componentwise variational systems

Stan Andrei1,∗

1Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, P.O. Box 68-1, 400110 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract. In this paper we generalize an existing result regarding the existence of a Nash equilibrium for a system of fixed point equations. The studied problem is considered in a more general form and the initial conditions are also improved, without changing the final conclusion. This is achieved combining the idea of a solution operator with monotone operators techniques and classical fixed point principles. An application to a coupled system with Dirichlet boundary conditions involving the p-Laplacian is provided.

Keywords. Nash equilibrium, Monotone operator.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 47J25, 47J30, 47H10.

footnotetext: Corresponding author. E-mail addresses:

1. Introduction

Numerous equations can be reduced to a fixed point equation N(u)=u, where N is an operator. The equation is said to admit a variational structure if there exists a differentiable Fréchet functional E (called the ”energy functional”) such that any solution u is also a solution of the critical point equation E(u)=0, and vice versa.

In this paper we are concerned with an existence result for a system of type

{N1(u,v)=J1(u)N2(u,v)=J2(v), (1.1)

where each of the equations admits a variational structure, i.e., there are two functionals E1,E2 such that the system is equivalent with


where E11 is the partial Fréchet derivative of E1 with respect to the first variable and E22 is the partial Fréchet derivative of E2 with respect to the second variable. Here J1, J2 are two duality mappings and N1, N2 two continuous operators.

In what follows we are studding more than an existence result for (1.1), namely under what conditions we have a solution (u,v) which is also a Nash equilibrium for the corresponding energy functionals, i.e.,


We aim to generalize the result from [1], where a similar system has been considered on Hilbert spaces. This was achieved imposing a Perov contraction condition and making use of Ekeland variational principle. Our contribution in the present paper aims to improve both the functional framework (real, separable and uniformly convex Banach spaces) as well as the initial conditions (less restrictive ones), while retaining the same conclusion. The result is obtained combining the idea of a solution operator, inspired from [2], with monotone operators techniques (Minty-Browder Theorem) and a fixed point principle (Leray-Schauder Fixed Point Theorem).

2. Preliminaries

Let X be a real, separable and uniformly convex Banach space, X its dual and let , stand for the dual pairing between X and X. We denote with J the duality mapping corresponding to the gauge function φ(t):=tp1, where p>1, i.e.,

Jx:={xX:x,x=|x|p,|x|X=|x|p1}. (2.1)

Below (Lemma 2.1) some important properties of the duality mapping J are stated. For proofs and further details we send to Dinca and Jebelean [3].

Lemma 2.1.

The duality mapping (2.1) has the following proprieties:

  1. i)

    J is single valued and strictly monotone.

  2. ii)

    J satisfies the (S)+ condition, i.e., if xnx weakly and lim supnJxn,xnx0, then xnx strongly.

  3. iii)

    J is demicontinuous, i.e., if xnx strongly, then JxnJx weakly.

  4. iv)

    J is bijective from X to X.

A square matrix of non-negative numbers A=[ai,j]1i,jn𝕄n,n(+) is said to be convergent to zero if AkOn as k, where On is the zero matrix. In case n=2 we have the following equivalent characterization (see [4]).

Lemma 2.2.

Let A=[ai,j]1i,j2 be a square matrix of non-negatie real numbers. Then A is convergent to zero if and only if a11,a22<1 and


For the convenience of the reader, we present a list of theoretical results used throughout this paper. Because they are some classics in the theory of nonlinear analysis, we omit the proofs. However, further details can be found in the indicated sources.

Theorem 2.3 (Minty-Browder [5, Theorem 9.14]).

Let X be a real, reflexive and separable Banach space. Assume T:XX is a bounded, demicontinuous, coercive and monotone operator. Then for any given vX, there exist a unique uX such that T(u)=v.

Theorem 2.4 (Leray-Schauder [6, Theorem 2.11]).

Let X be a Banach space and T:XX a continuous compact mapping which satisfies the following condition: there exists R>0 such that the set λ[0,1]{xX:x=λTx} lies in a ball of radius R, centered in the origin. Then T admits at least one fixed point.

Theorem 2.5 ([6, Lemma 1.1]).

