In this paper we propose a version of the monotone iterations method for decreasing maps in ordered Banach spaces. In some particular cses, this principle has been already applied in (3) and (4), to solve a nonlinear integral equation from biomathematics. Our thorem is new and complemnets the existing results for increasing maps (see (2, Chapter 6)).
Radu Precup
Department of Mathematics Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
ordered Banach space; increasing or decreasing map; compact map; fixed point.
Paper coordinates
R. Precup, Monotone iterations for decreasing maps in ordered Banach spaces, In: “Proceedings of the Scientific Communications Meeting of Aurel Vlaicu University, vol 14A (Arad-1996)”, Aurel Vlaicu Univ. of Arad, 1996, 105-108.
About this paper
“Proceedings of the Scientific Communications Meeting of Aurel Vlaicu University
Publisher Name
Aurel Vlaicu Univ. of Arad
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MR: 1 667 979.
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