Mathematical models of the leukemic hematopoiesis


Starting from a classification of acute myeloid leukemias which takes into account the vital characteristics of the leukemic clones, we present several mathematical models for the understanding of the origin and the dynamic of these diseases and for providing a theoretical basis of more adapted therapeutic approaches.


Radu Precup
Department of Mathematics Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Andrei Cucuianu
Andrei Cucuianu, “Ion Chiricuta” Cancer Institute, Department of Hematology,  Cluj, Romania,


Hematopoiesis; Acute myeloid leukemia; Dynamic system; Numerical simulation

Paper coordinates

R. Precup, A. Cucuianu, Mathematical models of the leukemic hematopoiesis, Ann. Tiberiu Popoviciu Semin. Funct. Equ. Approx. Convexity 7 (2009), 169-181.


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Annals of the Tiberiu Popoviciu Seminar of Functional Equations, Approximation and Convexity

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