Let X be a topological space and xn a sequence from X with the following property: there exist xX such that from any subsequence of xn we can extract a further subsequence converging to x. Then the whole sequence xn is convergent to x.

We conclude this preliminary section with some well known results related to the p-Laplacian. For proofs and further details we refer to [3], [8] and [9]. Let Ω be a bounded domain from d having Lipschitz boundary.

Consider the well known Sobolev space W01,p(Ω):={uW1,p(Ω)|uΩ=0} endowed with the norm


Is known that (W01,p(Ω),||1,p) is a separable and uniformly convex real Banach space (see [3, Theorem 6]). The notation W1,p(Ω) stands for the dual of W1,p(Ω), where 1p+1p=1.

Proposition 2.6 ([3, Proposition 6]).

Let f:Ω× be a Carathéodory function which satisfies the following growth condition:


where bLp. Then the Nemytskii’s operator


is continuous and bounded from Lp(Ω) to Lp(Ω).

One has the following diagram (see [3, p. 355]),


and the Poincare’s inequalities: for any uW01,p(Ω)


and for any fLp(Ω),


where C is a constant depending only on Ω and n.

The following result establishes an equivalence between p-Laplacian and the duality mapping corresponding to the gauge function φ(t)=tp1 on (W01,p(Ω),||1,p).

Theorem 2.7 ([3, Theorem 7]).

The operator Δp:W01,p(Ω)W1,p(Ω) is the Fréchet derivative of functional ψ:W01,p(Ω) defined as ψ(u)=1p|u|1,pp. More exactly,


where Jφ represents the duality mapping corresponding to the gauge function φ(t)=tp1.

3. Main result

In what follows, (X1,||1) and (X2,||2) are two separable and uniformly convex real Banach spaces. Further, X1 and X2 stand for the dual spaces of X1, X2 and ,1, ,2 for the dual pairing between X1, X1 and X2, X2.

We denote with Ji (i{1,2}) the duality mapping corresponding to the gauge function φ(t):=tp1, for some p>1. Clearly J1 and J2 satisfy all proprieties of duality mapping stated in Lemma 2.1.

We assume the operators Ni:X1×X2Xi (i{1,2}) are continuous and satisfies the following monotony conditions: there are real numbers a11,a22[0,1) such that

N1(u,v)N1(u¯,v),uu¯1a11J1(u)J1(u¯),uu¯, for all u,u¯X1 and vX2, (3.1)
N2(u,v)N2(u,v¯),vv¯1a22J2(v)J2(v¯),uv¯, for all v,v¯X2 and uX1. (3.2)

Below, we present an auxiliary result (Theorem 3.1) which allows us to split the problem of finding a solution which is a Nash equilibrium solution for system (1.1), as two individual problems: prove that any solution is a Nash equilibrium and prove that there is at least a solution.

3.1. Nash equilibria property

Theorem 3.1.

Under the previous assumptions, if the system (1.1) admits a solution (u,v)X1×X2 then it is a Nash equilibrium for the energy functionals (E1,E2), i.e.,

E1(u,v)=infX1E1(,v) (3.3)

In order to prove (3.3), is sufficient to show that for all uX1 and vX2, one has

E1(u,v)E1(u+u,v) and E2(u,v)E2(u,v+v).

Let uX1. Since E1(,v) is Fréchet differentiable and N1(u,v)=J1(u), we obtain

E1(u+u,v)E1(u,v) =01E11(u+tu,v),u1𝑑t

Condition (3.1) yields

E1(u+u,v)E1(u,v) 01(1a11)tJ1(u+tu,v)J1(u,v),u+tuu1𝑑t,

and furthermore, from monotony of J1, we deduce

E1(u+u,v)E1(u,v)0, for all uX1.

Using a similar reasoning we find

E2(u,v+v)E2(u,v)0, for all vX2.

Now, we are ready to state our main existence result. Taking into account Theorem 3.1, if one can prove the existence of a solution for system (1.1), then it is a Nash equilibrium for the associated energy functionals E1,E2.

3.2. Exstence result

Theorem 3.2.

Under the previous mentioned setting, we additionally assume :

  1. (h1)

    The operator J21N2:X1×X2X2 is compact.

  2. (h2)

    There are a12,a21(0,1) and M1,M2+ such that

    |N1(0,v)|a12|v|1p1+M1, for all vX2, (3.4)
    |N2(u,0)|a21|u|1p1+M2, for all uX1, (3.5)

    and the matrix


    is convergent to zero.

Then there exists a solution (u,v)X1×X2 of the system (1.1).


Our approach is inspired from a paper of Avramescu [2], where a solution operator is constructed from the first equation. This is then used, together with the second equation, to build a further operator, which is later shown to admit a fixed point.

Let vX2 be arbitrarily chosen. First, note that from the monotony condition (3.4), the operator J1()N1(,v) is monotone and coercive. Indeed, for any u,u¯X1, we have



J1(u)N1(u,v),u1|u|1 =J1(u),u1N1(u,v)N1(0,v),u1|u|1N1(0,v),u1|u|1
=(1a11)|u|1p1|N1(0,v)| as |u|1.

Moreover, since N1(,v) is continuous and J1 is bounded and demicontinuous, clearly J1()N1(,v) is also bounded and demicontinuous. Now, in the virtue of Theorem 2.3 there exist a unique element S(v)X1 such that

J1(S(v))=N1(S(v),v). (3.6)

Thus, we have defined by (3.6) the solution operator S:X2X1.

In what follows, we prove that S is continuous. Let vn a sequence from X2 convergent to some vX2.

Boundedness of S(vn). From the monotony condition (3.1) and relation (3.6), we obtain

|S(vn)|p =J1S(vn),S(vn)1



which guarantees the boundedness of the sequence S(vn).

We intend to use Theorem 2.5. For this, let S(vn) be a subsequence of S(vn) (for simplicity, we keep the same indices). Since S(vn) is bounded, the is a further subsequence (also denoted with S(vn)) and an element wX1 such that S(vn) converges weakly to w (see [10, Theorem 3.18]).

Strong convergence of S(vn) to w. One has,

J1S(vn),S(vn)w1 =N1(S(vn),vn),S(vn)w1


J1S(vn),S(vn)w1 11a11(J1w,S(vn)w1+N1(w,vn),S(vn)w1) (3.7)

Since S(vn) is bounded, S(vn)w weakly and N1(w,vn)N1(w,v) strongly, clearly

J1wN1(w,v),S(vn)w10 and

Hence, passing to lim sup in (3.7) we deduce

lim supnJ1S(vn),S(vn)w10,

which guarantees the strong convergence of S(vn) to w, based on the (S)+ property of duality mapping J1.

Prove of equatity w=S(v). Note that since N1(,v) is continuous, one has

limnJ1S(vn)=N1(w,v). (3.8)


J1wJ1S(v),wS(v)1 =N1(w,v)N1(S(v),v),wS(v)1+J1wN1(w,v),wS(v)1

that is,

J1wJ1S(v),wS(v)111a11(J1wJ1S(vn),wS(v)1+J1S(vn)N1(w,v),wS(v)1). (3.9)

From the demicontinuity of J1, clearly one has


Thus, passing to limit in (3.9) we conclude that


Now, from the strict monotony of the dual mapping J1 we necessarily have w=S(v).

Finally, putting all together we obtain the continuity of operator S.

Note that S satisfies also the growth condition (3.10). Indeed, from (3.4), one has

|S(v)|1p =J1S(v),S(v)1


|S(v)|1(11a11|N1(0,v)|)1p1. (3.10)

Until now, we proved that the solution operator is continuous and satisfies the growth condition (3.10). Next, via Leray-Schauder theorem (Theorem 2.4), we show that the fixed point equation


admits a fixed point. First, note that the operator J21N2(S,I) is compact since J21N2 is compact and S,I are bounded and continuous operators.

Further, we show that there exists R>0 such that any fixed point of the operator λJ21N2(S(),) lies in the unit ball of radius R, for any λ(0,1]. Let λ1 and v a fixed point of the operator λJ21N2(S(),), i.e., v satisfies


Since J2(αv)=αp1J2(v), for any α+, one has

|v|2p =λpJ21λv,1λv2

Now, from (3.10) and the growth conditions (3.4-3.5), we obtain

(1a22)|v|2p1 |N2(S(v),0)|

which gives

|v|2p1(1a22a12a211a11)1M, (3.11)

where M:=a211a11M1+M2. Since matrix A is convergent to zero, Lemma 2.2 yields that the solution v lies in the ball B(0,R), where


Now, Leary-Schauder fixed point theorem applies and guarantees the existence of a point v such that


One can see that (S(v),v) is a solution of system (1.1), which ends our proof. ∎

4. Application

Consider the Dirichlet problem

{Δpu=f1(,u,v)Δpv=f2(,u,v) on Ωu|Ω=v|Ω=0, (4.1)

where p>1 and Ω is some bounded domain from n with Lipschitz boundary. We seek for a pair of points (u,v), with u,v from the Sobolev space W01,p(Ω) endowed with the usual norm |u|1,p:=|u|Lp, which satisfies (4.1). Note that, in the light of Theorem 2.7, the dual mappings J1,J2 are just the p-Laplacian operator Δp.

Functions f1,f2:Ω×n are of Carathéodory type and satisfies the growth conditions

|f1(x,r,s)|C1|r|p1+C2|s|p1+a(x), (4.2)
|f2(x,r,s)|C1|r|p1+C2|r|p1+b(x), (4.3)

for all real numbers r,s, where C1,C2 are constants and a,bLp(Ω).

Since f1 and f2 satisfy the growth conditions (4.2), (4.3), the Nemytskii operators

Nf1(u,v)(x):=f1(x,u(x),v(x)) and Nf2(u,v)(x):=f2(x,u(x),v(x))

are well defined from Lp(Ω) to Lp(Ω), continuous and bounded. Moreover, due to the compact embedding of W01,p(Ω) in Lp(Ω), the operator


is compact (see Dinica and Jebelean [11]).

Note that the equations from (4.1) admit a variational structure, given by the energy functionals E1,E2:W1,p(Ω)×W1,p(Ω),



Theorem 4.1.

Let the above conditions be fulfilled. Additionally assume:

  • (H1)

    There are non-negative real numbers a¯11,a¯22 such that

    (rr¯)(f1(,r,s)f1(,r¯,s))a¯11|rr¯|p, (4.4)
    (ss¯)(f2(,r,s)f2(,r,s¯))a¯22|ss¯|p, (4.5)

    for all real numbers r,r¯,s,s¯.

  • (H2)

    There are non-negative real numbers a¯12,a¯21,M1,M2 such that

    |f(,0,s)|a¯12|s|p1+M1, (4.6)
    |f(,r,0)|a¯21|r|p1+M2, (4.7)

    for all real numbers r,s.

  • (H3)

    The matrix


    is convergent to zero.

Then there exist (u,v)W1,p(Ω) a solution of the system (4.1), which is a Nash equilibrium for the energy functionals E1,E2.

For the proof we need the following lemma:

Lemma 4.2 ([9, Proposition 8]).

Under the growth conditions (4.6-4.7), the Nemytskii’s operators (N¯f1v)(x):=f1(x,0,v(x)) and (N¯f2u)(x):=f2(x,u(x),0) satisfies

|N¯f1v|Lpa12|v|Lpp1+M1 (4.8)
Proof of the Theorem.

We verify that all conditions of Theorem 3.2 are satisfied.

Check of conditions (3.1), (3.2). Let u,u¯,vW01,p(Ω). Then, from (4.4), we obtain

f1(,u,v)f1(,u¯,v),uu¯W1,p =Ω(uu¯)(f1(,u,v)f1(,u¯,v))

Similarly, (4.5) yields


Check of condition (h1). The condition is trivially satisfied since the operator (Δp)1Nf2(u,v) is compact.

Check of condition (h2). Let vW01,p(Ω). Then, Lemma 4.2 yields

|f1(,0,v)|W1,p |f1(,0,v)|L



Finally, note that all assumptions from Theorem 3.2 are fulfilled, where


Therefore, there exist (u,v)W01,p(Ω)×W01,p(Ω) a solution of the system (4.1). Moreover, from Theorem 3.1 it is a Nash equilibrium for the energy functionals (E1,E2). ∎


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